40 Best Prayer Points Against The Altar Of Hardship – The subject of altars and their works in a man’s life and destiny will never be exhausted. It is one of the most important factors in shaping a man’s life and destiny. Today, I will look at the influence of hardship altars in a man’s life and how to pray, walk out, and against it.
An Altar is a particular area in a traditional African setting where sacrifices are made. It is frequently enclosed within a larger structure known as a shrine. The shrine is claimed to house a god who dwells with the shrine’s priest, whereas the altar is where sacrifices and oblations are made. It is the table where incantations are poured out in support or opposition to a person.

Aside from the physical altar, there is also a spiritual altar at these shrines where all libations and incantations done in the physical are stamped, authorized, and put into effect. The most essential of the two is the spiritual altar.
Altars are public speaking venues that may have a significant impact on a person’s life. Any bad person can create an altar of calamity against an individual. Hardship implies difficulty, struggle, and tough circumstances. It denotes when things stop operating and start to break down. When a hardship altar is constructed against someone, it produces immeasurable difficulty on that individual and even drains away whatever he has accumulated in the past.
Altars of adversity strip a man of all he has accumulated in the past, present, and future, and deny him his great destiny. Altars may imprison a man’s fate for years without his knowledge. When an altar of adversity speaks against a man, he will be subjected to disgrace and ridicule. His future is grim, with little hope for today, let alone tomorrow.
The devil’s end-time scheme has been passed down to his evil servants on Earth. They are using it to confine the beautiful destiny of God’s Children and make life intolerable for them. The Altar of Difficulty offers difficulties on all fronts, including your finances, marriage, and health. The devil is acting in this manner because he has come to steal, murder, and destroy.
The devil is the chief accuser of the brethren, and he will go to any length to complete his end-time objective. The devil wishes to erase the fate of humanity on the earth’s surface, and this altar of adversity is one means for him to do so.
God, our Father, made the planet and gave it to us for our enjoyment. God desires nothing less for us than to enjoy life and fulfill our destiny. God planned for us to live a life of splendor and ease. That’s what God has in store for us. You are not authorized to be buffeted by the devil and his emissaries as a child of God. On your forehead is the mark of Christ and of exemption.
Christ offered himself as a ransom for you and me, not simply for redemption. But only so that no altar, especially those of adversity, will ever speak in our life again. On His high altar, God made the ultimate sacrifice, employing Jesus Christ as the sacrificial lamb. There is no other altar that can speak like Christ’s. As a result, do not allow the adversary to hold you back because you are unaware of Christ’s messianic activity. We are God’s creations, formed in His image and likeness, and cannot be influenced by the devil or his agents.
Are you a victim of the altar of adversity? Are you imprisoned by the devil and his minions on the altar of adversity, and nothing is going ahead for you? Today I have fantastic news for you. God will deliver you from every altar of adversity to which you are currently chained. God will set you free and bless and restore you numerous times over. Whatever my God has not planted in your life through the altar of adversity will be uprooted right now. God is now empowered you to root it out and tear down, destroy, and destroy every altar of adversity that is shouting against you and your destiny. He is also empowering you to replant and rebuild your life.
You must be willing to accept responsibility and fulfill your own part in order to be delivered from the grip of the altar of adversity, and God will be devoted to freeing you. Please perform the following to remove the altar of adversity from your life.
40 Best Prayer Points Against The Altar Of Hardship :
1. Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you for your love and compassion in my life, as well as everything you have done for me.
2. Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for your unending grace and favor on my life over the years.
3. Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you for your protection and direction over my life and destiny, and for allowing my destiny to shine despite all the malicious marauders.
4. Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for keeping me safe from all malicious marauders hunting for someone to consume.
5. In the name of Jesus, I beseech you for forgiveness and grace, and I beg you to forgive me of all my sins.
6. Father, by the blood of Jesus, cleanse me of all my sins and wash me clean so that I may come before you, in Jesus’ name.
7. Father, I come to you today against every evil altar of adversity against my life and destiny, and I beg that you would take charge and hear me in Jesus’ name.
8. Father, in the name of Jesus, demolish every altar of hardship erected for me in the coven of witchcraft right now.
9. Father, in the name of Jesus, may every altar of hardship speaking in my life be burnt by fire.
10. Father, in Jesus’ name, may every altar of adversity at work in my life and destiny be nailed to the cross of Jesus.
11. Father, in the name of Jesus, I order that every demonic altar pronouncing adversity into my life and destiny be burned to ashes.
12. Father, in the name of Jesus, let the fire from heaven burn down every altar where my name is spoken for adversity.
13. Father, in the name of Jesus, let fire and brimstone be the portion of every agent of darkness who has erected an evil altar against me.
14. Father, in the name of Jesus, let a terrible tempest befall all those who breathe adversity into my magnificent destiny.
15. In the name of Jesus, Father, disperse the works of every wicked altar in my life and destiny.
16. In the name of Jesus, Father, through the power of the Holy Spirit, open my eyes to perceive the cause of every adversity in my life.
17. Father, in the name of Jesus, show me the source of ally battles.
18. Father, in the name of Jesus, disclose to me every secret altar battling for my glory and the path out.
19. Father, in the name of Jesus, expose and demolish every fight in my life that stems from the altar of adversity.
20. Father, by the blood of Jesus and in the name of Jesus, I come against every altar of adversity at work in my life and destiny.
21. Father, in the name of Jesus, may every hereditary altar of adversity in my family be burnt by fire.
22. Father, in the name of Jesus, eradicate every curse in my family that operates via the altar of adversity.
23. Father, in the name of Jesus, burn down every altar of adversity that was unwittingly erected in my family and is now speaking in my life.
24. Father, in Jesus’ name, may the blood of Jesus neutralize the power of any altar of affliction speaking in my life and family.
25. Father, in the name of Jesus, tear down every altar of hardship constructed by my forebears with the holy spirit fire.
26. Father, in the name of Jesus, demolish every ancestral altar of adversity in my genealogy right now.
27. Father, in the name of Jesus, let every ancestral altar that speaks suffering into my breakthrough release its grip on me.
28. In the name of Jesus, Father, I negate every channel of transaction that brought about the demonic altar of affliction in my family line.
29. In the name of Jesus, Father, I cancel every consequence of the wicked altar of adversity in my life and destiny.
30. Father, in the name of Jesus, I stand and invalidate every transaction for life with the altar of pain made by my forefathers.
31. In the name of Jesus, I disassociate myself from every stronghold of the altar of affliction, Father.
32. Father, in the name of Jesus, I detach myself from the clutches of every altar of adversity that is doing evil in my life.
33. Father, in the name of Jesus, I break every chain of the altar of affliction around my neck right now.
34. Father, in the name of Jesus, I cast off the chains of suffering brought caused by wicked altars in my life.
35. Father, through the blood of Jesus, I free my career, business, and life from every altar of adversity where they have been held.
36. In the name of Jesus, Father, I stand on your word today and free my entire family from the clutches of the altar of adversity.
37. Father, I stand in the gap for all those who are being kept hostage by the altar of adversity, and I decree their release right now, in Jesus’ name.
38. Father, in Jesus’ name, may every soul trapped in the web of the altar of suffering be liberated by the blood of Jesus.
39. In the name of Jesus, Father, I pronounce and declare that by your redeeming power over my life, I am completely free from the clutches of the altar of affliction today and forever.
40. Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you for answering my prayers.
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