45 Powerful Prayer Points Against Village Spirit – Today, we’ll look at prayer points for warding off village spirits. Village spirits are territorial spirits and forces that oppose man’s progress. They are forces that speak against a man’s wonderful destiny. Village spirits are the strongmen who stand at the village’s entrance to watch and take God’s benefits. They track you everywhere you go to ensure you don’t make any life-changing decisions.

Village spirits are more akin to household members. That is why, according to Matthew 10:36, “a man’s opponents shall be of his own home.” Village spirits are more like domestic adversaries since they know you from birth and work with evil spirits from outside to harm you. When Jesus sent two of His disciples into the hamlet of Bethphage to untie a donkey at a T-Junction, He demonstrated what village spirits are capable of (Matthew 21:2). According to Bible scholars, the two donkeys were an ass and a colt, representing a mother and her kid tied down at the village’s gate. This describes how an entire village, family, and people are spiritually linked in the village while struggling to enter their breakthrough in the city. These donkeys were once again chained near a T-Junction, which signifies an evil altar. They were supposed to be famous and to be honored in the city, but they were held back in the village by local spirits. Village ghosts exist, and they wreak havoc on men’s lives and fates.
All of this is part of the devil’s end-time plan to keep the children of God from fulfilling their destiny. The devil is hell-bent on ruining the lives and destiny of God’s children, and he is doing it to unwary Christians.
We have a Father who is concerned with our prosperity in this world and the next. He desires for all of His children to be a blazing light that cannot be hidden by darkness. He wishes to free all of His offspring from the bonds of local spirits. Jesus delegated power to His followers to go into Bethphage and free the ass and the colt. The same God that sent Jesus has sent us to break the bands of the wicked and the evil demons who afflict our lives (John 20:21). Jesus gave us the ability and authority to stomp on every force of evil working against our destiny, and He also promises that nothing bad will happen to us (Luke 10:19). We are enabled by God to break the bonds of darkness that bind us, and we have been authorized to free ourselves from the grip of evil spirits, but we cannot be freed until we utilize that authority and power. The devil will respond with a ferocious challenge. Remember that the men who kept watch on the donkey challenged the disciples sent to free it. When you begin to exert your control over the village spirits, they will rise to fight you; you must stand firm in the word of faith and use the sword of the spirit as an offensive weapon against them.
Below are prayer points prepared to engage and challenge the gates of hell against every force of hell binding you down at your village’s T-junction. In Jesus’ name, Amen, I pray that every power of village spirits challenging your freedom in life be forever silenced, and that God visit your village and undo whatever has been done against you.
45 Powerful Prayer Points Against Village Spirit :
1. Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for the gift of life and for the preservation of life.
2. Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for protecting me from the works of darkness and keeping me secure from all their wicked activities.
3. Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for meeting all of my needs according to your riches in glory.
4. In the name of Jesus, I ask for forgiveness and grace to rise above sin in my life.
5. Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you for coming to my help against every local demon fighting for my life and destiny.
6. Father, in the name of Jesus, I release myself from all entanglements with village spirits by the blood of Jesus.
7. In the name of Jesus, Father, I block every gap that allowed village spirits entrance to my life and destiny.
8. Father, in the name of Jesus, eliminate any authority that sends village spirits after me.
9. Father, in the name of Jesus, I command every village spirit after my glory to return to sender by the power of your word.
10. Father, in the name of Jesus, may every village spirit be destroyed by fire following my success.
11. Father, in the name of Jesus, break every pact my father made with the village spirit.
12. Father, in the name of Jesus, spread every covenant of my mother’s home with village spirit.
13. In the name of Jesus, Father, send your anger against every village demon working against my growth.
14. Father, in the name of Jesus, let every village spirit that declares, “I will not marry,” be consumed by God’s fire.
15. Father, in the name of Jesus, let every village spirit that is watching over my life and destiny be cooked by the fire from above.
16. In the name of Jesus, Father, protect me from every onslaught of the village spirit.
17. Father, in the name of Jesus, eliminate every village spirit that is infecting me at the site of my glory.
18. Father, in the name of Jesus, let the fire from above consume every village spirit dominating any aspect of my life.
19. Father, in the name of Jesus, may every ancestral covenant with a village spirit speaking in my life be shattered by fire.
20. Father, in the name of Jesus, I release myself from the stranglehold of the village spirit via your tremendous might.
21. In the name of Jesus, Father, arise and crush every village spirit arguing against my glory and success.
22. Father, through the blood of Jesus, I am protected from every deceptive power of the village spirit, in Jesus’ name.
23. Father, in the name of Jesus, I demand every village spirit at the location of my advancement to flee.
24. Father, in the name of Jesus, let every family strongman who uses the gods of the village against my position in life and destiny be consumed by the holy spirit fire.
25. In the name of Jesus, Father, I disperse the collaborative work of village spirit and familiar spirits in my life and calling.
26. Father, in the name of Jesus, I destroy every united attempt of village spirit with witchcraft coven against my wealth.
27. Father, in the name of Jesus, I demand that every village spirit manipulator and kid be roasted to death.
28. Father, in the name of Jesus, let the fire of heaven disperse every power summoning me out at night.
29. Father, in the name of Jesus, let the might of God eliminate every ancestral force acting against me through village spirits.
30. Father, in the name of Jesus, let every shrine where village spirits are invited to attack me in my dream be burnt by fire.
31. Father, in the name of Jesus, I reject every power 9f village spirit at work in me.
32. Father, in the name of Jesus, I demand every village spirit impeding my advancement at work to be quiet.
33. Father, in the name of Jesus, I receive power to combat any acts of wickedness performed by local spirits in my life.
34. Father, in the name of Jesus, I demand every power of village spirit binding my business and career down to be burned by fire.
35. Father, in the name of Jesus, I order that every stronghold of darkness that is utilizing the spirits in my town to bind me be destroyed by fire.
36. Father, in the name of Jesus, let your booming voice silence every voice of village spirits whispering evil into my life and destiny.
37. Father, in the name of Jesus, stop the voices of the spirits in my village who are after my life and destiny with thunder.
38. Father, by the blood of Jesus, Iet village spirits beating the drum of humiliation for me be hushed by fire.
39. Father, in the name of Jesus, let every wicked force sending village spirits to drum the drum of disgrace dance to it.
40. Father, in the name of Jesus, may every village spirit that brings me insult be burned by fire.
41. Father, in the name of Jesus, eliminate all those spirits that are deceiving me against my spouse.
42. Father, in the name of Jesus, let every authority working against me in the village be burned by fire.
43. Father, in the name of Jesus, break every village spirit’s covenant that follows me everywhere.
44. Father, I pronounce and announce that I am above principalities and powers, including the village spirit, and that they cannot harm me, in Jesus’ name.
45. Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for responding to me and rescuing me from the power of local spirits.
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