40 Best Prayer Points After Buying A New Car – Have you recently purchased a new automobile and are looking for prayers to make for it? You’ve come to the correct place. Acquiring a new automobile is a significant milestone in one’s life that provides a tremendous sense of ease, excitement, independence, and optimism.
It is exciting to get a new car because it is one of the evidences of divine prosperity (3 John 2) in a man’s life, and perhaps scripture helps us to know that it is God’s will for us to prosper (Psalm 35:27), but beyond the excitement, it is important to thank God sincerely for His grace and provision that enabled you to buy this car, and to spiritually secure the car against all attacks and future negativities.

The devil and his minions will not be as happy as you are about getting a new automobile; instead, they will be plotting methods to either drive you further away from God or ruin your car.
Do we intend to make you nervous about your new car? Certainly not! However, 1 Peter 5:8 reads, “Be sober, be watchful; for your enemy the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.”
In Jesus’ tremendous name, we pray that the Lord would surround your new automobile with his fire, shelter you and your new car from all evils, keep your family safe from accidents, and assist you to remain in His will as you recite these prayers after purchasing a new car.
40 Best Prayer Points After Buying A New Car :
1. Thank you, Lord, for meeting all of my needs in this season.
2. Father, I thank you for providing all that belongs to life and godliness.
3. Thank you for responding to my heartfelt prayers.
4. Thank you for exceeding my expectations in providing for me.
5. Thank you for putting wonderful individuals in my path who can be of tremendous assistance to me.
6. Lord, I thank you for revealing the excellent things you have planned for me.
7. Father, I thank you for putting the adversary to shame in my life.
8. Father’s Day I thank you for ensuring that your will is upheld in my life and in the lives of my family; all honor goes to you, Lord.
9. Lord, I praise your holy name for recovering my losses; all honor is yours.
ten. father I thank you for letting the lines fall for me in lovely locations, and I thank you, Lord, for a goodly heritage.
11. Lord, I beseech you to offer me pity in every manner that I have sinned against you.
12. Lord, I beseech you to pardon me for the sins I have done via my acts, thoughts, and inactions; let your mercy speak for me in Jesus’ name.
13. In Jesus’ name, I pray that you pardon me for all the ways I have sinned against you through wrath, conceit, and arrogance.
14. Father, please show me mercy in those areas where I have not received guidance regarding specific aspects of my life, in Jesus’ name.
15. In Jesus’ name, King of Glory, please forgive me of all my present, past, and future sins.
16. In Jesus’ great name, Father, enable me to be aligned with your image on a regular basis.
17. In Jesus’ name, Father, assist me to connect with your plan and purpose for my life.
18. Lord, I beseech you to assist me in using this vehicle to bring you honor in Jesus’ name.
19. Father, may many people surrender their life to Christ completely in Jesus Christ through this automobile.
20. In Jesus’ powerful name, grant me the ability to serve others via this automobile.
21. Father, I make ineffective every malicious scheme against this automobile. I. The name of Jesus
22. I demand every force of Satan working against my automobile to be made ineffective immediately in Jesus’ name.
23. I protect my automobile. In Jesus Christ’s precious blood
24. In Jesus’ name, I command that no wicked hands touch my automobile.
25. In Jesus’ name, Satanic personalities will not prevail in regards to my automobile.
26. In Jesus’ name, I decree and declare that I will not have an automobile accident.
27. In Jesus’ name, I will not be influenced by this automobile.
28. In Jesus’ name, I demand that every prepared trap set against me be destroyed.
29. In Jesus’ name, all people who are expecting negative news about my automobile will be disappointed.
30. Those who are furious and resentful of the Lord’s goodness in my life will be shamed in Jesus’ name.
31. In Jesus’ name, I thwart every evil intention and plan against my automobile.
32. In Jesus’ name, everywhere I travel with that automobile, the honor of the Lord shall accompany me.
33. As I go with the automobile, I will be broadly welcomed in places where I have been rejected, in Jesus’ name.
34. In Jesus’ name, the vehicle must not take the place of God in my heart.
35. In Jesus’ name, I will know what to do with the automobile at the appropriate moment.
36. In Jesus’ great name, I receive heavenly insight to find the best auto technician for the automobile.
37. I will not select the incorrect tools and instruments for auto repair.
38. In Jesus’ name, I reject all types of error about my new automobile.
39. I declare that things will always be fine with me and my new automobile in Jesus’ name.
40. Thank you, Jesus, for hearing my prayers and answering them.
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