40 Prayer Points Against Hindrances To Breakthroughs

40 Prayer Points Against Hindrances To Breakthroughs – Today, we’ll look at barriers to breakthroughs and how to overcome them so that we can have limitless breakthroughs in life. Every believer or child of God is born with the ability to break through. From the day of salvation, we have been appointed to break out on all sides. This basically implies that no child of God is destined to fail in life and destiny.

According to the Bible, what we inherited from God is a magnificent destiny. That wonderful destiny is designed to be manifested in all aspects of life. “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a special people,” says the Bible in 1 Peter 2:9-10, “that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light.” That light represents God’s breakthrough. In Matthew 5:14-16, we are informed that we are the light and salt of the earth, and that we should let our light shine for all to see. As a result, every believer has a redemptive right to breakthrough.

Prayer Points Against Hindrances To Breakthroughs
Prayer Points Against Hindrances To Breakthroughs

The devil is well aware of this, and he will try all in his power to ruin or obstruct God’s plan and purpose in our lives. He accomplishes this by placing impediments on our road to success in life. Every believer who has made a significant breakthrough faces an equally significant challenge. The devil is skillful at erecting roadblocks in the path of those who are on the verge of breaking through. We watched how he nearly derailed Job’s, Daniel’s, Joseph’s, and even David’s breakthrough. That is his ministry, but we have a more certain word of prophecy: whatever God has spoken about us must come to reality, whether the devil likes it or not.

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All of the Bible’s great heroes experienced one or more obstacles on their route to the top, but the good news is that they all conquered those obstacles and had their breakthroughs. The same is your lot since the Bible says we should follow in the footsteps of those who got the promise through patience. Patience here does not imply sitting with folded hands and hoping that everything will be OK. But engage the word of God fiercely to disperse the hindrances and hurdles that stand in our path of breakthroughs.

Jacob fought with God to reach the world of miraculous breakthroughs, even moving one of his hip joints. According to the Bible, the kingdom of God has suffered terribly since the days of John the Baptist, and only the aggressive may take it by force. 11:12 Matthew As a result, Christians must wage a fierce struggle against the obstacles to their breakthroughs in order to achieve God’s promises for their life.

God promised Joshua that He would accompany him on his journey to achievement, that He would not fail or abandon him, and that no one, not even the devil, would be able to stand in his way. And, according to the same Bible, what I say to one, I say to all. It signifies that the same promise made to Joshua is likewise made to us.

Let us then take God’s message at face value and confront the impediments to our breakthroughs. Following these promises to Joshua, God offered him advice on how to overcome those obstacles and enter into God’s promise. God ordered him to study the Bible and dwell on it day and night, and he would be successful. (See Joshua 1:5-8.) So, if we wish to make progress in life, we must follow the instructions of the Bible. When we study and reflect on the word, light shines forth and removes every impediment to our success.

To tear down obstacles to our breakthroughs, we must engage the word of God through prayer and fasting, as well as unwavering confidence in God and His word. The prayer points listed below will help you engage in and obtain your life breakthroughs. As you do so, my God will remove the obstacles in your road, just as He did for Daniel, and your triumph will be beautiful.

40 Prayer Points Against Hindrances To Breakthroughs :

1. Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you for the gift of life and for your mercy over my life.

2. Father, in the powerful name of Jesus, thank you for maintaining my life and keeping me this year.

3. Father, in the name of Jesus, I cover myself and my future with the beautiful blood of Jesus.

4. Father, in the name of Jesus, I demand every spirit of opposition to my breakthroughs to perish.

5. Father, in the name of Jesus, let every power of demotion directed against my destiny by impeding demons perish.

6. Father, in the name of Jesus, let every spirit, force, and personality working against my advancement perish.

7. Father, in the name of Jesus, I demand every demonic standing order against my destiny to be shattered by fire by your word.

8. Father, in the name of Jesus, I demand every ancestral curse of hindrances acting against my breakthrough and destiny to die.

9. In the name of Jesus, Father, arise in your might and begin to shame all my Goliaths.

10. In the name of Jesus, Father, let my Pharaoh perish in his own Red Sea.

11. Father, in the name of Jesus, may every arrow of spiritual and bodily degradation shot at me by obstructing spirits be returned to them.

12. In the name of Jesus, Father, I return every arrow of marital degradation aimed towards my marital breakthrough.

13. Father, in the name of Jesus, cause me to begin to mock my adversaries by your grace and strength.

14. Father, in the name of Jesus, let every authority that prevents me from experiencing the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living be burned by fire.

15. In the name of Jesus, Father, be God in my life against every wicked manipulation and obstacle of the devil to my breakthroughs.

16. In the name of Jesus, Father, be the great fighter over my conflicts of stagnation and breakdown in my life.

17. In the name of Jesus, Father, arise and fight for me in my dreams.

18. In the name of Jesus, Father, arise and make me a star in the midst of those who believe I’m nothing.

19. In the name of Jesus, Father, arise and present yourself, declare yourself powerful on my behalf in the midst of those who ask me, “Where is my God?”

20. Father, help me to overcome every barrier and make my life a bethel, in Jesus’ name.

21. Father, in the name of Jesus, I declare that any pattern of poverty placed against my life and destiny will not flourish.

22. Father, in the name of Jesus, let rivers of breakthroughs flood into my life.

23. Father, Angels of Blessing, what are you waiting for? Find me immediately, in Jesus’ name.

24. Father, in the name of Jesus, I tear down every snake altar and impediment to breakthroughs in my life.

25. In the name of Jesus, Father, arise and demolish every spiritual marriage planned for my life by the devil and his minions.

26. In the name of Jesus, I come against every spirit of impediment to breakthroughs in my life.

27. Father, in the name of Jesus, devour every fundamental spirit of impediment at the sites of breakthroughs.

28. Father, in the name of Jesus, subject every ancestral force opposing my life breakthroughs to the fire of destruction.

29. Father, in the name of Jesus, devour every evil agent standing at the threshold of my glory with your strength.

30. In the name of Jesus, Father, arise and scatter the gathering of witches and wizards who conjure stagnation and death in my life.

31. Father, in the name of Jesus, may the blood of Jesus Christ pull me out of every hole of darkness that has obstructed my achievement in life.

32. Father, in the great name of Jesus, I come out of every hole of difficulty where there is no hope of escape by the strength of God.

33. Father, in the name of Jesus, let every authority that has refused to let me go fall down for my sake right now.

34. Father, in the magnificent name of Jesus, I demand my life to go from minimum to maximum by the power of breakthrough.

35. Father, in the powerful name of Jesus, dispel every cloud 9f uncertainty hiding my divine objective and agenda immediately by fire.

36. Father, in the powerful name of Jesus, pour forth your anointing for breakthroughs on me right now.

37. Father, in the powerful name of Jesus, I order the anointing for exploit and the anointing to excel to descend upon me right now.

38. In the name of Jesus, Father, protect me from every opponent that seeks to undermine my life and destiny breakthroughs.

39. Father, in the magnificent name of Jesus, let the angels shield me with their wings against every devilish attack.

40. Father, thank you because I know you heard me and I have gotten what I asked for, in the powerful name of Jesus.

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