Salutation to Mary by St. John Eudes

Salutation to Mary by St. John Eudes

Salutation to Mary by St. John Eudes

Hail Mary! Daughter of God the Father, Hail Mary! Mother of God the Son,

Hail Mary! Spouse of God the Holy Ghost, Hail Mary! Temple of the Most Blessed Trinity,

Hail Mary! Celestial Rose of the ineffable love of God. Hail Mary! Virgin pure and humble, of whom the King of Heaven willed to be

born and with thy milk to be nourished.

Hail Mary! Virgin of virgins,

Hail Mary! Queen of Martyrs, whose soul a sword transfixed,

Hail Mary! Lady most Blessed! unto whom all power in Heaven and earth is given,

Hail Mary! my Queen and my Mother! my Life, my Sweetness, and my Hope,

Hail Mary! Mother most Amiable, Hail Mary! Mother most Admirable, Hail Mary! Mother of Divine Love,

Hail Mary! Immaculate; Conceived without sin!

Hail Mary! Full of Grace! the Lord is with thee! Blessed art thou among women! And blessed is the Fruit of thy womb, Jesus!

Blessed by thy Spouse, St. Joseph, Blessed by thy Father, St. Joachim, Blessed by thy Mother, St. Anne, Blessed by thy Guardian, St. John, Blessed by thy Holy Angel, St. Gabriel,

Glory be to God the Father, who chose thee, Glory be to God the Son, who loved thee,

Glory be to God the Holy Ghost, who espoused thee, Glorious Virgin Mary, may all men love and praise thee, Holy Mary, Mother of God! pray for us and bless us, now and at death in the Name of Jesus, thy Divine Son!

A copy of this prayer was found in a book belonging to St. Margaret Mary after her death.

“This Salutation is so beautiful! Recite it daily. From her throne in Heaven the Blessed Virgin will bless you, and you must make the sign of the Cross. Yes! Yes! if only you could see – Our Lady blesses you. I know it.”

“Offered for the conversion of a sinner it would be impossible not to be granted.”

Pere Paul de Moll, O.S.B. (1824 – 1896)

Second Prayer Written during the Noviatiate

by St. Anthony Mary Claret

O Immaculate Virgin and Mother of God, Queen and Mistress of grace: Deign out of charity to cast your glance upon this lost world. Consider how all have abandoned the way that your most holy Son deigned to teach them. His holy laws have been forgotten and so much has been perverted that one might well say: non est qui faciat bonum, non est usque ad unum.

The virtue of faith has been extinguished in them, so that it can scarcely be found upon the earth. Ah, once this godly light goes out, all is dark and shadowy, and men cannot see where they are falling. And yet they rush with headlong strides along the path that leads them to eternal loss.

And would you, my Mother, have me, who am a brother of these luckless ones, look on indifferently at their utter ruin? Ah, no! Neither the love that I bear God, nor that I bear my neighbor, could stand it. For how can I say that I love God if, seeing my neighbor in this plight, I do not come to his rescue? How can I have charity if, knowing that thieves and murderers are set to rob and kill all those who pass along a road, I do not warn all those who are heading there? How can I have charity if, knowing that ravenous wolves are devouring my Master’s flock, I hold my peace? How can I have charity if I am silent at the theft of those most precious jewels that cost the lifeblood of a God, or at the sight of people setting fire to the house and heritage of my most loving Father?

Ah, my Mother, I cannot still my voice on such occasions.

No, I shall not be silent, even if I knew it meant that I should be cut to pieces. I shall shout, cry out, lift up my voice to heaven and earth to remedy so great an evil. I shall not be silent, and when my voice is hoarse or mute from all my crying I shall lift up my hands to heaven, make my hair stand on end, and stamp my feet upon the ground to make up for my lack of speech.

Therefore, my Mother, I shall start this moment to speak and cry out. I come to you, yes, to you, Mother of Mercy. Deign to offer me your aid in my great need. Never tell me that you cannot, for I know that in the order of God’s grace you are all-powerful. Grant all men, I beseech you, the grace of conversion, for without it we can do nothing; then

send me and you shall see how they will be converted. I know that you will give this grace to all who truly seek it. Yet even if they do not seek it is only because they fail to see how much they need it, and because, being so near death, they cannot tell what remedy is best for them. It is this, above all, that moves me to even deeper compassion.

Hence I, the first and foremost sinner, plead for all the rest, and offer myself as an instrument for their conversion.

Although I am bereft of every natural talent for this end, it matters not, mitte me: thus it will be all the better seen that gratia Dei sum id quod sum, by God’s grace I am what I am. Perhaps you will say that they, sick madmen that they are, will not listen to the one who wishes to heal them and would rather despise me and persecute me to the death. It matters not. Mitte me, send me, because cupio esse anathema pro fratribus meis, I would desire to be anathema for my brothers. Or perhaps you will say that I will not be able to support the many hazards of cold, heat, rain, nakedness, hunger, thirst, and all the rest. Doubtless, of my own I can bear nothing, but I trust in you and say: omnia possum in ea quae me confortat, I can do all things in her who strengthens me.

O Mary, my Mother and my hope, consolation of my soul and object of my love, consider all the graces for which I have asked you in the past, all of which you have granted me. Shall I find that this ever-flowing stream has only now gone dry? No, no, it has never yet been heard, nor shall it ever be, that anyone who turns devotedly to you has ever yet been turned away. My Lady, you can see that all these things I ask you are for the greater glory of God and you,

and for the good of souls. Hence I hope to obtain them and I know I shall obtain them. That you may grant this all the sooner, I do not offer you my merits, for I have none to offer. Rather I shall say that, since you are the Daughter of the Eternal Father, Mother of the Son of God, and Spouse of the Holy Spirit, it is most becoming that you be filled with zeal for the honor of the Blessed Trinity, whose loving image man’s soul is – an image, furthermore, that has been washed in the blood of God made man.

Since both Jesus and you have done so much to enrich this image, will you now abandon it? True, it has deserved to be abandoned, but I ask you out of love not to forsake it. I beg you by all that is most holy in heaven and on earth; I beg you by Him who, despite my unworthiness is a daily Guest beneath my roof, to whom I speak as to a friend, who obeys my voice and comes down from heaven at my word. This is that same God who preserved you from original sin, who became incarnate in your womb, who crowned you with glory in heaven and made you Advocate of sinners. And this same Being, although He is God, listens to me and obeys me every day. Listen to me then, at least this once, and deign to grant me the grace I ask of you. I am confident that you will do this, because you are my Mother, my relief, my consolation, my strength and my all, after Jesus. Long live Jesus and Mary! Amen.

Aspiration. “O Jesus and Mary, the love I bear you makes me long to be joined with you forever in heaven; but this same love is so intense that it causes me to ask for a long life, in which to win souls for heaven. O Love, O Love, O Love!”

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