40 Best Prayer Points To Cancel Evil Counsel – Today, we’ll look at prayer points for removing bad advice from our life. A counsel is advice provided as a consequence of consultation. When we don’t know what to do in a certain scenario and seek counsel from others, such as friends or confidants. When these folks give us advice that is neither excellent nor negative, it might cause more harm than good. It can also lead us astray.
The devil is having a busy day on the planet today, thanks to bad advice and advisers. It is one of his evil agendas, and he is extremely good at exploiting it, since most of God’s children have left the appropriate place to seek guidance and have gone the way of the world. Seeking guidance and assistance from men whom the devil has either empowered or influenced to deliver incorrect information. Evil advice flourishes everywhere now and will continue to flourish if we do not return to where we may obtain the appropriate counsel.
Many people have made serious mistakes in life as a result of evil counsel; most destinies have been derailed, and successful lives have hit rock bottom because men sought the counsel of men, and the devil polluted their minds, causing them to give the wrong counsel, and destinies have been destroyed. Most of the time, we seek counsel from friends and coworkers who are jealous of our success and view it as an opportunity to destroy us. May God keep us safe from the malicious advice of our enemies. We witnessed how a bad friend’s advice damaged Absalom’s wonderful destiny, and he paid for it with his princehood and life. We also witnessed how King Rehoboam rejected the counsels of his father’s Elders in favor of those who grew up with him, and how that one decision terminated his reign in Israel. The list is endless.

God, our Father, understood from the beginning that man’s heart is wicked and envious, which is why he sent us the Holy Spirit to be our counselor. According to Romans 15:4, “For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we might have hope through the consolation of scriptures.” Everything written in scriptures is designed to instruct us and show us the path forward. Nobody who sought God’s guidance in the Bible made a mistake. God was always instructing such a person and pointing him in the right direction. Abraham, Isaac, David, and Jacob all demonstrated this. When they opted to heed their own advice, they constantly encountered a snag, but when they leaned on God, it was a pleasant journey.
As Christians, the Holy Spirit is our finest advisor; there is nothing we require, no guidance that the Holy Spirit cannot supply. He is the one who reveals us what is to come and reminds us of what we need to accomplish. The Holy Spirit is the perfect personification of a wise counsellor, and every believer who receives the Holy Spirit and His advice is exalted. We must seek the Holy Spirit’s advice and guidance in order for our beautiful destiny to be accomplished.
I’ve listed some prayer points below to assist us remove the work of evil counsel in our lives and to invite the Holy Spirit to come and reside in us so that we might develop in His counsel.
40 Best Prayer Points To Cancel Evil CounselĀ :
1. Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for the gift of life and for supporting me all these years.
2. Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you for your love and care, and for seeing me through to this day.
3. Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you for your protection and direction over my life, as well as for safeguarding me from all wicked advisors.
4. Father, in the name of Jesus, I ask for forgiveness of all my sins, as well as pardon and grace.
5. Father, in the name of Jesus, I plead the blood of Jesus on every sin that prevents my prayers from reaching you and being answered.
6. Father, I extend my hand to you today for assistance in destroying every wicked counsel against my life and destiny, in the name of Jesus.
7. Father, in the name of Jesus, uncover and destroy every wicked counsellor who has a grip on my life.
8. In the name of Jesus, Father, I break free from every relationship where bad advice has taken me.
9. In the name of Jesus, Father, by your word, I reject to heed to any bad advice given to me by the enemy.
10. In the name of Jesus, Father, reveal any wicked advice given to me that is at work in my life.
11. In the name of Jesus, Father, conceal me from the hidden council of the wicked and the insurgency of the works of wickedness.
12. In the name of Jesus, I come against any adviser who would counsel me against God’s will for my life.
13. In the name of Jesus, Father, by your word, I scatter every wicked advice that will come my way to damage the knowledge of God in my life.
14. Father, in the name of Jesus, I cast away every spirit of evil counsel at work in my life and destiny.
15. Father, in the name of Jesus, I receive the spirit of counsel to walk in line with God’s word and His desire for my life.
16. Father, in the name of Jesus, let fire destroy every agent of bad counsel who seeks to derail my road to a magnificent destiny.
17. Father, in the name of Jesus, convert the counsel of every Ahithophel in my life to folly against the sender by your strong hand.
18. Father, in the name of Jesus, I cover every portion of my brains and memory with the precious blood of Jesus against any wicked advice.
19. In the name of Jesus, Father, sustain me with your powerful hand and save me from walking in the counsel of bad counsellors.
20. Father, in the name of Jesus, send your anger onto any man or woman standing in the area of darkness to give me wicked counsel.
21. Father, in the name of Jesus, draw me back from every backward route and life that I have found myself in as a result of walking in the counsel of evil persons via the power of the Holy Spirit.
22. Father, in the name of Jesus, save me from every darkness that I am experiencing right now as a consequence of evil advice via the power of the Holy Spirit.
23. Father, save me from every brainwashing of bad counsel and restore me to you in Jesus’ name.
24. Father, in the name of Jesus, let every wicked counsellor who offers ill advise to me in my dream and it manifests in real life be destroyed by fire.
25. In the name of Jesus, Father, arise and scatter every wicked counsel of the agent of darkness who is speaking in my life and destiny.
26. Father, by your word, do not allow the words of bad advisers come to pass in my life, but rather return them to the sender, in Jesus’ name.
27. Father, in the name of Jesus, deliver me and my noble destiny from the clutches of bad counsel.
28. Father, in the name of Jesus, let every family strongman who issues ill advice against me in his room be roasted by fire.
29. Father, in the name of Jesus, let every spirit of evil counsel that came upon Peter against Jesus leave from me forever.
30. Father, in the name of Jesus, I declare an end to every agent of darkness working overtime in my life and destiny through wicked advice.
31. Father, in the name of Jesus, I receive the spirit of discernment to distinguish good and bad counsels.
32. Father, by the power of your word in me, I begin to live in godly counsel from today on, in the name of Jesus.
33. In the name of Jesus, Father, as I walk in your word from today, I accept restitution for anything I may have lost as a consequence of wicked advice.
34. Father, frustrate the schemes of wicked advisers in my life and prevent them from carrying out their evil plan against me, in the name of Jesus.
35. Father, take all those who plot evil against me in their own cunning, and let all their wicked plots come crashing down on them, in the name of Jesus.
36. Father, in the name of Jesus, let all those who congregate to plot evil against me be drowned in the pool of their own evil counsel.
37. In the name of Jesus, Father, let disappointment be the share of every wicked advice from any man, and let them return home and hang themselves like Ahitophel.
38. Father, in the name of Jesus, I order that any man or woman who provides any harmful counsel to my destiny supporters against me be hung on the gallows.
39. Father, I pronounce and proclaim that my thinking is restored and transformed in Christ Jesus, and that I will not receive or process any bad advice, in Jesus’ name.
40. Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you for answering my prayers.
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