40 Prayer Points For Successful Wedding – Are you getting married soon? Wow! Congratulations on your achievement. It is truly a source of immense delight, and it is worthy of celebration! We have particularly prepared these 40 prayer points for a successful wedding for your benefit.
Marriage is lovely, and God desires that every couple loves, lives in love, and has connection with God.
Getting enough tools and talents to work is as crucial as spiritually establishing your marriage on the basis of prayers.

Marriage is a life-long adventure that is full of great moments, chances, new discoveries, and innumerable life lessons, but it is also full of obstacles, temptations, and occasionally pain. Let’s face it: making a marriage work involves a lot of prayers, from courting to the altar and beyond, which is why we’re sharing these 40 prayer ideas for a successful wedding.
Although the wedding preparation period is typically crowded with many events from both families, and it may feel as if the days are not long enough to prepare, it is critical that you find time to pray, not just for your marriage but also for your wedding day.
This is significant because, while you are making your own good plans to make that day colorful and successful, the devil is also doing his best to ensure that the day does not go as beautifully as imagined, which is why the bible warns us not to be ignorant of the devil’s vices (2 Corinthians 2:11), remembering that he is like a roaring lion moving from one place to another seeking whom to devour (1 Peter 5:8).
As a result of these 40 wedding prayer points, you will be putting him in his place: far away from you and your family, as the Bible says: resist the devil (James 4:7).
You will be praying for all of creation to work in your favor and for your wedding to be a success.
List Of 40 Prayer Points For Successful Wedding:
1. Daddy I thank you for bringing this wonderful event to my family and me.
2. Thank you for blessing my relationship and assisting us in taking it to the next level; all glory to you, Lord.
3. Father, I thank you for the wonderful things you have planned for my life and future house.
4. Lord, I thank you for your tremendous love in my life; all praise to you in Jesus’ name.
5. Oh Lord, I thank you for everything you have in store for me and my spouse; all praise is yours, Jesus.
6. Father, I thank you for your unwavering love and peace over my family; to you be all honor and glory in Jesus’ name.
7. Father, I beseech you to demonstrate your kindness to me and my family in all the ways we have sinned against you and fallen short of your grandeur; let your mercy speak for us in Jesus’ name.
8. Father, I beg that your mercy speak for my partner and me in all ways; we have not prioritized you highly enough in our minds; please show us your kindness in Jesus’ name.
9. Lord, I beseech you to assist us in carrying out your will now and forever in the powerful name of Jesus Christ.
10. In the majestic name of Jesus Christ, I beseech you in your kindness that our wedding arrangements proceed well.
11. Oh Lord, I beseech you in your kindness to bless all of our plans in the powerful name of Jesus Christ.
12. I immerse my wedding dates in Jesus Christ’s blood.
13. In Jesus’ name, the forces of hell shall not succeed in their wicked efforts against that day.
14. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I command that all of creation work together to make our day a success.
15. In the great name of Jesus Christ, I demolish every scheme of the adversary against our marriage.
16. The blood of Jesus Christ has rendered the enemy’s scheme against my marriage null and void.
17. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, there shall be no unexpected emergency while we prepare for my wedding.
18. By the blood of Jesus Christ, I come against every idea of the adversary against that day.
19. In the great name of Jesus Christ, I thwart every power of hell appointed to disperse my relationship before that day.
20. In the strong name of Jesus Christ, I throw down every satanic idea against my wedding.
21. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I pronounce that everything will proceed as planned.
22. In Jesus’ name, everyone will be joyous on the wedding day.
23. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, my partner and I will not work in wrong.
24. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, my spouse and I will not be victims of other people’s mistakes.
25. In the great name of Jesus Christ, no distant relative shall come to thwart our objectives.
In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, evil counselors from the pit of hell shall not disperse our arrangement.
27. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, no vendor shall fail us.
28. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I pronounce that all we have planned will go as planned.
29. In Jesus’ name, no hostile plot against my marriage shall stand.
30. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I declare that my marriage be founded in peace, love, and joy.
31. In the majestic name of Jesus Christ, I decree that my home be wonderfully blessed.
32. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I call forth my fruitfulness, and there shall be no delay in child bearing following marriage.
33. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, my husband and I will live in peace and awe of God.
34. In the magnificent name of Jesus Christ, our love for one another will grow stronger by the day.
35. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, no relative shall stand between us.
36. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I pronounce that my marriage will stand and that the gates of hell will not prevail against it.
37. In the great name of Jesus Christ, I pray that God bless my marriage.
38. As soon as we finish the ceremony, I command that doors be opened for me and my husband in the powerful name of Jesus Christ.
39. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, we will not be in debt all the days of our lives.
40. Thank you, Jesus, for hearing my prayers and answering them.
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