25 Healing Prayer Points For Those That Have Epilepsy – Do you have any family members that suffer from epilepsy? God’s power is accessible to perform the unthinkable in such a person’s life, regardless of how severe the seizures are or how long such a person has been suffering from epilepsy.
As you pray these 25 epilepsy healing prayers, the Lord will arise with healing in His wings and cure such loved ones in Jesus’ great name.

Epilepsy, like the example reported in the Bible (Mark 9:17-22), can be a demonic ailment directed towards an individual in order to mock that person’s fate.
Epilepsy is a terrible condition that clearly contradicts God’s design and promise for that loved one’s life. God promised good health in 3 John 2, and he also promised that no weapon devised against us should succeed. His Word, Isaiah 54:17, further ensures good mind in (2 Timothy 1:7)
So, epilepsy is completely against God’s will for your loved one’s life.
God intended for your loved one to succeed in good health and sound mind; He appointed your loved one to be king and priest unto Him; He appointed your loved one to have a sound mind; His plans for your loved one are always positive and never bad; but the adversary has done this to your loved one.
As a result, you must rise up, ready to punish this disobedience (2 Corinthians 10:6), using the weapon of prayer (2 Corinthians 10:4), and you will indeed win in Jesus’ great name.
As you invoke the name of Jesus Christ in these prayers, every seed of epilepsy in your loved one shall die immediately in Jesus’ tremendous name; in fact, any human agent who has caused this suffering against your loved one shall get the sentence of death in Jesus’ great name.
List Of 25 Healing Prayer Points For Those That Have Epilepsy.:
1. Merciful Father I am grateful for your mercies, grace, and love in my life.
2. Thank you, Father, for always being ready to hear your people’s cries and pleas.
3. Father, I bless your name since nothing surprises you, and you are well aware of all our conditions and situations.
4. Lord, I praise you for nothing is impossible with you.
5. The father I’m thankful because you are the same yesterday, today, and forever, and everything you did for the people in the Bible, you are capable of doing for me as well; all praise goes to you.
6. Lord, I thank you for your Word, which declares that your ears are not too short to hear our cry, nor is your hand too short to save us.
7. I now beg your pardon; I know that my forefathers and I have sinned and fallen short of your glory in every way and manner that we have done awful things in your sight, and that we have truly gone against your purpose for our life; please pardon us.
8. Father, we have no virtuous deeds to boast about since even the greatest of our righteous efforts are like rags in Your sight; please only show us your kindness.
9. Ancient of days, You know my history, You comprehend my present, and You have my future naked in front of You; please look into my past and eliminate every seed of epilepsy that has been sown in my body in the powerful name of Jesus Christ.
10. In the majestic name of Jesus Christ, Father, please rescue me from epilepsy in your kindness and compassion.
11. In the magnificent name of Jesus Christ, please help me and my family so that none of our generations will develop epilepsy.
12. In Jesus’ name, Lord, please release me from the enormous humiliation and dishonor that epilepsy has given me.
13. In Jesus’ powerful name, Father, please wash my bodily system from the inside out and refresh me in your kindness.
14. Oh Lord, please return my health to its former state in the powerful name of Jesus Christ.
15. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, Lord, please restore my self-esteem and allow me to believe in you even more.
16. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, Father, demolish every source of epilepsy in my life in Your wrath.
17. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, Father, in your wrath, kill every domestic enemy who has cast this spell on me.
18. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I tell this demon of epilepsy to return to its senders.
19. In the tremendous name of Jesus Christ, all those who have seen me during my seizures and mocked me will be profoundly embarrassed.
20. In the magnificent name of Jesus Christ, I begin to live a life of joy, liberty, and unparalleled grace.
21. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I walk away from every trap set against my destiny.
22. I will live, I will not die, and I will live to proclaim the Lord’s glory in the land of the living in the majestic name of Jesus Christ.
23. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I surround my life with the fire of the Holy Spirit, and I declare that the powers of hell shall no longer have entrance to my life.
24. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I walk in divine health today and for the rest of my life.
Thank you, Jesus, for hearing my prayers.
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