40 Powerful Prayer Points For Divine Connection – Have you prayed to God for divine connection in your company and career? Here are 40 prayer points for divine connection that you should not miss. This prayer is for you if you have been stuck in a rut in business, if you have been working hard to advance in your job but it hasn’t happened despite your efforts, hard work, honesty, and strategy.
To advance in life, whether in business or in your job, you must be linked to individuals who can show you how to get to the top, how to meet with the nobility of the earth and earn their favor.

You may be a heavily anointed man of God, but without God connecting you to people who matter in the kingdom, you may never be invited to preach in churches or events; you may be a skilled person, but if you are not divinely connected to the people who need your skills, you may become frustrated; you may also be a hardworking businessman, but without God divinely connecting you to the target market or audience for your goods, you may become in debt;
If Esther had not been divinely connected to the Eunuch in the palace who counseled rightly in the best way to appear before the king as a young virgin in Shushan raised by her uncle Mordechai and contesting in the pageantry for the next king of Shushan, her chances of being the next queen would have been jeopardized (Esther 2:15).
Also, even though Ruth accompanied Naomi to her home and chose to stay with her mother-in-law, if there was no supernatural connection with Boaz as a result of heeding Naomi’s wisdom, Ruth may have missed out on the opportunity to get remarried (Ruth 3).
So, divine connection is required not only for the immediate survival of your business, career, and ministry, but also for the long-term scope of your life. Imagine being divinely connected to a destiny helper who leads you to the secret of an ever increasing source of wealth, global recognition, and higher realm in Christ.
True, divine connection is required for everyone who want to achieve in business, profession, ministry, or any other aspect of life.
40 Powerful Prayer Points For Divine Connection :
May the Lord open doors of divine connection to you as you pray these 40 prayers for divine connection, may the people who matter to your destiny divinely locate you, and may you be joyous throughout your days in Jesus name.
1. Oh Lord, I thank you for your mercy in my life and in the lives of my family; blessed be your name in Jesus’ name.
2. In Jesus’ name, Father, please forgive me of all my sins and transgressions and let your mercy speak for me.
3. In the name of Jesus, I demand the annihilation of all human agents of Satan who have been dispatched to block my assistance and profitability this week.
4. I’m weary of being a community champion; Father, please make me worldwide this week.
5. I declare in Jesus’ name that I will get a huge breakthrough from the Lord God Almighty today.
6. In Jesus’ name, I pray to the Father, who gave Joseph with contacts that led him to the palace and Daniel with contacts that led him to a prominent position in Babylon, that I, too, may have the contacts required for my elevation this year.
7. In the name of Jesus Christ, I demand every authority that is encamping against my relationships and my breakthrough to become weak and scattered.
8. Please introduce me to the person or object who will be accountable for my breakthrough this year in the name of Jesus, everlasting father.
9. In the name of Jesus Christ, I demand that any power that is hiding my key to divine connection be brought low and remain there forever.
10. I look for whoever is accountable for the theft of all my lifetime benefits. In the name of Jesus, I demand them to return them.
11. In Jesus’ name, I beg that the Lord’s glory shine upon my life and attract support to me from all directions in the cosmos.
12. O God, please arise and scatter any foreign hand that is blocking my divine connection with the goal of assaulting me and stealing my possessions in the name of Jesus.
13. Raise your heads now, all you old gates and eternal doors that have been barred against my connection in life, so that I may enter into my divinely granted connections and possess my belongings in the wonderful name of Jesus.
14. As I turn the key in the lock of my front door, I declare in the Name of Jesus that there will be a miracle shift in my life that will serve as a testimony to others.
15. In Jesus’ name, I hope that the divine plan would allow me to make the connection that will raise my status and change me into a great person.
16. I will prosper and thrive in life because Jesus did not make mistakes.
17. At the name of Jesus, please, LORD, make it so that I be in the right place at the right time.
18. In Jesus’ name, I pray to the Father for heavenly aid and connections that will favourably alter the trajectory of my life.
19. Father, please put me in touch with significant individuals of society so that I can expand my network.
20. In Jesus’ name, order that every evil stronghold and power that is shielding your connections be severely overthrown.
21. At Jesus’ name, just as an unidentified and unknown campaign manager worked on David’s behalf to secure an appointment in Saul’s palace without David having to apply, so may it be with me.
22. In the name of Jesus Christ, I refuse to assist the adversary by using either my lips or my hands to permanently close the doors to my laughter.
23. Oh, doors of favor, money, increase, elevation, success, and renown begin to open for me in the Name of Jesus Christ.
24. In Jesus’ name, I ask that any doors of breakthrough that I have been pounding on for years may be opened by fire tonight.
25. Father, I pray that none of those you have sent to help me will be at peace until they have come to my rescue in the name of Jesus.
26. In Jesus’ name, I pray that you, LORD, would open the book of divine remembering and kindness for me as I face life’s challenges.
27. This week, I will be showered with so much favor that I will be given jobs, monetary prizes, and contractual commitments that I did not earn or seek.
28. Through the fires of the Holy Spirit, I obtain the key to open all the locked doors related to my career and marital ties in the Name of Jesus.
29. In the name of Jesus Christ, all-powerful God, please join my family and myself spiritually.
30. This week, I beg that you grant me the ability to make greater advancement and earn more money in soul winning.
31. From now on! Helpers of Destiny will flood my life, careers, ministry, and family, and I will be filled with happiness for the rest of my life.
32. In Jesus’ name, I decree that every padlock on any of my doors of potential be destroyed by fire.
33. Within the next week! Help will find me no matter where I go. I will not be harassed or denied in any manner; instead, I will sing brand-new songs at every area.
34. Lord, wherever you may have placed my helpers! Agitate them till they find me and can help me this week.
35. O LORD, please reveal to me what is blocking me from entering the doors you have opened for me in the name of Jesus.
36. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, help me, Lord, to overcome every weakness that is preventing me from entering my season of divine connection.
37. In Jesus’ name, I disrupt every plot of the adversary to keep my destiny helpers from finding me.
38. In Jesus’ name, I declare that I will no longer be stuck in my life and destiny.
39. In Jesus’ name, no ill shall befall me or my family during my season of divine connection.
40. Thank you, Jesus, for hearing my prayers and answering them.
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