40 Prayer Points Against The Spirit Of Madness – The powers of darkness work evil in the lives of individuals in a variety of ways, one of which is through summoning the spirit of madness onto an individual. Do you know somebody who is now infected with the spirit of madness? Take these 40 Holy Anger petitions against the spirit of crazy.

God promises in His Word that He will contend with those who contend against us, that He will cause those who oppress us to be fed with their own flesh and drunken with their own blood as sweet wine, which is why I know that as you pray these 40 prayers against the spirit of madness, God will arise in vengeance to punish everyone who has inflicted madness on your loved one in Jesus mighty name.
The spirit of lunacy may be instilled in another person by wicked persons, regardless of the victim’s innocence or even excellent character; this is why the bible states the heart of man is hopelessly evil. 17:9 (Jeremiah)
Meanwhile, many of the powers of evil’ operations are aimed towards men with enormous destiny.
For example, Job was a man recognized not just for his dedication to God, but also for his immense riches; hence, the devil begged to tempt him (Job 1:6). In the instance of our Lord Jesus Christ, the devil worked through the Pharisees to plot His death (Matthew 21) because of His tremendous destiny, unaware that they were really acting out God’s script for Christ’s life (Jeremiah 29:11).
As previously said, Job’s and Jesus’ afflictions worked for their good (Romans 8:28), Job’s riches and family were entirely restored in many folds, and our Lord Jesus Christ was highly elevated and given a name beyond all other names (Philippians 2:9-10)
This is why I am confident that, in the magnificent name of Jesus Christ, that relative who has been plagued with the spirit of lunacy will be restored to their wonderful destiny.
In Jesus’ powerful name, may the Lord make a swift work in righteousness in that person’s life as you pray these 40 petitions against the spirit of lunacy.
40 Prayer Points Against The Spirit Of Madness :
1. Oh Lord, I thank you for your constant love in my life and in the life of my mentally ill loved one.
2. Father, I thank you for nothing being impossible for you.
3. Lord, I glorify you since all things are under your control and no force can overpower you; all honor be to you in Jesus’ name.
4. Lord, I thank you for everything that you are now doing and all that we trust you to do in the lives of my loved ones.
5. Lord, I thank you for your ever-present power to shatter shackles and restore health; all respect to you, Lord.
6. Father, I thank you for seeing everything and knowing everything; may you be exalted in Jesus’ name.
7. Lord, I thank you for your desire to see my love one returned to his right mind and leading a life that gives you honor, Father.
8. Father, I beseech you for compassion in all the ways we have sinned and fallen short of your glory in our ways and thinking; please speak for me and my ailing loved one in the great name of Jesus Christ.
9. Lord, my loved one has brought this on himself in every manner. Father, let your mercy speak for him in Jesus’ great name.
10. Oh Lord, send down your rain of compassion on my loved one and restore his sanity in the powerful name of Jesus Christ.
11. In the great name of Jesus Christ, I command every stubborn spirit of crazy to leave my loved one.
12. Every wicked spirit watching over my loved one’s life and insanity, I demand your assignment in his life to end immediately by fire.
13. In the great name of Jesus Christ, I demand all strongholds opposing his well-being to be consumed by fire.
14. In the great name of Jesus Christ, I summon my loved one from the land of insanity back to sanity by the power that resurrected Jesus from the dead.
15. In the great name of Jesus Christ, I command every altar of evil making incantations and enchantments against my loved one to catch fire.
16. Every bad person who boasts that my loved one will not be well as long as he lives, I release such a person to die immediately in the tremendous name of Jesus Christ.
17. I rise and oppose you, spirit of lunacy; you will not prevail in the life of my loved one, in Jesus’ great name.
18. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I cast out every demon existing in my loved one now by the fire of the Holy Spirit.
19. Every accusatory mouth spoken against my beloved is silenced immediately by fire, in the powerful name of Jesus Christ.
20. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I demand every evil personality that has reported my loved one to demonic altars where he has been rendered insane to be annihilated quickly.
21. Every judgment rendered against my loved one is now reversed by fire in the great name of Jesus Christ.
22. In the great name of Jesus Christ, I command that my loved one begin to recover.
23. In Jesus’ great name, the enemy’s malicious intents will not stand against my loved one.
24. In Jesus’ tremendous name, I pronounce healing into the health of my loved one.
25. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I command that my loved one restore his sanity as soon as possible.
26. In the magnificent name of Jesus Christ, he will totally recover from everything the adversary has taken from his destiny during his mental breakdown.
27. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I defy the advice of witches concerning his health, and he shall be completely free.
28. All those who intended to insult us will be astounded by God’s marvel in his life in the magnificent name of Jesus Christ.
29. In the magnificent name of Jesus Christ, his life will take a dramatic turn following his recovery.
30. In the great name of Jesus Christ, I burn down every satanic altar re-erected about his problem.
31. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I pronounce that tribulation shall not befall him a second time.
32. In the tremendous name of Jesus Christ, evil habits will not lead him back to insanity.
33. In Jesus’ great name, I remove him from sinful associations and rededicate him to Christ.
34. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, he shall know the Lord and serve the Lord throughout his days.
35. He will not be ashamed because, in the powerful name of Jesus Christ, the Lord will entirely restore him with no traces of the past.
36. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, he will be a vessel of glory, preaching the miracles of Christ in his generation.
37. In the great name of Jesus Christ, I invoke your peace and sanity right now.
38. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, Lord, return to him every chance he has missed.
39. In the tremendous name of Jesus Christ, anything he touches will flourish immensely.
40. Thank you, Jesus, for hearing my prayers.
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