30 Healing Prayer Points For Anxiety And Depression – Are you now dealing with a depressive spirit? Do you appear to have a lot of anxiety? Do you frequently worry about the consequences of the next move you take? If you recite these 30 healing prayers for anxiety and despair, your life will never be the same again.
One critical question to ask oneself anytime you feel nervous or frightened is, “Is this problem larger than God?” You should also question yourself, “Can the situation improve just by my being anxious?” If you answered no to any of these questions, you must resolve to begin trusting God rather than worrying.

According to Luke 12:27-40, if God can adorn the lilies with such beauty and glory despite their fragility, how much more would He care to you, whom He created in His own image and likeness? “Can a mother neglect her nursing kid, and not feel compassion on the son of her womb?” he replies. “Surely they will forget, but I will not forget you” (Isaiah 49:15), this scripture is a clear indication that no matter what you’re going through, God is mindful of you, and truly, He is preparing a good future for you, so your life can bring Him glory, His thoughts for you are surely thoughts of good and not thoughts of evil to bring you an expected end, so keep your hope alive.
Rather from worrying and being despondent, spend time in God’s Word and ponder on His promises for your life, and you will never be the same.
You should also pray these healing prayers for depression and anxiety, and your healing will come quickly in the great name of Jesus Christ.
30 Healing Prayer Points For Anxiety And Depression:
1. Oh Lord, I thank you for your unending love in my life and in the lives of my family.
2. Thank you, Father, for not enabling the enemy’s intentions to triumph over me.
3. Father, I bless you because I know you are thinking of me and have good intentions for me.
4. Lord, I bless you because you are good and your desire for me is to finally have peace.
5. Father, I beg your pardon. Show me mercy in Jesus’ name for every manner I have gone against your plan for my life.
Sixth. Father Please forgive me for not completely trusting in you.
7. Lord, I beseech you to show me mercy for choosing to trust the devil’s falsehoods over your Word.
8. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I beseech you to assist me in overcoming all forms of depression.
9. Please forgive me for doing what my miserable heart told me to do, Lord, and have pity on me.
10. Lord, please forgive me for all the people I’ve hurt because of my depression; have pity on me, Lord.
11. Oh Lord, in Jesus’ powerful name, help me overcome depression by your kindness.
12. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, Father, arise on my behalf and permanently remove anxiety and dread from my life.
13. Lord, please show me grace in this season; I do not want to lose my life to depression, in Jesus’ great name.
14. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, help me to forget the mistakes I’ve committed in the past.
15. In Jesus’ name, help me to stay focused on becoming the best I can be in the moment.
16. In Jesus’ name, I beg that you enable me to align with the future you have planned for me.
17. In the magnificent name of Jesus Christ, Father, please grant me the faith and sound mind I need to overcome depression.
18. In the magnificent name of Jesus Christ, help me to see myself exactly as you see me.
19. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, help me not to view myself through the eyes of others.
20. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I renounce fear and everything it attracts.
21. In the magnificent name of Jesus Christ, I will not be defeated in life or destiny.
22. In the great name of Jesus Christ, I refuse to let thoughts of failure to grab my heart.
23. In the great name of Jesus Christ, I will begin to succeed where I have before failed.
24. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I cast off every wicked enchantment that causes me to walk in mistake.
25. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I reject every notion of death that has grasped my heart.
26. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I refuse to let my foes’ schemes for my life succeed.
27. In the powerful name of Jesus, I am cured of sadness and anxiety by the blood of Jesus.
28. In Jesus’ great name, I choose to trust God in every aspect of my life.
29. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I will live a life of joy, serenity, and all-around greatness.
30. Thank you, Jesus, for hearing my prayers and answering them.
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