40 Best Prayer Points Against Dream Caterers – Dreams are a kind of communication between the spirit and human realms. God may speak with His children via dreams about a variety of situations and concerns. The devil, being a copycat, also utilizes dreams to assault the lives and futures of God’s children. That is why we will be examining prayer points versus dream caterers today. Every child of God’s dream life is very essential; it is an important platform for connecting to the spirit world and receiving from God things that will happen in the physical; it is also a platform where God discloses the devil’s wicked plans and purpose to the devil and his agents.

The devil and his demons also appear in dreams to torment God’s children with various attacks that materialize and impact them physically. Dream caterers are one of the devil’s demons. They are the ones that prepare and serve bad dishes to God’s innocent and naïve children in the dream. Their objective is to steal, murder, and ruin the enormous destiny of God’s children, as well as to torment them with various illnesses and diseases. They are intended to cause God’s children, like Esau, to eat away their destiny and birthright and become useless on the world. Physical ailments are induced by demonic meals cooked by these demonic caterers and presented to humans to eat in their dreams. Whatever food is eaten in the dream, it is all projected arrows that damage the diner both physically and spiritually.
There is no devil’s trap from which God has not devised a way out. There is a way out, no matter how devilish the food you ate in your dream. God has given us the authority to bring down the devil and all his works, which is why Jesus Christ was manifested in order to destroy the devil’s works. If you have a dream in which you are given food by demonic caterers, wake up and exercise your faith by canceling the consequences of that wicked food on your life and destiny.
The Bible advises to open your mouth wide and He will fill it. If you are continually eating in your dreams, you should seek rescue from a Bible-believing church, as you may have been inducted into witchcraft. It is impossible for man to prevent dream caterers from giving you food in your dreams, but with God, everything is possible. So come to Him who has the ability and power to save you from the clutches of the devil and his demonic caterers, and you will be rescued.
Faithful fasting and fervent prayers will demolish the efforts of dream caterers in your life. Here are some prayer points to help you deal with and demolish that kitchen of darkness, as well as break that wicked hand that feeds you in your dream. In the powerful name of Jesus, Amen, the last food you were given by the devil and his wicked caterers in the dream will be the last food you will ever consume.
40 Best Prayer Points Against Dream Caterers :
1. Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you for the gift of life and for your love for me.
2. Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for safeguarding and guiding me all these years against every incursion of the devil and his emissaries.
3. In the name of Jesus, I seek forgiveness for all my flaws and for all that has made me a target for my adversaries.
4. In the name of Jesus, Father, I come against every dream caterer torturing my life and destiny by your might.
5. Father, in the majestic name of Jesus, I plead the blood of Jesus on whatever I have done that has allowed dream caterers access to my life and destiny.
6. Father, in the name of Jesus, let every demonic dream caterer who feeds me food in my dreams be devoured.
7. Father, in the name of Jesus, may every hand feeding me in the dream wither for life.
8. In the name of Jesus, Father, let every dream caterer ordered to give me food in the dream be burnt to death by fire.
9. Father, in the name of Jesus, break every association of dream caterers assembled against my life and destiny.
10. In the name of Jesus, Father, via divine enablement, enabled me to refuse any dish provided to me by dream caterers.
11. Father, arise and smite every obstinate dream caterer who refuses to leave me be, in Jesus’ name.
12. In the name of Jesus, Father, I release myself from any conscious or unconscious connection with demonic caterers.
13. Father, in the name of Jesus, let every demonic caterer who is serving me in my dream eat their own food and perish.
14. Father, in the name of Jesus, let every satanic agent offering me wicked food in my dream fall and perish.
15. Father, in the name of Jesus, I demand every demonic caterer in my dream to suffer God’s fire and perish.
16. Father, in the name of Jesus, may every hand of satanic caterers appointed to serve me bad food in my dream be severed by God’s fire.
17. In the name of Jesus, Father, I break every known and undiscovered commitment with demonic caterers serving me in the dream.
18. In the name of Jesus, Father, remove every basic root of feeding in the dream.
19. Father, in the name of Jesus, break every link between my spirit and the spirits feeding me in the dream.
20. Father, by the blood of Jesus, expel every evil food that I ate in the dream from my body right now, in Jesus’ name.
21. Father, in the name of Jesus, let every witchcraft caterer who is giving me food in my dream fall down and die.
22. In the name of Jesus, I instruct every dream caterer inviting me to eat, to accept God’s fire, and to die.
23. Father, in the name of Jesus, let every spirit watch over my life to ensure that dream caterers feed me, that I get the fire of destruction, and that I die.
24. Father, in the name of Jesus, break every curse on my life that enables wicked dream caterers to give me food in my dreams.
25. In the name of Jesus, Father, answer every dream caterer with fire anytime they call me to eat in my dream.
26. Father, by power, I close every entrance that nighttime evil caterers use to enter my life, in the name of Jesus.
27. In the name of Jesus, Father, I receive supernatural ability to reject demonic food from dream caterers in my dream.
28. Father, in the name of Jesus, let every weakness in my life that is motivating dream caterers to feed me in the dream be consumed by fire.
29. In the name of Jesus, Father, I release myself from any conscious or unconscious connection with dream caterers.
30. Father, in the name of Jesus, I demand every bad planting in my life that has arisen as a result of eating in the dream to vanish with all its roots.
31. Father, in the name of Jesus, let every alien in my body projected into me by dream caterers come out of their hiding places by your authority.
32. Father, in the name of Jesus, shut every route that dream caterers use to give me poison in the dream.
33. In the name of Jesus, Father, help me to wake up whenever dream caterers offer me demonic food in my dreams.
34. Father, in the name of Jesus, let the blood of Jesus cleanse my system of all food offered to me by dream caterers in the dream.
35. Father, in the name of Jesus, I demand every unusual deposit in my system created by demonic food from dream caterers to melt away by fire.
36. Father, via the blood of Jesus, I am healed of any ailment in my body caused by demonic feeding from dream caterers, in Jesus’ name.
37. Father, in the name of Jesus, reverse all spiritual injury in my life caused by demonic caterers’ wicked cuisine.
38. Father, in the name of Jesus, enable me to reject the demonic food offered on the devil’s table by dream caterers.
39. Father, in Jesus’ name, let the blood of Jesus flow in my body and remove every wicked garbage or pollution in my stomach.
40. Father, in the name of Jesus, send down the Holy Spirit and begin to eliminate every mark that allows demonic dream caterers to locate me in the dream.
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