Act of Humility
from the Augustinian Manual
What am I, O God of majesty and glory, or who am I, that Thou shouldst deign even to look on me? Whence am I honoured with so unspeakable a favour as that my Lord and my God should come and visit in person such a miserable sinner and vile worm of the earth? How dare a being more contemptible than nothing approach so holy a God, eat the bread of angels, and feed on thy divine flesh ? Ah, Lord, it is too much ! I am not worthy of so great a favour: I shall never – no, never deserve it.

O King of heaven and earth! adorable Sovereign,. the author and preserver of the universe! behold, I annihilate myself before thee, protesting that I would humble myself as much for Thy glory as Thou dost here for my salvation. I acknowledge with the most profound respect the infinite grandeur of thy Divine Majesty, and my own miserable baseness. The contemplation of one and the other fills me with inexpressible confusion. Can I possibly say more, my dear Saviour, than to confess, with the utmost humility, in the words of the centurion: “Lord, I am not worthy that Thou shouldst enter my roof; say but the word, and my soul shall be healed?”
My Jesus, mercy!
Act of Humility
from the Small Roman Missal
O GOD of sanctity! Who am I, that Thou shouldst come to me? “The heavens are not pure in Thy sight,” and wilt Thou dwell in my heart? “Lord! I am not worthy that Thou shouldst enter under my roof.” The consciousness of my unworthiness would prompt me to exclaim: “Depart from me, O Lord! For I am a sinner.” But oh, the wonderful condescension of Thy love! Thy pressing invitation encourages me, and dispels my fears. “Here I am, for Thou didst call me.” Come then, O Jesus! Take possession of a heart that wishes to belong to Thee. “Behold! They that go far from Thee shall perish.” But, O my God! this house of my heart is too narrow for Thee: do Thou enlarge it; it is falling to ruin; do Thou repair it; it has been defiled by sin: do Thou cleanse and purify it. Look Thou upon me, and have mercy on me. Oh, heal my soul, for I have sinned against Thee! Let Thy tender mercies come unto me, and I shall live! Lord! I am not worthy that Thou shouldst enter under my roof; say but the word, and my soul shall be healed.
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