50 Best Prayer Points Against Profitless Handwork – Handwork refers to any activity that may be done to make a living. In Ecclesiastes 9:10, the Bible instructs us to “do whatsoever thy hand finds to accomplish with thy might; because there is no labor, nor invention, nor understanding, nor wisdom in the tomb where thou goest.” So we see that God has ordered handwork for us to earn a living and make our lives more pleasant. God gave and blessed our handwork in order for it to benefit us and make us prosperous. “Every man also to whom God has given riches and wealth, and has given him ability to eat thereof, and to take his part, and to enjoy in his labor; this is the gift of God,” reads Ecclesiastes 5:19. God intended for us to do handwork that would be valuable to us. It is intended to make us affluent and bring us to our prosperous position.
Today, we’ll contrast prayer points with profitless handwork. Profitless handwork is when you work and labor but have nothing to show for it. When you can’t even feed yourself and your family because you work like an elephant and eat like an ant. Profitless manual labor makes a guy appear irresponsible in society. It debases a man and robs him of his voice.
Who is responsible for profitless handwork? According to the Bible, God created handwork for profit. So, who or what is responsible for the evil of profitless handwork? The basic truth is that profitless handwork is the labor of the devil. The devil is here to take and ruin the benefits of your labor, and he is doing so right now. That is why you are unable to account for your years of effort. You have nothing to show for all the years you have worked and toiled. In that area of your life, the devil is at work. According to Revelation 12:12, “Therefore, rejoice, heavens and all who dwell in them.” Wow to the people of the land and water! For the devil has come down to you with great anger, knowing that he has only a little time.” The adversary is seeking to derail God’s purpose for your handiwork. He has sent demonic agents to do this at all times, especially to unwary Christians who don’t comprehend the devil’s traps and gimmicks. That’s what Satan did to Peter and the other fishermen until Jesus Christ appeared and freed them from the shackles of fruitless labor. (Psalm 126:1-6).
Are you reading this text and have you found yourself, intentionally or unknowingly, in this awful condition of profitless handwork? Then I’ve got some wonderful news for you. Today, God has provided a means of escape for you. 1 Corinthians 10:13-14 “There has been no temptation seized you save such as is common to man; but God is true, who will not let you to be tempted above that ye are able, but will with the temptation also create a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.” There will be no more profitless handwork for you or others around you. God has made all of your labor productive and profitable.
Your handiwork is a gift from God, and the gift of God provides you riches and wealth, and you consume the fruits of your labor, according to our prior passages. As a result, anticipate it to be your portion for the day. According to the Bible, “God’s gifts and callings are without repentance.” 11:29 in the Bible “A man’s talent makes place for him, and brings him before prominent men,” Proverbs 18:16 states. As a result, beginning today, that fruitless handwork will begin to create way for you and bring you before important men. You’ll start seeing brilliance and fortune like you’ve never seen before. Surrounding the handwork of Peter and others, Jesus let go. As a result, He will be free of the cage that surrounds your handwork today.
According to John 21:5-6, before Peter and the others could encircle the multitude of fish in their nets, they let Jesus onto their ship. Will you let Jesus inside the ship of your life and work today, brethren? If only you will let Him in, you will witness the huge transformation that will occur, just as Peter did when he couldn’t lift the contained fish by himself. In other terms, Peter instantaneously became a labor employer. Because of what God is doing in your life right now, you will also become a labor employer. In Isaiah 3:10, the Bible states, “tell unto the righteous, that it shall be good with him; for they shall enjoy the fruit of their doings (handwork).” Allowing Jesus into your life’s ship means allowing Him to be the controller of your life, just as the compass directs the ship’s direction. Only Jesus knows where the fish are at any given time. And when he leads you, he gets you to the point where your labor is profitable over time. Allow Jesus to enter your life as your Lord and Saviour today, and your fruitless labor will be transformed into productive earnings.
There is also a prayer room. Prayer is the key to unlocking everything the devil and his minions have locked. The key of David is the master key that opens all padlocks. Get that key now via prayer and fasting, and you will be able to unlock every profitless handwork that you have been imprisoned in. I sense God’s tremendous hand pulling you out of low-profile job and into huge profitable work.
The prayer principles listed below will assist you in engaging the mystery of prayer and obtaining the key of David for your triumph. I see you bathing in the fruits of your labor.
50 Best Prayer Points Against Profitless Handwork :
1. Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you for releasing me from the shackles of fruitless labor.
2. Father, in the name of Jesus, remove me from every wicked power opposing my profits by your kindness.
3. Father, I cover myself and my labor with Jesus’ blood.
4. In the name of Jesus, Father, I liberate myself from any hereditary bondage of unproductive handwork.
5. Father, in the name of Jesus, I break and release myself from every inherited demonic curse of “monkey dey labour and baboon dey chop.”
6. In the name of Jesus, Father, I vomit every bad consumption that I was fed as a child.
7. Father, in the name of Jesus, I demand all fundamental strongmen tied to my life and causing me tremendous losses in my handwork to be paralyzed.
8. Dear Father, In the name of Jesus, may every rod of the wicked that rises against my family line be made ineffective for my cause.
9. In the name of Jesus, Father, I cancel all the repercussions of any negative name linked to my person, rendering me unprofitable in my work.
10. Father, in the name of Jesus, I order that every wicked fundamental planting of sluggish growth in my life be removed from the roots by your word.
11. In the name of Jesus, Father, I break free from every sort of demonic influence in my workplace.
12. In the name of Jesus, Father, I free myself from every demonic dominance and control that is leading me to be demoted at work.
13. Dear Father, In the name of Jesus, may every gate of profitless handwork opened to the adversary by my foundation be permanently closed by the blood of Jesus.
14. Father, in the name of Jesus, let the blood of Jesus walk back into every second of my life and deliver me where I need deliverance, heal me where I need healing, change me where I need transformation, and restore every profitless handwork I have ever done in my life.
15. Father, in the name of Jesus, may every ill thought against me perish from its source.
16. Father, let all those who mock me because of the losses in my handwork bear witness to my testimony of higher profits in whatever I accomplish, in the name of Jesus Christ.
17. Dear Father, In the name of Jesus, may all the destructive intentions of my adversaries intended against my handwork fail in their faces.
18. Dear Father, In the name of Jesus, may my point of profitless handwork and scorn be transformed into a source of miracle and profit.
19. Father, in the name of Jesus, humiliate and shame all authorities that support wicked decisions and fruitless labor against me.
20. Dear Father, In the name of Jesus, let the obstinate strongman appointed against me and my handwork fall to the ground and perish by fire.
21. Father, in the name of Jesus, eliminate every rebellious spirit fighting against my life and purposeful handwork in life.
22. Father, in the name of Jesus, may every witch doctor hired to curse me and the productive work of my life fall according to the order of Balaam.
23. Father, in the name of Jesus, let every evil human agent plotting to render my labor ineffective get the stones of fire.
Father, 24. In the name of Jesus, let every man or woman posing as god in my life and the labor of my hands fall according to Pharaoh’s decree.
Father, 25. In the name of Jesus, I command that every spirit of stagnation in my life be extinguished forever.
26. Dear Father, In the name of Jesus, kill every spirit of failure that is accountable for the fruitless labor of my hand.
27. Father, in the name of Jesus, let every demonic agent that hinders my gains from my handwork perish by fire.
28. Father, in the name of Jesus, let all evil efforts aiming at influencing my fate fail.
29. Father, in the name of Jesus, quiet all unprofitable broadcasters of my goodness and handiwork.
30. Dear Father, In the name of Jesus, shut any leaky bags and pockets in my life.
31. Father, in the name of Jesus, make every wicked monitoring eyes fashioned against me and the profits of my handwork blind.
32. Dear Father, In the name of Jesus, erase every negative influence of any unusual touches of the devil from my life.
33. Father, in the name of Jesus, I direct any satanic reverse gears installed to obstruct my advancement to be destroyed.
34. Father, in the name of Jesus, eliminate every wicked agent sent to damage me and my destiny.
35. Dear Father, In the name of Jesus, may all oppressors’ and tormentors’ weapons and devices be made worthless in my life and work.
36. Father, in the name of Jesus, let the fire of God consume every force running every spiritual vehicle acting against the works of my hand.
37. Father, in the name of Jesus, break every evil hand that is against my upliftment and profits in life.
38. Father, in the name of Jesus, quiet every wicked counsellor who is saying ill about me at work.
39. Father, in the name of Jesus, I delete every sort of basic difficulty connected to profitless handwork.
40. In the name of Jesus, I detach myself from every force of profitless handwork at work in my life and family.
41. Father, in the name of Jesus, eliminate every ancestral profitless handwork arguing against my life and destiny.
42. Father, in the name of Jesus, I break every bad covenant of profitless labor speaking in my family through the word.
43. Father, in the name of Jesus, break every ancestral covenant of profitless handwork that is forcing us to live as paupers.
44. Father, in the name of Jesus, let every strong man in our family who projects profitless handwork into our company and profession be destroyed by fire.
45. Father, in the name of Jesus, let every fundamental error that is producing fruitless handwork in my life and destiny be rectified by the word.
46. Father, in the name of Jesus, may every snake in my family that is devouring our profits in the spirit and rendering our handwork useless be Tron open by fire.
47. Father, by the blood of Jesus, I release my earnings from wherever they have trapped it right now, in Jesus’ name.
48. In the name of Jesus, Father, I renounce every ancestral pact of exchange of the profits of our labor.
49. In the name of Jesus, Father, I cancel every pattern of profitless handwork at work in my family lineage by the blood of Jesus.
50. Father, through the blood of Jesus, the works of our hands begin to bring huge returns for us as of today, in Jesus’ name.
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