40 Warfare Prayer Points Against Cobweb Attacks

40 Warfare Prayer Points Against Cobweb Attacks – Do you frequently encounter cobwebs on your path, even during the day? Have you observed a recurring pattern of either missing chances or being disappointed?

Has it become the standard in your life for individuals to promise you great things but then do nothing? If you are suffering any of these unfavorable conditions, you must pray these 40 combat petitions against cobweb attacks with zeal.

Prayer Points Against Cobweb Attacks
Prayer Points Against Cobweb Attacks

Cobweb is a demonic manipulation used frequently by the kingdom of darkness to prevent a man’s destiny from fully manifesting; it is sometimes intended to cause delay, disappointment, reproach, and failure, and it is a major form of witchcraft manipulation used against people of great destiny and purpose.

The frustrating issue is that no matter how hard one works on a certain pursuit, goal, or objective, the cobwebs attack will prevent it from becoming productive.

30 Powerful Prayer Points For Divine Restoration

For some people, the cobweb attack is so severe that it affects the entire family and impedes everyone’s advancement.

Cob-web is a powerful demonic ailment that should not be permitted in anyone’s life or family, thus you must be prepared to eliminate it from the source.

In Deuteronomy 28:7, the Bible informs us that

“The LORD will provide that your adversaries will be vanquished in front of you.” They will attack you from one direction but retreat in seven.”

In Isaiah 54:17, he also says, “No weapon made against thee shall prevail, and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn.” This is the inheritance of the Lord’s servants, and their righteousness is of me, says the Lord.”

As a result, no matter who has fashioned cobweb assaults against you and their wicked intents, they will definitely disperse because their gathering is not of the Lord.

40 Warfare Prayer Points Against Cobweb Attacks :

1. I thank you, Lord, for being my shield and stronghold; blessed be your name, Lord.

2. Daddy I thank you for giving me victory over my opponents; all praise is yours, Jesus.

3. Lord, I thank you for your word’s promise that guarantees me of victory even before I begin battling; glory to your name, Lord.

4. Father, I thank you for your grace over my life, which has kept us safe from the wicked intentions of our adversaries, in Jesus’ name.

5. Lord, we beseech you to offer us pity in all the ways we have sinned and made you furious.

6. Father, in Jesus’ name, I beg that you thwart and demolish every scheme of the enemy to bring me dishonor.

7. In Jesus’ name, I demand every cobweb attacker in my life to perish by fire.

8. In Jesus’ name, I release whatever holds my destiny back.

9. In Jesus’ name, I cancel any satanic effort to derail my expectations by wicked cobweb attack.

10. Altars of darkness, from which this vile cobweb onslaught has been planned, I demand you to catch fire in the name of Jesus.

11. Every family adversary employs this cobweb attack to steal my benefits; in Jesus’ great name, I demand you to be revealed and destroyed.

12. I demand your wicked plots to be destroyed today in Jesus name, every evil colleague envious of my professional accomplishments who has assigned this evil cob web activity against me.

13. In Jesus’ magnificent name, I declare that I am completely free of cobweb attacks.

14. In Jesus’ name, I declare that my marriage is free of any satanic delays caused by cobweb attacks.

15. In Jesus’ name, I declare that my health is free of any demonic attacks by cobweb.

16. By the blood of Jesus Christ, I negate any harm the cob web intends to bring into my life.

17. I declare that I will never longer be disappointed in the majestic name of Jesus.

18. In Jesus’ name, I gain double glory in those locations where I have been chastised.

19. In the magnificent name of Jesus Christ, my tears of humiliation and grief are forever wiped away.

20. Whoever prepares another attack on my life will face God’s vengeance in Jesus’ great name.

21. In Jesus’ name, I hereby cancel any future plans that would cause me grief.

22. In Jesus’ name, I demand that everything in creation begin to work in my favor.

23. In Jesus’ name, I demand all of creation to begin favoring me.

24. Wherever I go for favor, they will do as I have requested in Jesus’ name as soon as possible.

25. In Jesus’ name, I will never longer be ashamed of my relationship and marriage.

26. In Jesus’ name, the wicked curse of retrogression and stagnation is forever lifted from my life.

27. In Jesus’ name, my children will be permanently free from the wicked one’s attacks.

28. In the magnificent name of Jesus Christ, I begin my season of all-around joy and serenity.

29. In Jesus’ great name, I demand all the wonderful things that the adversary has previously prevented from happening in my life to begin happening immediately by fire.

30. In Jesus’ name, I resist the wicked one’s attempts to draw me into sin and disgrace.

31. I command the powers of darkness appointed to disperse my marriage by lack to fail today by fire, in Jesus’ great name.

32. I rule that there shall be no more anguish or disgrace in the lives of my children.

33. In Jesus’ powerful name, my children will never longer have the same unpleasant experiences with me.

34. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, my family is delivered from demonic possession.

35. Strange altars, my family is not your candidate; liberate us immediately by fire in the powerful name of Jesus.

36. In Jesus’ name, I pronounce that the forces of the adversary will continually fail over my life.

37. Because I have triumphed over all beasts, no one shall do me harm, in the magnificent name of Jesus Christ.

38. In Jesus’ name, my family will survive to fulfill purpose and satisfy God’s plan in the land of the living.

39. In Jesus’ name, my family is sitting with Christ far above all beasts, weapons, orchestrations, and trickery of darkness.

40. Thank you, Jesus, for hearing our prayers.

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