40 Prayer Points When You Are About To Build A House – Do you intend to construct a new home? When it comes to building a new home, we’ve got you covered with these 40 prayers.
The project of building a new house is so large that it needs careful planning and preparation. While some physical planning is required, spiritual preparation is also required prior to construction.
Psalms 37:5 kjv states, “Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he will bring it to pass.” As a result, whatever venture you wish to start on, especially huge initiatives like this, you must pray sincerely for the project’s success.

As we create plans to fulfill our aspirations in accordance with God’s designs for our life, we must bear in mind that the devil is also working relentlessly to derail our plans, as the Bible characterizes him as a roaring lion seeking whoever to devour (1Peter 5:8 KJV).
Just as he did in the days of Job (Job 1-2kjv), turning all the beautiful things God gave Job into sources of sorrow, he is still on the rampage looking for new projects to destroy (John 10:10), which is why the bible states unequivocally that we must resist the devil, and that if we do, he will be forced to flee from us (James 4:7 kjv)
So, rather than scaring or discouraging you, this post is intended to assist you spiritually prepare for your building endeavor, because we are not ignorant of the devil’s schemes (2 Corinthians 2:11) As a result, we must pray to put him in his place. Where? Right under our feet!
Let us now go to the 40 prayers when you are prepared to construct a house, with complete trust in your heart and holy fury ready to crush the enemy’s current or future intentions against your building project.
40 Prayer Points When You Are About To Build A House :
1. Lord, I thank you for your enormous grace, which has qualified me to be alive and healthy in this season, and may your beautiful name be praised.
2. Thank you for how you have helped me gather and not disperse throughout the years, your incredible love has kept me financially and in all areas, blessed be your Holy name.
3. Thank you for not allowing evil intentions to come true in my life and family.
4. I am grateful for your ever-increasing mercy in my life and in the lives of my family.
5. We appreciate your presence as a present support in times of need.
6. Thank you, Father, for being our excellent shepherd who has never led us wrong; all honor is yours, Lord.
7. Lord, in whatever ways that I have sinned against you, please forgive me and let your kindness speak for me in Jesus’ name.
8. King of Glory, please forgive me for being hard and refractory to your will in the past; let your mercy speak for me in Jesus’ name.
9. Merciful Lord In Jesus’ name, I pray that you show me kindness even in this building endeavor I’m about to embark on.
10. Father, I beseech you to sanctify the ground where I shall be constructing with the precious blood of Jesus Christ.
11. By the blood of Jesus Christ, I eradicate everything wicked in the foundation of the country that existed before it was sold to me.
12. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I cancel every bad intention that the first owners of the land had against this place.
13. By the power of Jesus Christ’s blood, I remove and render worthless every bad proclamation made on this country.
14. In the magnificent name of Jesus Christ, I pronounce and declare that this land will bring me and my family great peace and increase.
15. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, this country will not consume me and my family.
16. In the magnificent name of Jesus Christ, I pronounce that this land will yield a large financial profit for us.
17. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I will not lose any of my children or possessions on this land.
18. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, Father, eliminate every domestic enemy who desires to transform my pleasure into misery.
19. Lord, uncover every jealous friend who pretends to be pleased with me and separate us by your authority in the powerful name of Jesus Christ.
20. In the great name of Jesus Christ, I demand the monitoring spirits deployed against me and my family in order to watch the development of my building project to leave my life and family.
21. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, evil persons who convert wonderful dreams into nightmares shall not find me or my nation.
22. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I receive honest individuals for these construction projects, Lord.
23. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, Father, please guide my route to meet with building architects, engineers, supervisors, and workers who fear you and work hard.
24. I get the cash I require to begin and accomplish this endeavor in the great name of Jesus Christ.
25. In the magnificent name of Jesus Christ, I will not lose any of my employment while working on this project.
26. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I declare that I will not lose any member of my family while working on this construction project.
27. Every nasty personality in the neighborhood where I’m building may seek to sabotage my ideas and slow down our construction pace. In the great name of Jesus Christ, I pronounce that the Lord keep them engaged from the beginning until the finish of the project.
28. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, my marriage shall not be troubled during this season while I construct.
29. By the blood of Jesus Christ, I annul every evil scheme against me in this season.
30. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, Father, please give me and the employees speed on this building project.
31. I decree that the Lord’s name be glorified in the majestic name of Jesus Christ from the beginning to the finish of the endeavor.
32. In Jesus’ name, I beg that you rule supreme in that home even after we complete building it.
33. In the magnificent name of Jesus Christ, make your presence known in my new home.
34. Let unbelievers come to honor your name in my life as they witness my building in Jesus’ powerful name.
35. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, may those who have cursed and scorned me in the past come to kneel and worship you, oh God, when they see my building.
36. Oh Lord, please continue to provide paths for me where there appears to be none, in Jesus’ name.
37. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, Father, please give me all the insight I need to exploit the opportunities in the new place.
38. Lord, let other wonderful news emerge in this season from my construction effort, in the great name of Jesus Christ.
39. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, please bless us with all the funds we require to make our new home lovely and hospitable.
40. Thank you, Jesus, for hearing our prayers.
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