40 Best Prayer Points Against Snake Bite In The Dream – Dreams are a significant aspect of our lives and cultures in this region of the world. Dreams, it is believed, have a lot to teach us, particularly about the spirit realm. The Bible also recognizes dreams as a means of exchanging information and receiving revelations. Today, we’ll look at the significance of a snake bite in a dream and pray for victory.
The snake bite in the dream is part of the devil’s end-time plan to harm God’s children and slowly murder the unwary. When a snake bites someone in a dream, it injects its venom into the victim. The potency of its venom is determined by the type of snake that bites.
This venom enters the victim’s body and proceeds to harm the individual. It steadily destroys the sufferer’s bodily system and begins to kill the person. When snakes bite a person in a dream, the impact begins to appear in the practical world. The devil is out to steal, murder, and destroy God’s handiwork in our lives, and we must not let him. Snake bites in dreams are extremely dangerous if not treated promptly, and they can result in death.
All animals were under man’s power from the beginning, as God intended; but, man’s fall caused him to become a slave to the devil and these creatures. Man was created with dominion over all crawling creatures, including snakes, but the fall of man in the Garden of Eden stripped away all of that power. Through his death on the cross, Jesus came to restore all that man lost in the Garden of Eden, so that if any man believes in him, he obtains authority to be called the son of God.
All that we lost in the Garden of Eden has been restored to us via redemption. The lost dominion and power over all crawling things has been restored by Christ’s crucifixion and our redemption from the power of the devil, thus we are no longer slaves to the devil, but rather have reclaimed control from him. And have become God’s beings.
By these disclosures, we have become touchless creatures to the devil and his agents, even in our dreams, and we have power and control over snakes even in our dreams. We have a symbol on our forehead that says that any devil who gets too close to us will pay terribly. So we are not supposed to be buffeted by the devil and his minions, and snake poison is not supposed to penetrate us. According to the Bible, a snake bit Paul and he shook it off his body, nothing happened to him, and he resumed his mission for God. That is the type of people Christ has made us. If we are in Christ, the snake bites in our dreams will not bother us, but will instead return to the sender and kill the individual.
Brethren, I want you to believe that you are a more-than-conqueror being. The devil and his emissaries are designed to make believers fearful. When snakes see us in our dreams, they are to be trampled. According to the Bible, we have been given power to stomp on the snake and the serpent, and nothing will hurt you. You must step on the lion and the adder (snakes), and they must be handled as such. This is true not just in the actual world, but also in your dreams, and nothing will harm you in any way.
The Satan can only use snake bites in dreams to annoy unbelievers who do not know Christ, not those of us who are based in the word and power of Christ and understand our standing in Christ.
If you were bitten by a snake in your dream, when you wake up, pray about it and apply anointing oil to the location where the snake bit you in your dream, as well as take a shot of the anointing oil; this intake will help to drive out the snake venom that has entered your system. It will be washed away as chaff and consumed by unquenchable fire. If you were bitten by snakes in your dream before coming into touch with this article, follow the simple guidelines above and engage in midnight prayers along with fasting, and you will witness God’s power at action in your life.
40 Best Prayer Points Against Snake Bite In The Dream :
1. Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you for your love and mercy over my life and destiny.
2. Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you for everything you’ve done for me and for all the answers to my prayers.
3. Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you for your tremendous hand of protection over my life and destiny.
4. In the name of Jesus, I seek forgiveness for all my sins that may have allowed the snake to enter my dream world.
5. Father, in the name of Jesus, I direct every snake designated to bite and hurt me in the dream to turn around and bite and damage your sender.
6. In the name of Jesus, Father, I curse every snake sent by the adversary to bite me in my dream and harm my life and destiny.
7. In the name of Jesus, Father, any ancestral snake sent to bite and injure me in the dream, you are a liar, and you must be eliminated.
8. Father, I decree and declare that the blood of Jesus protects me from any snake bite in my dream, in the name of Jesus.
9. In the name of Jesus, Father, let every concealed serpent ready to attack and bite me in the dream catch fire.
10. Father, in the name of Jesus, eliminate every demonic serpent hiding about to bite me and poison me in the dream with venom.
11. Father, in the name of Jesus, cancel every wicked idea of the snake bite that appears in my head and manifests in my dreams.
12. In the name of Jesus, Father, I break the backbone of every snake sent to bite me in my dream.
13. Father, in the powerful name of Jesus, let the venom of the snake bite in my dream be neutralized inside my body, inflicting gradual death and disease.
14. Father, by the power of Jesus’ blood, I cleanse my chamber and compound with Jesus’ blood, in the powerful name of Jesus.
15. In the name of Jesus, Father, my family is free from the attack and bites of the snakes in the dream.
16. Father, in Jesus’ name, I demolish every plan of the devil to use snake bites in my dream to have God punish me for my sin.
17. Father, in Jesus’ name, let every authority that uses the spirit of the serpent to battle me in my dream be destroyed by fire and thunder.
18. In the name of Jesus, I demand every serpent of darkness lurking around me in my dream to bite me, release me, and die.
19. Father, in the name of Jesus, let every plan and scheme of the snakes against me and my family be consumed by fire.
20. In the name of Jesus, Father, by your authority, I demand every snake bite meant for me in the dream to return to the sender.
21. Father, by your authority, I demand every spirit of the serpent residing in my house to flee now by fire, in the name of Jesus.
22. In the name of Jesus, Father, defend and free me from the snake assaults in my dream.
23. In the name of Jesus, Father, I repel satanic snake bites over my life and destiny.
24. Father, in the name of Jesus, let every bad snake bite in the dream devouring my benefits in the spirit realm be burnt by fire.
25. Father, in Jesus’ name, evict every concealed demonic serpent in my dream that is ready to bite me.
26. Father, in the name of Jesus, I direct you snake designated to attack me in the dream with your bite to be assaulted by fire.
27. Father, in the name of Jesus, may the weapon of my prayers slay every serpent that tries to bite me in my dream.
28. Father, in the name of Jesus, I receive authority to stomp on the snakes, adders, and scorpions that want to ruin my life and destiny.
29. In the name of Jesus, Father, whomever sent a snake to strike and bite me in my dream, Holy Ghost fire scorch them to ashes.
30. Father, in the name of Jesus, I slay every serpent sent to destroy my life and destiny in the dream with its venom by the blood of Jesus.
31. Father, in the name of Jesus, command all snakes and scorpions sent to bite, sting, and assault me in my dream to wage war against themselves.
32. Father, in the name of Jesus, any man or woman who turns into a snake in my dream to bite and thwart God’s will, plan, and purpose for my life, perish by fire.
33. In the name of Jesus, Father, I cancel the manifestation of the pain and misery of a snake bite in the dream becoming a reality.
34. In the name of Jesus, Father, by your fire, rescue my glory from the spirit of the python sent to bite me in the dream and take my glory.
35. Father, in the name of Jesus, I take the chains of the spirit in my hands and chain the heads of the serpent spirits assaulting my glory in the dream.
36. Father, in the name of Jesus, I order that every member of my family who is possessed by the serpent spirit waiting around for whom to bite be delivered immediately by the blood of Jesus.
37. Father, in the name of Jesus, burn to flames every serpent implanted with my fate by wicked forces.
38. In the name of Jesus, Father, I kill with fire every serpent sent to consume my glory in the dream by its bite and poison.
39. Father, by your word, I demand every of my glory and blessing ingested by snake bite in the dream to be extinguished by fire, in Jesus’ name.
40. Father, I immerse my entire body in Jesus’ blood, making it impossible for snakes to approach and bite me in the dream, in Jesus’ name.
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