40 Best Prayer Points For Husband’s Financial Success – Do you know that Financial success occurs when a person’s life sees a positive turn for the better in terms of money, riches, and blessings, both physically, monetarily, and spiritually.
As a good wife, one of your key responsibilities is to pray for your husbands; this will assist bring about significant growth in the family and togetherness.

When there is unity and love in the family, our Heavenly Father rejoices.
God’s intention for every family is for them to experience tremendous blessings and financial breakthroughs, but the enemy wage war on the family by attacking them with the spirit of poverty and penury. When we walk in God’s will and in the knowledge of our triumph in Christ Jesus, we walk in the assurance of our benefits, both bodily and spiritually.
40 Best Prayer Points For Husband’s Financial Success :
1. My Father, I come to you today with thanksgivings in my heart and praise in my tongue for your wonderful deeds in my life.
2. My Father, I thank you for your kindness and goodness in all my efforts.
3. My Father, this morning I present to you my offering of thanksgiving and gratitude for your protection and direction over me and my life.
4. In Jesus’ name, I declare against every spirit of need that is devouring my husband’s life.
5. In Jesus’ name, Lord, quiet every mouth that speaks poverty into my husband’s life.
6. In Jesus’ name, my Father meets my husband’s needs in every aspect of his life.
7. In Jesus’ name, I command God to return every arrow of poverty aimed against my husband’s future, job, income, and ministry.
8. In Jesus’ name, expose and shame every scheme of the adversary to impoverish my spouse.
9. My Father, arise, bless and enlarge my spouse in Jesus’ name.
10. God, anoint my spouse with joy oil and fill my cup to overflowing with your blessings in Jesus’ name.
11. In Jesus’ name, my Father, make my spouse a blessing to everyone around him.
12. Oh Lord, in Jesus’ name, demolish every satanic altar that speaks poverty into my husband’s life, job, company, and ministry.
13. In Jesus’ name, burn fire any spiritual gathering plotting poverty on my husband’s life.
14. Dear Father, Fill my family’s barns with your favor and benefits, in Jesus’ name.
15. In Jesus’ name, my Father, bless the works of my husband’s hands and multiply his fortunes tenfold.
16. Holy Spirit, in Jesus’ name, lead and protect my spouse against every spirit of debt and poverty.
17. In Jesus’ name, I and my family will not beg for survival.
18. Oh Lord, wherever my husband’s resources and supplies are bound, I release them via fire in Jesus’ name.
19. In Jesus’ name, I come against every attempt of the adversary to render my husband financially powerless by the might of God.
20. In Jesus’ name, Lord, cut off any mouth prophesying indebtedness and poverty in my husband’s life.
21. Oh Lord, in Jesus’ name, arise in your wrath and destroy any power that rises against my husband’s financial breakthroughs.
22. In Jesus’ name, open the four windows of heaven and pour down your blessings on my husband’s work and ministry.
23. Oh Lord, in Jesus’ name, every scheme of the enemy to financially demote my husband will fail.
24. Oh Lord, by your fire, remove any spiritual impediments to my husband’s financial breakthrough in Jesus’ name.
25. In Jesus’ name, Lord, grant my marriage a financial turnaround.
26. In Jesus’ name, Father, grant my husband the grace to be obedient to you so that he might walk and live in the manifestation of your blessings upon his destiny and life.
27. In Jesus’ name, Lord, cover my spouse in your clouds of blessings and favor.
28. In Jesus’ name, I declare return to sender to everyone who is aiming an arrow of financial shortage towards my husband’s future.
29. In Jesus’ name, my Father, may every force at odds with my husband’s blessings be squandered.
30. In Jesus’ name, expose every waster and sucker who stands in the way of my husband’s destiny.
31. Oh Lord, in Jesus’ name, deflect every arrow of poverty and need in my husband’s life, work, company, and ministry.
32. In Jesus’ name, Father, demolish and destroy every altar of financial need and poverty in my life, job, marriage, company, and ministry.
33. In Jesus’ name, God, grant my spouse breakthrough and enlargement in every part of his life.
34. Oh Lord, grant my spouse the ability to be affluent in Jesus’ name.
35. In Jesus’ name, Father, eliminate every ancestral demon plotting my husband’s financial ruin.
36. In Jesus’ name, God, defy every enemy plotting financial ruin for me and my spouse.
37. Oh Lord, give my husband the ability to handle the riches at his disposal so that they might be increased in Jesus’ name.
38. God, in Jesus’ name, I claim my prosperity by fire.
39. In Jesus’ name, burn out every evil entity that is against my husband’s and family’s prosperity.
40. Oh Lord, in Jesus’ name, my family will have no need to borrow or beg.
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