40 Best Prayer Points For Wisdom And Direction – The Bible highlights wisdom as one of the most important attributes a child of God may have. In fact, Proverbs 4:7 states that wisdom is the most important thing. This suggests that the most significant and relevant thing to get is wisdom.
So, what exactly is wisdom? Wisdom involves seeking and having access to bible-based information, gaining as much insight as we can of that knowledge, and using that understanding in our daily life. Simply expressed, wisdom is the appropriate use of information. Why is knowledge held in such high regard? It is because intelligence may help us reach whatever height we desire, achieve every objective we set, and better serve God.
God’s guidance is also essential in our Christian life journey. Whatever God-inspired concepts we have will always stand the test of time. It will also be successful, regardless of how absurd it appears to human understanding. Consider David’s situation as he prepared to meet Goliath. In contrast to the armour handed to him by King Saul, he chose just stones and a sling. To assume he could beat a warlord with merely a stone and a sling is ludicrous, if not dumb. However, because the concept was inspired by God’s knowledge in David, it truly worked!
The narrative of Isaac in Gerar during the famine is another illustration of God’s guidance. God told him not to go to Egypt, but rather to settle in Gerar. He obeyed, and the land flourished even during a season of drought and famine. “Then Isaac sowed in that country, and got a hundredfold in the same year: and the Lord blessed him,” the Bible reads. And the guy became great, progressed, and developed till he was exceedingly great:” (KJV Genesis 26:12-13) This is a clear illustration of God’s guidance and direction, which is infused with heavenly knowledge.
40 Best Prayer Points For Wisdom And Direction :
1. Lord, in Jesus’ name, thank You for providing me knowledge and understanding.
2. In the name of Jesus, Father, please forgive me for every time I try to make decisions without contacting You.
3. O Lord, my Father, in the name of Jesus, unveil every secret of my life to me.
4. Powers that have led me astray, receive the fire of God and be burned in the name of Jesus.
5. In the name of Jesus, Father discloses to me every secret I need to know about my spiritual existence.
6. Wisdom to succeed and thrive, fall upon me in Jesus’ name.
7. Give me wisdom for right living to take over my area, Father, in the name of Jesus.
8. O God of heaven, please draw me from the road of destruction and direct me to the way of righteousness in Jesus’ name.
9. In the name of Jesus, Father, enable me to trust You with my decisions and future.
10. Forces that drive me astray, be burned by fire in the name of Jesus.
11. In the name of Jesus, direct my route to cross with persons who will support my destiny.
12. In the name of Jesus, assist me, O Lord, to make the correct judgments and to avoid the least beneficial possibilities.
I am not your candidate, agents of darkness responsible for distorted eyesight! In the name of Jesus, release me and let me perish.
14. In the name of Jesus, I obtain clarity of purpose to enable me to fulfill God’s mandate for my life.
15. In the name of Jesus, O Lord, show me Your ways.
16. In the name of Jesus, Father, separate us from any hostile friend who is deceiving me.
17. In the name of Jesus, Father, please guide all of my decisions.
18. Powers, who have led my feet astray from the road of glory, relinquish your grip on my life in the name of Jesus.
19. In the name of Jesus, please whisper Your words of advice into my ears according to Your word.
20. In the name of Jesus, O God of heaven, save me from being sidetracked by the spirit of bustle and social media.
21. In the name of Jesus, my Father and God, grant me wisdom to live victorious in this world.
22. In the name of Jesus, I receive God’s wisdom that beyond all human comprehension.
23. In the name of Jesus, I receive discernment power to distinguish between God’s leading and that of my flesh.
O Lord, my God! In the name of Jesus, remove my feet off the enemy’s slick ground.
25. Father, lead me in the way of righteousness for the sake of Your name, in the name of Jesus.
26. O Lord, keep my going out and coming in from evil this day, in the name of Jesus.
27. By your command, O Lord, I will not fall into the enemy’s trap in the name of Jesus.
28. As I seek Your guidance, Lord, please lead me to the proper business that will profit me in Jesus’ name.
29. Lord, I dedicate all my ideas to You; please establish my thoughts in Jesus’ name.
30. Father, grant me the insight to recognize when You are speaking to me via people and events around me in the name of Jesus.
31. In the name of Jesus, O Lord God, please guide every faculty of my thought and lead me to do Your will.
32. Lord, enable me to rely on You for wisdom and direction even in the simplest issues, in the name of Jesus.
33. I entrust my family to You, Lord; please lead their affairs in Jesus’ name.
34. Father, in the name of Jesus, guide my feet away from disaster as I trust You for wisdom and direction.
35. In the name of Jesus, I receive divine knowledge to avoid the enemy’s traps.
36. I will not be a fool in Jesus’ name.
37. In the name of Jesus, may I not be put to shame by my adversaries as I trust You for guidance.
38. Even as I recognize Your guiding, Father straightens all my crooked way in Jesus’ name.
39. As I go through the darkness of this world, Father instructs and leads me in the name of Jesus.
40. I thank You, Lord, for answering all of my prayers in Jesus’ name.
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