The Chaplet of Acts of Love - by Pope Pius VII

The Chaplet of Acts of Love
from the Raccolta (favored by Pope Pius VII)
- O my God, and Sovereign Good, would that I had always loved Thee
- My God, I detest the time when I loved Thee
- How could I ever live so long without Thy holy love?
- And Thou too, my God, how couldst Thou bear with me?
- My God, I give Thee thanks for Thy great
- But now I desire to love Thee
- I am content rather to die than love Thee not.
- Take from me my life, O my God, if I am not to love
- The grace I beg of Thee is ever to love
- With Thy love I shall be Glory be to this Father, &c.
- My God, I would see Thee loved by
- Happy should I be, could I but shed my blood that all might love
- They who love Thee not are blind
- My God, give them Thy
- Miserable indeed are they who love not Thee, the Sovereign Good.
- My God, let me never be one of these wretched ones who love Thee
- My God, be Thou my joy, and all my
- I would be wholly Thine
- Who shall separate me from Thy love?
- Come, all ye creatures, love ye my God.
Glory be to the Father. . .
- My God, I would I had a thousand hearts wherewith to love
- I would that I had all hearts of all men wherewith to love
- I would there were more worlds, that all might love
- How blessed would he be who could love Thee with the hearts of all possible creatures!
- Thou meritest, my God, to be so
- My heart is too poor, too cold, to love
- Alas for the dead coldness of men in loving their sovereign Good
- Alas for the miserable blindness of the world, which knows not Thee, who art true
- O blessed inhabitants of heaven, who know and love Him!
- O blessed necessity of loving God!
Glory be to the Father. . .
- My God, when will the time come that I shall burn with love for Thee?
- How happy then will be my lot!
- But since I know not how to love Thee, I will at least rejoice that there are others who love Thee with their whole hearts.
- In particular I rejoice that Thou art loved by all angels and all saints in
- With the hearts of all these I unite the love of my poor
- In a special manner I intend to love Thee with the love with which those Saints who loved Thee best have loved Thee.
- Wherefore I intend to love Thee with the love wherewith Mary Magdalene, St. Catherine, and St. Teresa loved Thee.
- With the love wherewith Augustine, St. Dominic, St. Francis Xavier, St. Philip Neri, and St. Louis Gonzaga loved Thee.
- With that same love wherewith Thy Holy Apostles, especially Peter, St. Paul, and the beloved Disciple, loved Thee.
- With that same love wherewith Joseph the great Patriarch loved Thee.
Glory be to the Father. . .
- Moreover I intend to love Thee with that love wherewith Mary most holy loved Thee when on
- In particular with that love wherewith she loved Thee when she conceived Thy Divine Son in her virgin womb, when she brought Him forth, when she suckled Him, and when she saw him die.
- Yet more, I intend to love Thee with that love wherewith she loves Thee, and will love Thee forever in
- But to love Thee worthily, O my God of infinite goodness, not even this love
- Wherefore I would love Thee as Thy Son, the Divine Word made Man, did love
- As He loved Thee when He was born.
- As He loved Thee when He died upon the
- As He loves Thee ever in those sacred tabernacles where He lies hid.
- And with that love with which He loves Thee, and will love Thee in heaven for all
- Lastly, I intend to love Thee with that love with which Thou lovest Thyself; and since that is impossible, grant me,
O my God, of Thy tender pity, that I may love Thee as far as I know how and am able, and as much as Thou art pleased that I should love Thee. Amen and amen.
Glory be to the Father. . .
Deus, qui diligentibus Te bona invisibilia praeparasti, infussde cordibus nostris tui amoris affectum; ut Te in omnibus et super omnia diligentes, promissiones tuas, quae omne desiderium superant, consquamur. Per Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum, etc.
Let us pray
O God, who hast prepared invisible good things for them that love Thee; pour Thy love into our hearts, that we, loving Thee in all things and above all things, may attain Thy heavenly promises, which exceed all that we can desire. Through our Lord Jesus Christ. . .
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