Resolutions of a Novice by St. Conrad of Parzham

Resolutions of a Novice by St. Conrad of Parzham

Resolutions of a Novice by St. Conrad of Parzham

Resolutions taken with great deliberation and full confidence in the assistance of Jesus and Mary to help me keep them.

  1. I will strive earnestly to form the habit of always placing myself in the presence of God and of often asking myself: Would I do this or that if my confessor or my superior were observing me, and especially in the presence of God and my guardian angel?
  1. I will often ask myself when crosses and pain come upon me: Conrad, why are you here?
  2. I will avoid as much as possible going out of the monastery, unless love of neighbor or obedience or health demand it, or for some other good reason.
  1. I will earnestly strive to preserve brotherly charity in myself and in others. I will be careful never to utter a word against charity. I will patiently bear with the faults, defects and weaknesses of others and as far as possible I will cover them with the mantle of charity, whenever there is no obligation to reveal them to one who has the power to correct them.
  1. I will carefully observe silence as much as possible. I will always be sparing of my words in conversation and thereby avoid many faults and be able to converse the better with God.
  1. At table I will always place myself in the presence of God and conduct myself with great reserve, denying myself those dishes that I would relish most and practising especially those mortifications which are least noticeable. Outside of mealtime I will take no food unless commanded by holy obedience.
  1. I will always go to the choir immediately when the signal is given, if not otherwise
  2. I will avoid association with persons of the other sex as much as possible, unless obedience imposes on me a duty which requires association with In that case I will be very serious and keep my eyes in strict control.
  1. I will always practise obedience exactly and punctually, and will strive particularly to conquer my own will in all things.
  1. I will earnestly try to be faithful even in small matters and abhor every voluntary imperfection. I will scrupulously observe the Holy Rule and never depart from it by even a hair’s breadth, no matter what happens.
  1. I will ever strive to cultivate a tender devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and endeavor to imitate Her virtues

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