40 Prayer Points For Sound Health And Long Life – Long Life is the state of enjoying well-being to the point of getting old, often known as old age.
Long life is unquestionably beneficial to Christians, but it must be secured in the place of prayer since the devil is always waging war against our health and well-being in order to prevent our longevity.

As God’s children, diseases and infirmities are instruments employed by the enemy to wage war against Christians and prevent us from attaining our destiny, but we must be grateful and cheerful because we have excellent and sound health in God’s plans for our life. God does not want for His children to be afflicted with illnesses, bedridden, or hospitalized, but rather for us to enjoy excellent health in all aspects of our lives and endeavors, as well as to secure the fulfillment of our great and beautiful destiny.
Jeremiah 29:11 says the Lord, “For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to hurt you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
As Christians, we must understand the significance of praying for long life and good health, and we must always pray to assure our triumph over all infirmities and diseases and to claim our long life.
40 Prayer Points For Sound Health And Long Life :
1. In Jesus’ name, I praise your Holy Name for the opportunity of seeing this day as a living soul.
2. In Jesus’ name, I thank you for your love and mercy toward myself and my family.
3. In Jesus’ name, I adore you, Father, for your constant care and supply for me and my home.
4. In Jesus’ name, I adore you, Father, for your tremendous protection over me and my family.
5. In Jesus’ name, I thank you for your tremendous hand working marvels in my life, destiny, career, academics, business, marriage, and ministry.
6. Oh Lord, hear my pleas and answer my prayers in Jesus’ name.
7. In Jesus’ name, Lord, surround myself and my home with your constant love.
8. In Jesus’ name, Father, continue to direct my ways and help me live a safe life.
9. In Jesus’ name, Lord, may your kindness continue to speak for me over my home and all of my endeavors.
10. In Jesus’ name, aid and guide me to be vigilant in my work, profession, and business.
11. In Jesus’ name, I denounce any negative report from the doctor about my health.
12. In Jesus’ name, I destroy every attempt of the devil to cause me to obtain negative health reports.
13. Oh Lord, in Jesus’ name, I declare that my life shall always be in excellent health.
14. In Jesus’ name, my Father leads and protects me and my home from all types of ailments and diseases.
15. Oh Lord, in Jesus’ name, I declare that I shall never be sick.
16. In Jesus’ name, Father, send your Angels to keep watch over me and my home against all types of ailments and diseases.
17. Every day, in Jesus’ name, my Father renews my health and strength.
18. In Jesus’ name, Father, make your face shine upon me and my home.
19. Oh Lord, in Jesus’ name, burn by fire every demonic headquarters plotting to sponsor demonic disease and afflictions in my life.
20. In Jesus’ name, I declare that I shall never be hospitalized.
21. In Jesus’ name, my Father eradicated every spiritual plant of infirmity in my bodily system.
22. In Jesus’ name, my Father, arise in your strength and devour with fire every bad plant of sickness in my body system.
23. Oh Lord, in Jesus’ name, cure my bodily system of all ailments and disorders.
24. In Jesus’ name, my Father, come to me today with your strong healing hands.
25. In Jesus’ name, my Father uprooted every altar of illness.
26. In Jesus’ name, Father, dry out by fire every spiritual plant of illnesses, sicknesses, and infirmities in my bodily system.
27. In Jesus’ name, Lord, send your healing Angels to visit me today.
28. In Jesus’ name, construct your wall of protection and fortification around me against all illnesses.
29. In Jesus’ name, take every arrow of sickness from my life and dry it up.
30. My Father, arise and pour down your healing rain on my life in Jesus’ name.
31. Oh Lord, in Jesus’ name, cure my health completely and completely.
32. In Jesus’ name, my Father removed from the ground every seed and plant of wicked doctor’s reports on my life.
33. In Jesus’ name, Father, send your fire to consume all ailments and disorders in my body system.
34. In Jesus’ name, I declare that I shall never get sickness or disease.
35. In Jesus’ name, Father, make me a healthy man/woman.
36. In Jesus’ name, I decree that I and my family will never receive any negative medical reports.
37. In Jesus’ name, Lord, grant that the Spirit of healing and perfect health will always stay in my life and family.
38. In Jesus’ name, expose and make ineffective any scheme of the enemy to afflict me and my home with disease and afflictions.
39. In Jesus’ name, Father, pour forth your anointing on myself and my family so that we might grow stronger and stronger.
40. Oh Lord, I cover my life in Your Blood and pray for a long life in Jesus’ name.
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