30 Best Prayer Points For Someone Who Needs Salvation – Are you on a Christian mission and need to pray for someone who needs to be saved? You’ve come to the correct place since we’ll be providing the best short prayers for someone in need of salvation.
Salvation is a wonderful notion that cannot be fully conveyed without the assistance of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 1:18)

It is God’s gift to the human race (John 3:16), intended to reconcile us with God so that we may be worthy of standing in His presence and sharing in His inheritance with Christ.
Interestingly, salvation is made available to all people (large and tiny, adolescents, teens, and the elderly, married and single, slaves and free born, rich and poor, and so on), therefore we as believers are entrusted with the primary job of rescuing others.
However, it is critical to understand that preaching the good news to unbelievers does not guarantee their conversion; rather, it is very wise to begin by praying for the people (1 Timothy 2:1) you want to preach to; by praying, you will be wetting the soil of their heart to become soften to receive the Word of God (Ezekiel 36:26); by praying, you will also be breaking every spiritual resistance that may hinder or delay their repentance; and through prayers, you will be breaking every spiritual resistance that may
After we’ve established the need of praying for individuals in need of salvation before approaching them, let’s move on to the brief prayers for someone in need of salvation.
30 Best Prayer Points For Someone Who Needs Salvation :
1. Daddy I thank you for saving my soul; all praise to you, Lord.
2. Lord, I thank you for this wonderful gift of salvation that you have given to the entire human race.
3. Lord, I thank you for finding me worthy, through your kindness, to be your vessel through which your Word will be conveyed to others.
4. Lord, please forgive me in Jesus’ name for all the ways I have sinned against you.
5. The father I pray for their redemption and beg your forgiveness for these individuals. Please forgive them of all their sins and iniquities in Jesus’ name.
6. Father, please show them your kindness so that they may be saved in Jesus’ name.
7. Lord, please soften their hearts, remove their stone hearts, and give them a heart of flesh in Jesus’ name.
8. Father, please remove any acts of stubbornness from their life and assist them to view things through the lens of the gospel, in Jesus’ name.
9. In Jesus’ name, remove every barrier in their hearts to the gospel.
10. In Jesus’ name, please remove every bad covering from their faces so that they might see and know you.
11. Help them, Lord, to recognize you for who you are, and to understand that you are the purpose for their being, in Jesus’ name.
12. Father, please touch their hearts in a manner that no one else can, and let them feel a particular touch from you so they know it’s you, in Jesus’ name.
13. Father, make your divine presence known to them whenever the Word is taught to them in Jesus’ name.
14. Father, please awaken and activate their consciences so that they might deliberately escape evil in Jesus’ name.
15. Please, God, assist them in receiving our Lord Jesus Christ’s redemption.
16. In Jesus’ name, remove every impediment to their redemption.
17. In Jesus’ name, Father, arise on their side and demolish every wicked effort designated against their redemption.
18. In Jesus’ name, Lord, please rescue them out of every hole of ignorance.
19. In Jesus’ name, Father, please rescue them from all forms of spiritual blindness.
20. In Jesus’ name, keep their ears wide open and sensitive to your Word.
In Jesus’ name, Father opened their eyes to see the treasures in the gospel.
22. In Jesus’ name, Lord, please visit them in dreams, visions, and revelations until they devote their life to Christ.
23. In Jesus’ name, Holy Spirit, please continue the work of redemption in their hearts until they come to repentance.
24. Father, continue to play in their hearts every word of the gospel delivered to them until they accept Christ in Jesus’ name.
25. Father, please allow all of creation work in their favor for repentance and redemption in Jesus’ name.
26. In Jesus’ name, Father, please help them overcome any shame and guilt related with their former lives.
27. Lord, please grant them the correct words to say to anybody who questions their salvation, in Jesus’ name.
28. In Jesus’ name, Lord, please continue to open them eyes to see the treasures in your Word.
29. Lord, help them never to stray from your path when they ultimately dedicate their lives to Christ, in Jesus’ name.
30. Father, in Jesus’ name, help them realign their lives to fulfill your will.
31. Lord, please give them the grace and words to teach your Word to their home in Jesus’ name.
32. Lord, please give them the courage and strength to stay courageous and strong in faith at all times, in Jesus’ name.
33. Lord, please strengthen their confidence in you even in the face of adversity.
34. Lord, help them to live pure lives so that they may be agreeable to you throughout their lives, in Jesus’ name.
35. Thank you, Jesus, for hearing my prayers and answering them.
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