40 MFM Prayer Points For Mercy And Forgiveness – The prayer of Mercy and Forgiveness is an important prayer that everyone needs to pray since the Bible teaches that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23), therefore this is a prayer for everyone.
However, if you have done anything particular for which you still feel guilty or have not prayed, this is a wonderful moment to do so as we offer these 40 MFM petitions for compassion and forgiveness.
Every day, we as humans sin against God by our words, ideas, actions, and even inactions by doing things that offend our neighbors, spouses, families, and even ourselves.
True, Moses offered the ten commandments in the old testament (Exodus 20), which formed the foundation of what we call sin today, but Christ taught us learn that we must work in love with everyone (1 John 4 kjv)
He taught us via the Scriptures that love is the most important thing, love for God, love for your neighbor as yourself; this implies that anything you do not want done to you, you must not do to another person.
So, in addition to the rules that say we must not kill, steal, give false witness, lie, and so on, the New Testament verses help us realize that backbiting, gossiping, uncontrollable rage, unprotected lips, hypocrisy Galatians 5 kjv) and so on are sins before God.
Going by the first set of sins described in the old testament, one may easily claim he is righteous because he has kept the ten commandments, but going closely into the laws of Christ (written in their hearts) as it is written in their hearts, one can easily declare he is righteous. All of our righteousness is shown in the New Testament to be like filthy rags before God.
40 MFM Prayer Points For Mercy And Forgiveness :
1. Oh Lord, I thank you for your everlasting kindness and grace in my life and in the lives of my family.
2. Thank you for not letting the wicked have control of my life.
3. Thank you for turning the wicked’s ideas about my life and family ineffective.
4. I appreciate you not enabling me to witness humiliation and degradation.
5. Thank you, Father, for giving me hope again through your kindness.
6. Thank you for the eternal serenity that surrounds me and my family; all praise to you in Jesus’ name.
7. Lord, I beseech you to offer me forgiveness in all ways since I have sinned against you via my words.
8. In whatever ways that my words have injured people, please enable me to make apologies and let your mercy speak for me in Jesus’ name.
9. In all ways that my lifestyle has harmed others, please assist me to start living correctly by your compassion, and please forgive me in Jesus’ name.
10. Father, please forgive me for failing to do the right thing at the right moment, and please show me forgiveness and grace in Jesus’ name.
11. Lord, please forgive me in all the ways I have misled and wrongfully accused others without doing enough investigations; please show me your kindness in Jesus’ name.
12. Please forgive me, Lord, for all the times I have judged and condemned others; show me your kindness, Lord, in Jesus’ name.
13. Oh Lord, please enable me to view others the way you see them, in Jesus’ name.
14. Oh Lord, please forgive me for all the times I have lied under duress or out of dread of the unknown; please show me mercy and enable me to be as fearless as a lion in Jesus’ name.
15. In the majestic name of Jesus Christ, Father, arise and purify me from all wickedness.
16. In the majestic name of Jesus Christ, let your light of love shine upon my heart.
17. In the magnificent name of Jesus Christ, Father, please enable me to be gracious to others as you are merciful to me.
18. In Jesus’ name, help me to really love others as I love myself.
19. Assist me in really seeking the benefit of people, as Jesus Christ did.
20. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, help me to truly love and be at peace with others.
21. Father, please forgive me in all ways that I have been inconsistent with the mission you assigned to me; let your kindness speak for me in Jesus’ name.
22. Lord, please show me mercy and forgive me in all areas where I have intentionally disregarded your commands; please enable me to be obedient to your will in the future, in Jesus’ name.
23. Father, please cleanse me of all wickedness and bless my life with your peace in Jesus’ name.
24. I have not been a good example of a Christian in my thoughts, deeds, and words; please grant me mercy and pardon me in Jesus’ name.
25. Lord, please forgive me for all of my childhood sins that I haven’t confessed to you, as well as those that I have forgotten, and let them not harm me in the future, in the name of Jesus Christ.
26. I have not been a great father to my children in every aspect; Lord, please show me grace and bring me to perfection by your strength, in the magnificent name of Jesus Christ.
27. Lord, in the powerful name of Jesus Christ, please make my heart open to your Word every day of my life.
28. In Jesus’ name, please enable me, Father, to genuinely store up your Words in my heart so that I do not trespass against you.
29. Please help me, Lord, to be filled with your compassion, so that I might offer mercy to others as you have given mercy to me, in Jesus’ name.
30. In the magnificent name of Jesus Christ, please assist me to be tolerant when dealing with others.
31. I receive grace to constantly correct in love rather than wrath, so that I may carry out God’s desire in the powerful name of Jesus Christ.
32. In the magnificent name of Jesus Christ, help me to always have good deeds to accomplish so that the devil does not find my hands inactive and useless.
33. In the magnificent name of Jesus Christ, let your kindness speak for our nation, and please restore us in the locations where we have lost riches.
34. Lord, please forgive me for disrespecting the men of God you have put over my life in whatever manner, and please show me kindness, in the powerful name of Jesus Christ.
35. In the magnificent name of Jesus Christ, Father, please grant me grace in all ways; I have abandoned the assembly of the brethren.
36. I have said nasty things in anger to different people in various ways; please forgive me and have compassion on me in Jesus’ name.
37. In Jesus’ name, please remove my ancestors’ sins from my life and assist me not to suffer for their mistakes.
38. Father, please forgive me of every sin that the enemy holds against me, accusing me before God day and night, and let your mercy speak for me in Jesus’ name.
39. In the powerful name of Jesus, Lord, silence all accusers who talk against my accomplishments.
40. Thank you for hearing my prayers, Lord.
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