7 Days Fasting and Prayer Points During Pregnancy – I’d want to thank God for blessing you with the fruit of the womb. He is aware of your existence. That is not the end of the story. However, the devil has been exposed. This is the most important moment for you to pray. Because your adversary is astonished by your pregnancy, they will try to make you cry. Do not be afraid; the Lord is on your side.
You will need some strong prayers to safeguard your pregnancy and baby from any complications. The good news is that the Lord promises to keep an eye on your pregnancy and the baby in your womb to guarantee a safe birth. All He asks for is your daily prayers. So, today, I’d want to urge you to begin 7 days of fasting and prayer for your pregnancy (Time is now) and provide you with some Bible passages to utilize in conjunction with your prayers.

Pregnant Women’s Bible Verses
Psalm 6:10, All my opponents should be humiliated and disturbed; let them return and be ashamed immediately.
35:1 Psalm Plead my cause with those who strive with me, O LORD, and battle against those who fight against me.
Psalm 27:2-3. They staggered and fell as the wicked, even my adversaries and opponents, descended upon me to eat off my flesh.
Psalm 118:6, What can man do to me? The Lord is on my side; I will not be afraid.
17:18, Jeremiah Let those who persecute me be perplexed, but not me; let them be terrified, but not me; bring upon them the day of calamity, and demolish them with double devastation.
Psalm 21:11, For they planned to do you harm: they devised a devious plan that they were unable to carry out.
18:18, Matthew Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you lose on earth will be loosed in heaven, I assure you.
15:13, Matthew But Jesus said, “Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted must be rooted up.”
6:17 Galatians No one shall worry me from now on, since I carry the markings of the Lord Jesus on my body.
1 Timothy 1:17 God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a clear mind.
50:20 (Genesis) But as for you, you thought evil of me; but God meant everything for good, to bring about, as it is today, the salvation of many people.
1. In the name of Jesus, I thank you, Father, for making me fertile in life.
2. In the name of Jesus, I thank you, Father, for removing barrenness from my life.
3. In Jesus’ name, combine the blood of Jesus with my blood and the blood of my unborn child.
4. In the name of Jesus, may the fire of God consume me and the baby in my womb.
5. In the name of Jesus, Lord, my baby will not be aborted by dark forces.
6. In the name of Jesus, my health will not be jeopardized throughout this pregnancy.
7. In the name of Jesus, I receive the strength to bear my kid in my womb for nine months.
8. In the name of Jesus, my kid will not develop unwell in the womb.
9. I reject miscarriage and will deliver this baby to the glory of God in Jesus’ name.
10. In the name of Jesus, the formation of my kid will be beautiful and delightful, with no complications.
1. In the name of Jesus, the baby in my womb shall not be deformed.
2. In the name of Jesus, the head of my kid shall not be cursed.
3. In the name of Jesus, the curse that is at work in my life will not touch my kid.
4. In the name of Jesus, my baby, you will not be paralyzed within the womb.
5. In the name of Jesus, may the fire of God consume my life and the life of my child.
6. In the name of Jesus, my womb shall not get heated in order to fit my kid.
7. In Jesus’ name, keep my baby in the proper place in my womb.
8. In the name of Jesus, the baby’s eyes will not grow blind in the womb.
9. In the name of Jesus, my adversaries will not have access to my baby’s blood.
10. In the name of Jesus, I immerse my baby and my womb in the pool of Jesus’ blood.
1. In the name of Jesus, my baby will not be deaf and deaf in my womb.
2. In the name of Jesus, witchcraft power will not detect my baby in my womb.
3. In the name of Jesus, my baby, you will have enough food to eat in my belly.
4. In Jesus’ name, my baby, drink the blood of Jesus and consume the fire of God.
5. In the name of Jesus, my baby will not perish in my womb.
6. In the name of Jesus, my baby, you will come out with your head on the day of birth.
7. In the name of Jesus, I will be congratulated on the day of delivery.
8. In the name of Jesus, my baby will be active in my womb.
9. In Jesus’ name, all of my baby’s components will work perfectly.
10. In the name of Jesus, the power of the grave will not devour my kid.
1. In the name of Jesus, my baby’s head must not be possessed.
2. In the name of Jesus, Holy Ghost, take control of my baby’s destiny.
3. In the name of Jesus, grant my kid greater strength to endure disease in the womb.
4. In the name of Jesus, my darling, you will be the head, not the tail.
5. In the name of Jesus, my darling, you will be greater than your father.
6. In the name of Jesus, the enemy’s prediction about my pregnancy will not come true.
7. In the name of Jesus, no arrow of the wicked will end my pregnancy.
8. In the name of Jesus, Father, keep baby safe in my womb.
9. In the name of Jesus, my baby will not perish in my womb.
10. In the name of Jesus, my baby will not heed the call of my adversaries.
1. In the name of Jesus, my surroundings must cooperate with my pregnancy.
2. In the name of Jesus, my baby’s blood shall not be tainted.
3. In the name of Jesus, Satan’s eye will not watch the development of my kid in my womb.
4. In the name of Jesus, the enemy shall not keep track of the months of my pregnancy.
5. In the name of Jesus, O Lord, make my infant a kid of promise.
6. O God, arise and kill my baby’s adversaries in the name of Jesus.
7. Fire that consumes fire, enter my baby’s life in the name of Jesus.
8. In Jesus’ name, the body of my baby will develop smoothly.
9. In the name of Jesus, everything the food and water I consume will strengthen my baby in the womb.
In the name of Jesus, I will not deliver a preterm baby.
1. In the name of Jesus, infection shall not spread to my baby’s side.
2. Fire of liberation and healing, enter my womb in Jesus’ name.
3. Any power shouting in my womb, perish in Jesus’ name.
4. In the name of Jesus, my womb must not be my baby’s coffin.
5. Anointing of safe delivery, come upon me now in Jesus’ name.
6. In the name of Jesus, the power of God that delivers triumph enters my womb.
7. In the name of Jesus, I accept the anointing of a Hebrew woman by fire.
8. In the name of Jesus, I will not lose too much blood on the day of delivery.
9. In the name of Jesus, I rebuke the fear of experiencing another miscarriage.
10. In the name of Jesus, I place the mark of touch not on my womb/baby.
1. I cover you with Jesus’ blood, my darling.
2. In the name of Jesus, may my prayers destroy the delight of my adversaries beginning today.
3. In the name of Jesus, my baby, you will not be delivered sickly.
4. In the name of Jesus, let every fire of preterm delivery perish in my life.
5. Any force intending to kidnap my unborn child, perish in Jesus’ name.
6. Any force that is intending to take my kid at birth, be paralyzed in Jesus’ name.
7. In the name of Jesus, any power planning to trade my baby will receive paralysis.
8. In the name of Jesus, may the blood of Jesus be my helper and protection during my pregnancy and on the day of my delivery.
9. Planter of disease in my womb and my baby’s life, die in the name of Jesus.
10. In the name of Jesus, Holy Spirit, be my divine surgeon on the day of delivery.
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