40 Powerful Prayer Points Against The Spirit Of Dog

40 Powerful Prayer Points Against The Spirit Of Dog – Today, we’ll examine into prayer points for dog spirit release. The spirit of the dog is considered as the spirit of sexual pervasion and every kind of sexual immorality in the spirit realm. In our common parlance, a man or woman who is so preoccupied with sexual immorality is referred to as a dog. This is due to the fact that dogs are connected with sexual pervasion.

The dog spirit is a sea spirit linked with sexual immorality that enters men and women and causes them to misbehave or do things they would not normally do. That is why Deuteronomy 23:18 states that the dog is an abomination to God, since the dog spirit drives its victims to engage in all manner of pervasions, including lesbianism, homosexuality, masturbation, and the use of all manner of sexually satisfying equipment. The dog spirit is a particularly harmful spirit that binds its captives and refuses to let them find a way out.

Prayer Points Against The Spirit Of Dog
Prayer Points Against The Spirit Of Dog

The dog spirit can also be interpreted as an encampment of adversaries around someone. Psalm 22:16 states, “For wolves have encircled me; the assembly of the wicked has encircled me; they have wounded my hands and my feet.” The dog spirit is an adversary spirit that congregates around his victim and afflicts them at all hours of the day and night. The canine spirit is nothing positive because its aim is to steal, murder, and destroy.

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Today’s question for you is. Do you have the dog spirit in you? Are your enemies encircling and tormenting you? Have you cried out and sought deliverance and found no one or aid in sight? Today I have fantastic news for you. God, our Father, who created the cosmos and gave it a name, is here to deliver. Our God is powerful enough to save and deliver you from every hound spirit that has messed up your life and destiny. God is the Almighty, the one who finds a way where there appears to be no way, the one with the great hand of rescue, and he says he wants to release you from that hound spirit today, if you would cry unto him with a true heart for deliverance and heed unto him. If you would just trust in your heart that God is your deliverer and that he is powerful enough to save you.

“And he said, The LORD is my rock, my stronghold, and my deliverer,” says 2 Samuel 22:2. The first step is to embrace God as your refuge and the only one who can liberate you from the hound spirit. Second, pray to God to release you from the dog spirit, and he will do so. “And call on me in the day of difficulty; I will save you, and thou shalt exalt me,” says Psalm 50:15. Third, believe in God and he will deliver you. “Then they called unto the Lord in their anguish,” Psalm 107:6 states, “and he freed them out of their misery.” A prayer of trust to the LORD will release you from the dog spirit.

You must also pray for deliverance and seek out a real man of God to lay hands on you in order to be completely rid of the dog spirit. The following are well-thought-out deliverance prayers that will assist you in engaging and being liberated from the dog spirit.

40 Powerful Prayer Points Against The Spirit Of Dog :

1. Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you for the gift of life and your blessings over my life and destiny.

2. Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you for maintaining your benefits in my life and keeping me all these years.

3. In the name of Jesus, Father, I thank you for your protection and direction over me and my family.

4. Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for meeting all of my needs according to your riches in glory.

5. Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray for your pity and forgiveness for my sins.

6. Father, in the powerful name of Jesus, I pray for grace and mercy not to return to those sins.

7. In the name of Jesus, I come against every hound spirit at work in my life, Father.

8. Father, in the powerful name of Jesus, I request that every spirit of dog speaking in my life be eradicated.

9. In the great name of Jesus, I get authority to combat every spirit of hound sent from the sea kingdom to disperse my marriage destiny.

10. Father, in the name of Jesus, disperse every hound spirit that is barking against God’s blessings on my life.

11. Father, in the name of Jesus, I demand every spirit of the hound that is preventing God’s blessings from finding me to shut up and die.

12. Father, in the name of Jesus, let every agent of the devil utilizing the spirit of a dog to keep my life in servitude be destroyed by fire.

13. Father, in the name of Jesus, let any covenant formed over my life via the dog of the water spirit be broken by fire.

14. Father, in the name of Jesus, let every dog spirit working their tongues against me be consumed by fire.

15. Father, in the name of Jesus, may every arrow launched into my life by the dog spirit backfire.

16. Father, in the name of Jesus, remove every seed that the adversary has planted in my life through the dog spirit.

17. Father, in the name of Jesus, let every hound spirit sent to drive me into fornication and adultery perish by fire.

18. In the name of Jesus, Father, by your grace, I reject the spirit of the dog in my life.

19. Father, in the name of Jesus, I command every hound spirit in the garden of my glory to vanish by fire.

20. In the name of Jesus, Father, I tie every leg of the dog spirit that comes into my life with your authority.

21. Father, in the name of Jesus, extinguish every filthy spirit that has made my home their home.

22. Father, in the name of Jesus, I chase away every adversary who has come to steal my glory by dog spirit.

23. Father, in the name of Jesus, let every unrepentant adversary who is causing me to cry this year by hound spirit fall and die.

24. In the name of Jesus, I paralyze the hands and legs of every hound spirit power sent to destroy me via sexual perversion.

25. Father, in the name of Jesus, let every ancestor dog spirit taken out of the shrine because of me return to the sender.

26. Father, in the powerful name of Jesus, smash every plan of the adversary that wants me to accept sin via dog spirit.

27. Father, in the name of Jesus, please close every open door in my life that has allowed the canine spirit to enter.

28. Father, in the magnificent name of Jesus, let every dog spirit of sexual immorality at work in my life be extinguished right now.

29. Father, in the name of Jesus, consume every force of evil manipulating me with canine spirit.

30. Father, in the name of Jesus, I command every hound spirit from the sea to return to its source.

31. Father, in the great name of Jesus, let the force of God smother every hound spirit at work in my life.

32. In the name of Jesus, Father, help me to fight every temptation of the dog spirit in my life.

33. Father, I immerse myself in Jesus’ blood against every hound spirit that seeks to infiltrate my life, in Jesus’ name.

34. Father, in the name of Jesus, I cancel every agreement with the dog spirit in my life.

35. Father, through the blood of Jesus, I annul every covenant of the sea spirit of the dog in my life and ancestry.

36. Father, in the name of Jesus, I break every hand of the enemy that is projecting the dog spirit into my life by your might.

37. Father, in the name of Jesus, I break the neck of every hound sent to encamp around me.

38. Father, in the name of Jesus, I admit that you have the ability to deliver me and that you will deliver me from the dog spirit.

39. Father, in the majestic name of Jesus, I beseech thee this day with a genuine heart to rescue me from the dog spirit.

40. Father, in the magnificent name of Jesus, I cry unto thee with trust, imploring you to free me from all my anguish.

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