40 Powerful Prayer Points Against Marine Covenant – Today’s topic will be marine covenants and how to break and conquer them through prayer.
A covenant is a contract or legally enforceable agreement between two or more parties. It is to enter into an agreement that, via an oath or action, ties one to a contract. In this sense, a marine covenant is an agreement between one and the sea world. Alternatively, a contract between a family, community, or village and the aquatic kingdom. The marine kingdom is essentially the realm of darkness that exists on, inside, and beneath the ocean. They are the marine spirits, mermaids, and other forces that are influenced by the water deity and goddess.
People can participate into maritime covenants willingly or unwillingly through a variety of behaviors and for a variety of reasons, such as riches, power, or celebrity. People who have made a pact with the aquatic kingdom are constantly tested in some fashion. They are frequently subjected to severe suffering and are so enslaved by these sea demonic powers that they cannot see a way out. Marine covenants are agreements made with marine authorities.
The Bible informs us in Jer. 29 that Pharaoh was entirely connected to the sea. He was referred to as the dragon who lives in the middle of the river. Pharaoh would travel to the river extremely early every morning to worship the marine god/goddess, which is why Deity told Moses to go to the river and stretch his rod towards it, in order to crush the head of the river god known as Leviathan before Pharaoh arrived.
Pharaoh was supported by Leviathan. He was the one who dealt with Job and was lethal, cruel, and haughty. If you often dream and find yourself on the riverside or in the river, swimming, fishing, paddling a canoe, or with a group of people chanting and clapping their hands, you may be certain that a marine covenant exists in your life.
A man with a marine covenant in his life is continually battling the spirit of desire and is extremely promiscuous. When they engage in sexual acts with someone, the spirit is passed to the human, causing the demons to multiply. Wet dreams and spirit spouse attacks are often associated with the sea. If a person under the marine covenant wishes to leave it without absolute commitment to Jesus Christ, he will either suffer insanity or extreme destitution.
Today I offer you excellent news since there is no such thing as an impossible scenario with our God. Breaking free from the marine covenant is genuine and certain thanks to God’s great strength. According to the Bible, God has all authority in heaven, on earth, and beneath the earth. As a result, there is no covenant from which He cannot deliver you. To get out of it, you must accept responsibility.
First, you must forsake all ties to the marine kingdom and covenant. Second, you must embrace Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, i.e. be born again, and commit to staying that way. Third, you must make a vow to God to serve him for the rest of your life. When you complete this, you have rejected the wicked marine covenant and replaced it with the commitment to serve God. This welcomes you into God’s home and sheepfold.
Here, the blood of the everlasting covenant cleanses you and releases you from the pit of marine covenant where there is no water of life, as well as shielding you from any retaliation attacks from the marine kingdom. You must also pray for deliverance and have hands laid on you by true men of God, or the covenant will be broken permanently.
Earnest prayer in faith combined with fasting will go a long way toward releasing you from the marine covenant. The following are prayer topics to assist you begin your road to deliverance and entry into God’s family, where the Marine kingdom has no authority to touch us.
40 Powerful Prayer Points Against Marine Covenant :
1. Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you for the gift of life and everything you have done for me.
2. Father, in the magnificent name of Jesus, I thank you for your protection and direction over my life and destiny, as well as for making me a no-go zone for the devil and his agents.
3. Father, in the name of Jesus, I beg for forgiveness for all my sins and for your kindness and grace in my life.
4. In the name of Jesus, I confront my body with the fire of the Holy Spirit and compel every marine spirit existing in my body to manifest and die.
5. Father, by the blood of Jesus, let every Leviathan spirit in my life come out now and perish, in Jesus’ name.
6. In the name of Jesus, Father, through the fire of the Holy Spirit, devour every spirit of Leviathan in my life and destiny.
7. Father, I demand every wicked covenant that is blinding me with water spirits to be broken by the blood of Jesus, in Jesus’ name.
8. Father, in the great name of Jesus, break every bad pact between me and aquatic spirits by your powerful might.
9. Father, in the name of Jesus, let every wicked pact formed by my parents on every maritime demonic altar be broken immediately by the blood of Jesus.
10. In the name of Jesus, Father, by your might, I reject and repudiate every demonic office bestowed upon me in the sea kingdom.
11. Father, in the name of Jesus, I reject and repudiate every diabolical crown bestowed upon me in the sea kingdom.
12. In the name of Jesus, I reject and renounce every satanic item in my possession, and I return them to them and separate from them.
13. In the name of Jesus, Father, I reject and repudiate every evil gift ever offered to me from the sea kingdom.
14. In the tremendous name of Jesus, I stand and reject every covenant of the sea world at work in my life and destiny.
15. Father, in the powerful name of Jesus, I reject every demonic guard assigned to my life from the sea kingdom as a consequence of a wicked pact and demand you to receive the fire of God and flee from me.
16. In the powerful name of Jesus, I shatter the stranglehold of every marine covenant speaking in my life and destiny.
17. Father, by the blood of Jesus, pull me out of every marine covenant into which I have entered and release me by your powerful hand, in Jesus’ name.
18. Father, in the name of Jesus, let every demonic instrument from the sea kingdom put inside my flesh as a symbol of covenant accept the fire of God now and burn to ashes.
19. Father, in the name of Jesus, remove every mark of marine covenant on my body with the blood of Jesus Christ.
20. Father, every serpent hiding in my flesh, I dare you to come out and die with the fire of God, in the name of Jesus.
21. Father, in the great name of Jesus, I demand every familial covenant with the sea kingdom at work in my life and destiny to be broken today by the might of God.
22. Father, in Jesus’ name, may all unconscious relationship with maritime implements of covenant be obliterated by the blood of Jesus.
23. In the magnificent name of Jesus, I disassociate myself from every ancestral covenant with the sea world.
24. Father, I reject and repudiate every throne set up for me in the sea kingdom, and I demand God’s thunder fire to demolish you right now, in Jesus’ name.
25. Father, in the powerful name of Jesus, let every covenant my forefathers made with the aquatic kingdom that is speaking every sort of negativity in my life be burned by God’s fire.
26. Father, in the great name of Jesus, may every commandment of the sea kingdom in my life be wiped away by the blood of Jesus.
27. In the magnificent name of Jesus, Father, I breach every agreement with the aquatic kingdom that my parents made on my behalf.
28. In the name of Jesus, I bind and throw away every maritime covenant from my life.
29. Father, in the majestic name of Jesus, I repudiate every inherited covenant with the maritime kingdom by the blood of Jesus.
30. Father, in the name of Jesus, remove every foundation of maritime covenant in my life with fire.
31. Father, in the powerful name of Jesus, I break the root of every maritime covenant at work in my life and destiny by the power of your word.
32. Father, in the name of Jesus, demolish all that has survived in my life on the terrible basis of the marine covenant.
33. Father, by the might of God and in the powerful name of Jesus, I break every hereditary covenant with the sea kingdom.
34. Father, in the name of Jesus, I bind and drive forth every demon of Leviathan witchcraft from my body.
35. In the powerful name of Jesus, I break every pact I made in my dream with the sea kingdom against my marriage and family life.
36. Father, in the name of Jesus, may every trading ground of the queen of the coast in my life be destroyed by God’s fire.
37. Father, in the majestic name of Jesus, break every legal foundation that allows the maritime covenant to speak in my life and destiny.
38. Father, I am wedded to Jesus, and by His blood, you queen of the coast, let go of my life now, in Jesus’ name.
39. Father, in the powerful name of Jesus, let every agreement with the sea kingdom that still has legal roots in my life be scattered by the might of God.
40. Father, in the powerful name of Jesus, I thank you for replying and releasing me from the covenant authority of the aquatic kingdom.
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