Freshdew is hosted by Pastor Nkechi Ene, a full-time minister of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. She is the pastor of The Carpenter’s Church in Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
She was born in Accra, Ghana, and spent the most of her childhood in Lagos, Western Nigeria. She holds a First Class Honours Degree in Electronics Engineering from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
Pastor Kech [as she is affectionately known] has been anointed to dynamically preach God’s Word with grace portrayed in clarity and charisma. Over the past twenty-one years, Freshdew has become a household name in millions of households due to her elegance and loving attitude.
Pastor Nkechi Ene Biography , Age , Spouse , Net Worth , House and Cars , Phone Number , WhatsApp Number , Contact Details , MP4 Videos Download , Mother , Father , Children , State Of Origin , Religion , Height , News and Videos , Pictures and Phones – 2023 , 2022
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Country | Nigeria | Name | Pastor Nkechi Ene |
Address | 933 Britney Islands Suite 087 | City | Lekki , Lagos |
State | Lagos | Net Worth | $ 7237 |
Gender | *** | Date Of Birth | 8-7-199* |
Phone | 546-706-6158 x628 | meggie*** | |
Age (Years) | *** | Zodiac Sign | Taurus |
Height | 5.8ft 1inch | Weight | 65 kg |
Spouse | Feli** Ojali*** | Eye Color | Brown |
Pastor Nkechi Ene - Business Review , Address , Contact Details
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