40 Midnight Prayer Points For Instant Healing – Do you know that Healing is the process through which the cells in the body renew and heal themselves?
Healing is the psychological, emotional, intellectual, or spiritual process of addressing concerns, circumstances, or problems and devising practical remedies.

The power of darkness has taken over the globe, as evidenced by what is now happening in the world.
Several horrible diseases and infirmities have taken over the planet, such as typhoid, syphilis, cancer, HIV/AIDS, and other afflictions that are used by the devil to battle God’s children.
This is why, as Christians, we must surround ourselves with constant prayer. We must continually pray so that we are not taken over by the force of evil, that we remain on God’s side, and that our lives and affairs are never governed by the power of darkness and disease.
As God’s children, we must always make sure that our lives reflect the light and health that He has placed in us. We must be prayerful so that the force of darkness and disease cannot reach us and we may appropriately disseminate God’s light and health in us, which can only be done if we stay prayerful and persistent in prayer.
This clearly demonstrates the need of reciting the prayer of healing at all times. This is a prayer that all Christians must pray at all times.
40 Midnight Prayer Points For Instant Healing :
1. In Jesus’ name, I thank you for the gift of good health, abundant supplies, and provision for myself and my family.
2. In Jesus’ name, I thank you for your constant directions and guidance for me, my family, company, and profession.
3. In Jesus’ name, I thank you for your kindness and mercy toward me and my home.
4. In Jesus’ name, I thank you for answering my prayers and showering mercy on me and my family.
5. In Jesus’ name, I command that all evil cohorts of the wicked adversary against my life, destiny, family, career, academics, business, marriage, and ministry be destroyed by fire.
6. In Jesus’ name, I command every gang up, every invisible adversary against me to be dispersed by fire.
7. In Jesus’ name, every invisible force and adversary working against my peace and progress with issues, perish today by fire.
8. In Jesus’ name, I demand every monitoring power of the Invisible adversary utilized in monitoring my life to catch fire and be broken apart today by your might.
9. In Jesus’ name, make me invisible and invincible to every invisible adversary and arrow of troubles.
10. Oh Lord, today I set fire to the Invisible enemy’s terrible arrows and burn them to ashes in Jesus’ name.
11. In Jesus’ name, my Father, by your fire and strength, strike and destroy every invisible arrow of troubles intended to ruin me with ill luck.
12. My Father, in Jesus’ name, quiet every demonic and invisible mouth that speaks bad disease into my life.
13. In Jesus’ name, I order that every stubborn and unrepentant foe of my life, destiny, profession, academics, business, family, marriage, and ministry be consumed by your burning fire.
14. Oh Lord, in Jesus’ name, every arrow of spiritual disease and troubles aimed at me by the evil and invisible adversary shall backfire.
15. In Jesus’ name, my Father burns with fire every wicked arrow of difficulties aimed against my life and destiny.
16. Oh Lord, I decree that from today, every wicked arrow of illness and sickness acting against me with unpleasant happenings cease to function and be made useless in Jesus’ name.
17. In Jesus’ name, I declare that no evil scheme or agenda of the Invisible adversary shall stand against my life, destiny, career, academics, business, family, marriage, or ministry.
18. Oh Lord, in Jesus’ name, destroy with your fire every negative force of disease and death that is aimed at me and my home.
19. In Jesus’ name, I demand every evil authority of the wicked and spiritual issues to be rendered ineffective over my life destiny and family.
20. In Jesus’ name, I suppress every demonic force displaying negativity in my life, job, academics, business, family, marriage, and ministry today.
21. Oh Lord, construct your wall of fire and protection around me and my family, so that we are immune to any demonic sicknesses in Jesus’ name.
22. In Jesus’ name, bring confusion into the camp of all invisible enemies and let them be consumed.
23. In Jesus’ name, my Father, I will not be a victim of troubles and issues.
24. In Jesus’ name, Father, protect me and my home and hide us under the shadow of your wings.
25. In Jesus’ name, my Father, guard and keep me from every wicked arrow of difficulties and disease.
26. Oh Lord, come to my foundation and shake off every evil invisible arrow of disease that is tied to it, in Jesus’ name.
27. In Jesus’ name, my Father, arise, battle, and kill any evil creatures that are causing me spiritual issues.
28. In Jesus’ name, I neutralize every demonic issue directed at me by your might.
29. In Jesus’ name, disperse by fire any wicked plot to introduce bad disease and troubles into my life by a negative arrow.
30. In Jesus’ name, arise in your wrath and demolish every invisible adversary and force that sponsors evils in my life, destiny, career, academics, business, family, marriage, and ministry.
31. In Jesus’ name, I bind every wicked and evil force that is pouring bad disease into my future.
32. In Jesus’ name, I soak myself and my home in the Blood of Jesus, and we become impenetrable to all demonic afflictions and disease.
33. Oh Lord, in Jesus’ name, I tear down every evil and demonic spiritual edifice that stands in the path of my promise Land.
34. In Jesus’ name, I order the gates of blessings and ultimate healing to be opened for me.
35. Oh Lord, in Jesus’ name, I order the spirit of a winner and healing to take over my life and make me a winner in all aspects of my life.
36. In Jesus’ name, I announce and proclaim my triumph over all the wicked invisible adversary and power of evil arrows of troubles and disease on my life and destiny.
37. Oh Lord, in Jesus’ name, quiet every evil mouth that speaks ill things into my life and destiny.
38. In Jesus’ name, guard me and my home from every arrow of ill and negative sickness aimed at me and my family.
39. In Jesus’ name, visit my foundation and eradicate every plant of unpleasant situations and incidents in my life and destiny.
40. Oh Lord, arise and purify my life, family, career, profession, business, academics, and ministry of all bad sicknesses in Jesus’ name.
41. In Jesus’ name, I declare that every wicked arrow of negative disease aimed at my life, household, and destiny shall be burned by fire.
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