25 MFM Prayer Points On Destiny Helpers – Everyone in life need a destiny helper, and the ministry of a destiny helper is vital to anybody who has a destiny that must be accomplished. Destiny helpers, or lifters as some prefer to call them, are those persons God has appointed to wait for you at strategic or transitional points in your life in order to aid you in reaching the height God has planned for you.
They don’t have to be family members; they can be strangers you’ve never met or done business with, but when they see you, they naturally love you, not for selfish reasons; they genuinely feel the need to bless you, counsel you, or even nurture you until you’ve grown to the full image in God’s plan for your life.
When we talk about destiny helpers, we must remember that they are more than just those who offer you money or provide financial aid. A destiny helper is someone who notices when you are wandering and gently corrects you in love.
Destiny assistants connect you to the people who count in life, they suggest you at the top, and they will protect you even if it means going behind your back.
The chief cupbearer who spoke to the king about Joseph is an example of a destiny helper (Genesis 41:9), as is the Eunuch who counseled Esther during the pageantry (Esther 2:1-17), and finally, Jonathan was much more than a friend to David (1 Samuel 18-20), he was a destiny helper, because if not for the hints he gave to David, David would have most likely died without ascending the throne, Jonathan forgot
You require such destiny assistants in order for your life path to be simpler, better, and, eventually, to fulfill destiny.
This is why, in these prayers for destiny assistance, you must pray wholeheartedly that God would allow your helpers to find you quickly from wherever they are, in Jesus’ great name.
25 MFM Prayer Points On Destiny Helpers:
1. Oh Lord, I bless Your Holy Name because You are wonderful and worthy of worship.
2. Father, I thank You for Your tremendous grace and peace; all praise and credit to You in the powerful name of Jesus Christ.
3. Lord, I thank You for everything You have in store for me and my family.
4. Thank You, Jesus, for the plans You have made for me, and may Your Holy Name be glorified.
5. Thank You because You are so concerned about me and Your will for me will always prevail; all praise to You, Lord.
6. Father, I thank you for all of the men and women You have deliberately put around me to assist me in times of need.
7. Father, thank You for these destiny aids You have provided for me; blessed be Your Righteous Name.
8. Lord, I thank You that my trials have come to an end because of Your kindness.
9. I honor Your Holy Name for doing for me what I am unable to achieve for myself; Your kindness will see me through.
10. Lord, I thank You that You have arranged my life in Your kindness.
11. Father, in whatever manner I have sinned and come short of Your glory, please forgive me and show me Your kindness in Jesus’ powerful name.
12. Lord, please forgive me for my sins and offenses in Jesus’ name.
13. Lord, please show me grace in all the ways I’ve sinned via my words, thoughts, actions, and inactions; let Your mercy speak for me in Jesus’ name.
14. Father, please forgive me for working outside Your will for my destiny in whatever manner.
Please forgive me. In Jesus’ name, Lord, I have driven away whatever destiny helper You have supplied for me in the past.
16. In the majestic name of Jesus Christ, please forgive me, Lord, and let Your kindness be my guide.
17. Lord, please forgive me for doubting Your promise to send aid in Jesus’ name.
18. In the magnificent name of Jesus Christ, please forgive me and show me Your kindness for my ill words, thoughts, and acts.
19. In Jesus’ name, please arise and grant me kindness in all aspects of my life.
20. In Jesus’ great name, Father, please arise and provide a way for me and my family even when there appears to be no way.
21. In the magnificent name of Jesus Christ, Father, please give me helpers in all sectors of my life.
22. In the magnificent name of Jesus Christ, please give me financial destiny assistants who will not rest until I am financially secured.
23. In the magnificent name of Jesus Christ, please send me marital destiny assistants who will guarantee that I marry correctly.
24. Oh Lord, let Your kindness speak for me early so that I might arrive at my goal quickly, in Jesus’ name.
25. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, please establish a road for me to follow even in the midst of difficulty.
26. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, Father, please bring up assistance to lift me out of this hole of the adversary.
27. Oh Lord, please send me assistance who will announce Your will for my life right now in Jesus’ powerful name.
28. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, Father, please raise me destiny helpers who will stand for me and protect me on all fronts.
29. Father, please grant me grace to meet with destiny helpers who will change my life for the better in Jesus’ name.
30. I summon my business destiny assistants.
31. I summon my destiny’s assistants. In the academic world
32. In the great name of Jesus Christ, I summon my destiny assistants in health and finances.
33. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I will not keep the wrong company.
34. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I reject every idea of the adversary against my destined companions.
Thank You, Lord, for hearing my prayers.
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