How to Overcome Impossibilities as a Christian

How to Overcome Impossibilities as a Christian – 32:27 Jeremiah “I am the Lord, the God of all people,” declares the Lord. “Is there anything too difficult for me?” Nothing is more soothing than the actual words of the Most High addressing his children.

As Christians, we face a variety of problems in our everyday lives. We do not need to moan, however, because these experiences are natural and anticipated. We must constantly remember that they will never be able to defeat us because we have a parent who is ready and able to assist us.

God’s words in Jeremiah 32:27 are statements we should take very seriously, especially when faced with apparently difficult conditions.


Difficulties are supposed to strengthen us and act as tests to make us reconsider our standing in Christ. We are not supposed to panic or be overcome with dread of defeat when we confront problems as Christians.

The devil often throws terrible situations our way, especially when we least anticipate them. These obstacles are only his technique of diverting our attention and putting our confidence in God to the test. First, he is aware of our flaws, and the devil will do all in his power to exploit these flaws and squeeze us in the hopes that we would crack under strain. But at times like these, we must exercise our trust in God because there is nothing we can go through right now that previous generations of God’s children have not gone through, and there was never a period in the Bible when God failed or allowed his children to be overpowered by hardships.

Consider the character of Job. The devil stole everything from him and tortured him in order to cause Job to repudiate God. This narrative teaches us how, despite all circumstances, Job held firm and his faith never wavered. And in the end, God saved him and restored what he had previously lost a hundredfold.

Despite our faith, there are moments in our life when we are tested to the limit. We pray and fast constantly, but there appears to be no light at the end of the tunnel. You’ve tried every spiritual technique in the book, but none of them seem to work. True Christians, like myself, go through periods like these. These are impossible times.

How to Overcome Impossibilities as a Christian
How to Overcome Impossibilities as a Christian


When you find yourself plummeting down the stairs of fate, from one difficulty to the next, all hope appears to be lost for you.

In times like these, you should find solace in God’s promise and covenant in Psalm 111:4-6. “He has made his wonders known; the Lord is generous and compassionate; he feeds those who fear him; he remembers his promise forever.” He has demonstrated the strength of His deeds to His people by granting them territories from other countries.”

According to Psalm 77:14, God performs incredible wonders and demonstrates his strength among the people. He will never let an issue affect his own children. 10:13, 1 Corinthians

As a result, if you find yourself in an impossible circumstance, be certain that Jehovah has you covered! He is a God of possibilities, even when things appear to man to be impossible.

Jarius, one of the synagogue’s governors, had lost his daughter and had come to tell Jesus about it. It was a terrible time in his home, and we all know that when someone dies, it is the end of their life. It is plainly impossible to bring a dead girl back to life.

List Of How to Overcome Impossibilities as a Christian

In Luke 8:50, Jesus instructed Jarius. “Do not be scared; only trust that she will be cured.” And through Jesus, God turned an unthinkable circumstance around and brought the girl back to life.

19:26 Matthew “This is impossible for man, but with God, anything is possible.”

If you find yourself in an impossible circumstance, the following actions may help you get through it:

1. Continue to pray

Prayer is the most effective technique to communicate directly with God. He gave us the ability to pray so that we would never have to travel alone.

We can talk to God about our personal problems at any moment. You must be honest about your fears and anxieties in order for God to help you overcome them. When you call on God, he will attend to your needs. You will be able to trust Him and believe in His plan for your life if you deepen your connection with Him through prayer.

7:14 in 2 Chronicles “If my people, who are called by my name, would humble themselves, pray, seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.”

The first step in overcoming challenges is prayer. And it must be complemented by turning away from our wicked ways and remaining holy before God.

2. Put your trust in God’s saving power.

Then you must recognize that you are a part of Christ. And this is what the devil despises the most. He will go to any length to take your spiritual identity and extinguish your spiritual spark. The adversary does not want you to realize your strength in Christ. At moments like these, you need to remind yourself that you are a child of God and that your existence has a reason.

Nobody can take away your Christian rights unless you give them permission.

Learn to utilize biblical prophetic expressions to comfort yourself and enhance your faith in God.

Remember, nothing is too difficult for God. When faced with a large obstacle, instead of focusing on how enormous the problem is, consider how strong God is.

He is significantly more powerful than any difficulty you may possibly face!

3. Have faith in God’s plan and cling to His love

A real Christian gives over control of their lives to the will of the Living God. You must have entire trust that God is in control and has good plans for your life.

God’s plan may look odd, peculiar, or bizarre at times, especially when you are struggling, but God will always be present to see you through. God is concerned about you, and He is aware of whatever difficulties you may be experiencing.

Every bad emotion you can imagine is present in the difficulties we confront in life. These negative feelings might demoralize you and hinder you from overcoming your obstacles. However, you must never forget that allowing God’s love to take over your heart and feelings is the only way to solve your issues.

We may stay objective and protect our brains from negativity by practicing meditation and prayer.

4. Reflect on God’s Word

God’s Word is extremely strong, because it contains the remedy to all spiritual and physical human issues.

The Bible outlines God’s promises and how He can meet our needs, revealing His tremendous love for us.

The Holy Bible is full of verses that will meet all of your demands. It also contains several examples of how God overcome adversity for individuals who trusted in him.

For example, with God’s guidance and confidence, Job persevered through his hardships and recovered all he had lost. Job 42:10-17.

5. Fellowship with other Christians

When we spend too much time on worldly activities, Satan, the enemy, might invade and harm our spiritual walls. Spending more time at church with your fellow Christians, on the other hand, helps you stay motivated and spiritually in tune with God.

Other people of faith can encourage you as they tell their tales of how they, too, overcome life’s challenges. Other spiritually minded brothers and sisters might provide you advice on how they found consolation in their religion during tough times. Learning what worked for them and adapting their techniques to your scenario can assist you in overcoming as well. Finally, remember that God is with you every step of the road, no matter what hurdles you face.

The Highest has the power, force, and strength to guide you through every difficult situation in your life.


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