Helen Tomwest Ministries is a multinational evangelical organization started in 2020. It arose through God’s revelation through the Holy Spirit in order to establish the covenant between man and God by assisting individuals in understanding their place in Christ. Because of the nature of the ministry’s tasks, he named it “Ministries.” Through its founder, Prophetess Helen Segunfunmi-Olajide, the ministry has been able to touch and transform many lives throughout the world through the School of the Spiritual and other Spirit-led endeavors. It is currently online, providing God’s supernatural presence to individuals via teaching, revelation, prayer, healing, and prophesy.

Prophetess Helen Tomwest Ministries is the founder and president. She is committed to preaching God’s word, whose message has brought the truth of the spiritual life to the hearts of many, and her internet broadcasts have influenced them. Her internet ministry is global in extent, with Helen Tomwest Ministries networks delivering qualitative revelation and deeper insights into God’s word.
She is the author of the world’s number one (1) inspirational series, truth segment. Through the School of the Spiritual, she displays the extraordinary power of the Holy Spirit by activating the intellect of God, who is Jesus Christ. She has assisted many people in receiving healing in their hearts and bodies via the functioning of the Spirit’s gifts.
Helen Segunfunmi-Olajide is driven by a desire to bring God’s presence to the people of the globe, a heavenly mandate she has been carrying out for quite some time. She hopes to continue for many more years in order to touch many outreaches, crusades, and other platforms that will enable millions live a triumphant and purposeful life in God’s word and understand the significance of having a relationship with God.
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