Biography Of Yinka Okeleye (Age , Wife , Family) : This is an interview transacript by himself , So, my name is Adeyinka Olarewaju Okeleye, and I am the second child in a family of four, three boys and a girl (the last born). I received my bachelor’s degree in sociology and anthropology from Bowen University in Iwo. I adore Jesus, I love to sing, and I’m eager to share His good news.

So I could always sing but never really took it seriously until I was serving in Ebonyi State, Nigeria, with NCCF, where my love for ministry began, and music was one way I could spread God’s love and draw men unto Himself, so I joined the team and began to hear from God clearly that this was the part he wanted me to trail.
The goal is not simply to release songs, but to release songs that will bring us closer to God, edify, strengthen the spirit man, reveal his nature, and draw us back to Abba, as scripture says in Matthew 28 vs19-21, “Go therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: VS 20 states, “Teach them to keep all that I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the world.” Amen.
Being a child of God is the best thing that has happened to me and continues to happen, imagine a dark room and suddenly light appears or it becomes illuminated, that’s my story, I was confused for so long, angry for so long, idealess for so long, but then I met the one who has all the answers to every question, the will to solve all the problems, “Life was in him, and the life was the light of humanity.” And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness does not fathom it.” John 1:4-5 We appear to have figured everything out today, yet without him, we will remain in obscurity, darkness, and confusion. So knowing Jesus and walking with Him is fulfilling and it can only get better, so I’m saying to everyone, knowing God is continuous, so those who do not know him, who have been confused, idea-less, worried, He’s the answer to all those questions, so just receive Him and begin the journey of a fulfilling life.
The Holy Spirit is my number one inspiration, and it shows in my music. I’m not one to say, “All right, let me create a song,” because the Holy Spirit really breathes those lyrics. So, the parable of the talent, 5,2,, we all know the story: 5 doubles his, 2 doubles his, and one buried His, I’ve always been given to sing, so who better to sing about than the one I love more than life itself, plus my mother sings and I’ve always loved hearing her songs growing up. And my family is an enormous support, the number one human support.
Okay, I really like all of my songs, haha, and I’m working on another 8 right now. They are like your babies, you can’t select one, they all arrived at various times and in different ways, chukwumonso came from the Holy Spirit in Igbo language, which I still find difficult to express. None like you was co-written by oche, Jesus appeared when I was troubled in my heart, the next one, which is coming out in June, was during my quiet time on May 29, so many and each has a narrative.
Wow. I do, like I’m my own number one critic, so I listen to myself, first and foremost to improve myself, I get to pick some parts I could do better, or maybe I did over sing some parts, and there are times when I listen to some recordings and I’m blessed, I’m in tears, and it makes me wonder how God is so mindful of me to entrust me with some of the sounds He has birthed through me. As a result, I spend a lot of time listening to myself.
In works currently in the works I’m working on some collaborations, but I’d want to do some international ones with Todd Dulaney, Matt Redman, William McDowell, and indigenous Nathaniel bassey (trumpet) dunsin oyekan, NOSA, and others.
Hmmm.. I believe that what will always remain strength is to continually stay with the Father and receive from Him. As humans, we must learn to overcome the flesh and strengthen our spirit. If your spirit is strengthened, He will continue to lead you alright, because He exchanged your weakness for His strength. We will never win with fresh, therefore it’s all weakness without Him… and we should never be swayed by fame, names, or stage.
Okay! So we must understand that the Gospel always comes first, and the artist is a vessel, and must be a consecrated vessel, broken and ready for the master’s use, and when He sees you worthy, there will be an overflow of sounds, until then you must improve your skill by studying His word, improving yourself vocally as well, an artist is someone who possesses a certain level of creativity and mastery, so you must improve yourself as well, and when opportunity meets preparation, God bless you.
It’s been a pleasure interviewing Yinka; once again, thank you for your time. GOD bless you abundantly. Okay, people, that’s all the celebrity news for this week; don’t forget to visit us again next week to honor another star. Always remember to remain clean, be safe, and God bless you. I adore you. Bye
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