The Red Scapular of the Passion (Prayer)

The Red Scapular of the Passion (Prayer)

The Red Scapular of the Passion (Prayer)

“Holy Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, save us.” “Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, protect us.”

The Red Scapular, or the Scapular of the Passion and of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. It was in the evening, about the year 1840, that a Sister of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, Sr. Appoline Andriveau, was praying before the Blessed Sacrament. Our Blessed Savior appeared to her, holding in his hand the red Scapular, with bands of red wool braid; on one part of the Scapular was represented the Crucifixion; at the foot of the Cross lay the instruments of Our Lord’s Passion. Around the cross were the words, “Holy Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, save us.” On the other part of the Scapular were represented the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Between these Hearts arose a Cross, and around them were the words, “Sacred Hears of Jesus and Mary, protect us.” This apparition was renewed several times

One day Our Lord revealed to the Sister that all those who wear this Scapular shall receive a great increase of Faith, Hope, and Charity, which would be reserved for them on every Friday.

At another time, while this religious was meditating on the Passion during the Holy Mass, she had another apparition, which she relates as follow; “I thought,” said she, “I saw Our Lord Jesus hanging on the cross. The ghastly paleness of His countenance made a deep impression on me, and my whole body became covered with a cold sweat. Our Lord’s head was bowed down. His brow was pierced by long and sharp thorns. On a sudden He raised His head, and the thorns were violently forced into His eyes and temples.

Never can I forget that sight. There was something terrible in the pain He must have endured in the rude shock of His adorable head against the wood of the cross. I was filled with anguish and trembling. From that moment, the Passion of Our Lord has always been before my eyes.”

One evening, this Sister was making the Way of the Cross. At the thirteenth station, the Blessed Virgin Mary put into her arms the mangled body of her Divine Son. The Blessed Mother of God then uttered these remarkable words; “The world is going to ruin because it does not think of the Passion of Jesus Christ. Do all you can to get men to think of the Passion. Do all you can for the world’s salvation.”

One Sunday, Our Divine Savior showed this religious a beautiful river, clearer than crystal. Many persons were on its banks. Those that plunged in became all resplendent with brilliancy. Diamonds and gold seem to fall from their hands. Those that fled away became enveloped in a black smoke which made them hideous to the sight. Our Savior then told her that this beautiful river represented his mercy, always ready to receive the repentance of the sinner and to

give it a value.

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