50 Best Prayer Points For Women In Difficult Situations – A tough circumstance is defined as any condition in which things appear difficult, hopeless, or frustrating.
Most challenging problems may be traced back to demonic powers of evil.
The power of darkness is the devil’s and his wicked agents’ evil and demonic might. The kingdom of evil is fighting the children of God with the might of darkness. The wicked energies responsible for the world’s awful tragedies and demonic activities are known as the power of darkness.
The power of darkness has taken over the globe, as evidenced by what is now happening in the world.
50 Best Prayer Points For Women In Difficult Situations :
This clearly demonstrates the need of reciting the Prayers Against Difficult Situations for Women. This is a prayer that every Christian woman must say every day.
1. In Jesus’ name, I praise your Holy Name for the pleasure of seeing this day as a living soul.
2. In Jesus’ name, I thank you for your love and mercy toward myself and my family.
3. In Jesus’ name, I adore you, Father, for your constant care and supply for me and my home.
4. In Jesus’ name, I adore you, Father, for your mighty protection over me and my family.
5. In Jesus’ name, I thank you for your strong hand working marvels in my life, destiny, career, academics, business, marriage, and ministry.
6. Oh Lord, hear my pleas and answer my prayers in Jesus’ name.
7. In Jesus’ name, surround me and my home with your constant love.
8. In Jesus’ name, Father, continue to direct my ways and help me live a safe life.
9. Oh Lord, continue to speak for me on behalf of my household and all of my endeavors in Jesus’ name.
10. In Jesus’ name, aid and guide me to be vigilant in my work, profession, and business.
11. In Jesus’ name, I order all wicked arrows in my life, destiny, business, academics, job, family, and ministry to fall.
12. In Jesus’ name, Father, break every burden of darkness from my life via your anointing.
13. In Jesus’ name, my Father, dishonor the human person acting with the power of evil to confound and bother my existence.
14. In Jesus’ name, Father, bring down your fire on the altar of my life.
15. Oh Lord, in Jesus’ name, every charm battling me will be made ineffective.
16. In Jesus’ name, my Father, please remove every demonic altar of darkness that stands in my way.
17. Oh Lord, in Jesus’ name, save me from the power of evil.
18. In Jesus’ name, I announce that every adversary wandering about the garden of my life will be buried alive.
19. In Jesus’ name, alter my life by fire and anointing.
20. Oh Lord, I proclaim that everything stolen from me by dark powers will be returned to me sevenfold in Jesus’ name.
21. Oh Lord, in Jesus’ name, I receive the ability to destroy all works of evil in my life and destiny.
22. Oh Lord, arise and fight every battle of darkness that has been cast upon my life and destiny in Jesus’ name.
23. Oh Lord, in Jesus’ name, destroy all powers of evil sent to destroy me.
24. Oh Lord, by your strength, dry up my opponents’ power source in Jesus’ name.
25. In Jesus’ name, expose and shame every friendly Judas Iscariot in my life.
26. In Jesus’ name, I declare that no force of darkness will be able to compromise my destiny.
27. In Jesus’ name, Father, beam your light into my life and disarm the powers of evil.
28. In Jesus’ name, uncover and devour every agent of evil deployed to work against my destiny.
My Father, 29. In Jesus’ name, pass through my life with your strength and eradicate the works of darkness.
30. In Jesus’ name, expose and silence every force calling my name and destined for evil.
31. Oh Lord, in Jesus’ name, let all hurdles erected by darkness to my breakthrough crumble.
32. Oh Lord, in Jesus’ name, dismantle and demolish every evil altar raised against me by the power of Satan.
33. In Jesus’ name, Father, may all dark and wicked powers’ plots to harm me fail.
34. Oh Lord, in Jesus’ name, burn by fire every force of evil that is impeding my advancement.
35. Oh Lord, in Jesus’ name, every hand saturated in charms pointing against me must wither.
36. Oh Lord, in Jesus’ name, every demonic priest of evil who speaks against my destiny shall fall and perish.
37. In Jesus’ name, every force of evil that claims I will not fulfill my destiny will be devoured by fire.
38. Oh Lord, in Jesus’ name, destroy with your fire every foul garment of darkness that has been laid upon me.
39. In Jesus’ name, my Father, go to my foundation and remove by strength all plants of darkness in my life.
40. Oh Lord, put fire to the altar of my life and make me and my family impenetrable to the powers of darkness in Jesus’ name.
41. In Jesus’ name, Father, untie every force of difficulty resisting my destiny.
42. Oh Lord, as of now, every unpleasant circumstance around me has been handled in Jesus’ Name.
43. Oh Lord, emerge in your power and quiet every weapon of adversity around me in Jesus’ name.
44. Oh Lord, in Jesus’ name, let your fire devour every evil force that sponsors terrible situations in my life.
45. In Jesus’ name, Father, dismantle every altar of a tough circumstance in my life.
46. My Father, reveal every adversary who shoots arrows of difficulty into my life.
47. In Jesus’ name, Father, may all aspects of my life begin to receive divine solutions.
48. In Jesus’ name, Lord, show me your kindness and save me from every adversity.
49. Come forth, Lord, and vindicate all my foes in Jesus’ name.
50. In Jesus’ name, I announce my independence from all tough situations.
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