40 Best Prayer Points Before You Sleep

40 Best Prayer Points Before You Sleep – Today, we’ll look at prayer points before going to bed. Sleep is a natural occurrence that happens in all humans. It is a method of unwinding and calming the nerves after a long day. Sleeping has a lot to say and do in the spiritual realm for every Christian.

When a person falls asleep, he is suspended between the physical and the spiritual worlds. He has no idea what is going on in the physical domain and, most of the time, has no idea what is going on in the spiritual realm, unless it is shown to him in a dream while sleeping.

Prayer Points Before You Sleep
Prayer Points Before You Sleep

Because sleeping is a time when the devil and his emissaries do the most harm to humanity, Christians should pray before going to bed. The devil can take advantage of a believer’s porous nature by attacking him with many weapons if he does not pray at night. Different types of assaults can be carried out while sleeping, and the consequences can be deadly. “While mankind slept,” the Bible says in Matthew 13:25, “his foes came and planted tares among the wheat, and went their way.” This demonstrates that the devil is roaming around as we sleep, hunting for someone to devour, and when he is done, he goes his own way, leaving the victim to suffer and frequently die in it. God has made enormous provision for our future, yet the adversary continues to sow tares in that beautiful destiny, much of which occurs while we are sleeping.

God has already provided for us to always enjoy a good night’s sleep; He is the one who supports us while we sleep and protects us from the wicked one. God says in Proverbs 3:24 that we should not be scared to sleep since He has promised to make our slumber delightful. This is due to the fact that He is the one who gives His loving slumber (Psalm 127:2). “Upon this I awaked, and saw; and mine slumber was lovely unto me,” says Jeremiah 31:26. This is God’s promise to all of us, His children. “He will not let thy foot to be moved, he who keeps thee will not sleep,” says Psalm 121:2-4. “Behold, he who keeps Israel shall neither sleep or rest.” This indicates that our God foregoes sleep in order to keep an eye on us as we sleep comfortably and safely. He is devoted to keeping us secure even while we sleep, ensuring that the adversary does not sow tares in our lives and destiny.

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As much as God is devoted to ensuring that we sleep well, we also have a role to play by assuming the responsibility of praying to him before we sleep. God has ordered us to pray at all times. “My son, observe thy father’s commandment, and abandon not thy mother’s rule,” says Proverbs 6:20,22. When thou goest, it shall lead thee; when thou sleepest, it shall keep thee; and when thou awakest, it shall speak with thee” following the instruction of praying before sleep commits God to keep you from every tear the enemy may want to sow in your life while you are asleep. Psalm 91:1 “Whoever dwelleth in the hidden chamber of the Most High shall dwell in the shade of the Almighty.” Dwelling in the secret place of prayer before sleep qualifies us to be under the shadow of God, where the perils of the devil cannot approach. We must follow this guideline in order to be covered when sleeping.

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In Jesus’ name, Amen. I have outlined prayer points below to help you engage maximally in prayers before you sleep, and as you engage, your sleep shall forever be sound and sweet.

40 Best Prayer Points Before You Sleep :

1. Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for the gift of life and all that you have blessed me with over the years.

2. Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for your loving care and compassion over the years.

3. Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for your protection and direction over my life, as well as for keeping me safe from the evil eye all these years.

4. Father, I thank you for seeing me through all my activities for today and for keeping me safe all through the day, in the name of Jesus.

5. Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you for favoring me in all my endeavors today.

6. Father, I come to you with a broken heart, pleading for forgiveness for all my failings during the day in the name of Jesus.

7. Father, in the name of Jesus, I beg that you lead and keep me while I sleep tonight.

8. In the name of Jesus, Father, guide and protect me from any harm and danger while I sleep tonight.

9. In the name of Jesus, Father, protect me from the wicked eyes of the night hunting for someone to prey on.

10. In the name of Jesus, Father, I protect myself from every evil spirit sent to harm me tonight via the blood of Jesus.

11. Father, by the blood of Jesus, I disperse every wicked gathering set for tonight because of me, in Jesus’ name.

12. In the name of Jesus, Father, I come against every dream caterer who comes to feed me with bad food tonight in my sleep by the blood of Jesus.

13. Father, in the name of Jesus, by your might, my spirit man will not obey any call from the devil and his emissaries in my sleep.

14. Father, in the name of Jesus, may every witchcraft coven calling out to me this night be burned by fire.

15. Father, through the blood of Jesus, I defeat every adversary assault tonight, in Jesus’ name.

16. In the name of Jesus, Father, let every agent of darkness sent to monitor me tonight be burnt by fire.

17. Father, in the name of Jesus, I come against every arrow of the wicked tonight and return it to its sender.

18. Father, by the blood of Jesus, I will not be a victim of the plague that walks in the dark while I sleep tonight.

19. In the name of Jesus, Father, I will not be scared of the dread of the night as I sleep tonight because of your strength.

20. In the name of Jesus, Father, you are my refuge and stronghold while I sleep tonight.

21. In the name of Jesus, Father, I place all my faith and reliance in you while I sleep tonight.

22. In the name of Jesus, Father, while I sleep now, shelters and releases me from every trap of the Fowler.

23. In the name of Jesus, Father, please protect me from every nighttime pestilence.

24. Father, do not let the rod of the wicked rest on me while I sleep tonight, in the name of Jesus.

25. Father, while I sleep tonight, surround me with your angels and keep me safe from the devil and his agents, in Jesus’ name.

26. Father, in the name of Jesus, break every trap of the Fowler against me in the spirit world tonight and set me free.

27. Father, be my guide as I sleep tonight, for He who keeps me will not sleep, in Jesus’ name.

28. Father, by your might, You will not allow the devil to manipulate my foot as I sleep tonight, in the name of Jesus.

29. Father, by your mercy and strength, the moon shall not strike me at night, even as I sleep, in Jesus’ name.

30. Father, in the name of Jesus, I refuse every meal of misery that the devil and his emissaries will feed me in my sleep tonight.

31. Father, in the name of Jesus, I refuse any summons of my spirit to any gathering by the devil and his emissaries.

32. Father, in the name of Jesus, I come against every gang up in the spirit world against my life and destiny, as well as their intention to utilize my sleep as a conduit to attack me.

33. Father, in the name of Jesus, eliminate every dream that brings me back to my father’s house every night while I sleep tonight.

34. Father, in the name of Jesus, shackle every witch that comes to assault my sleep tonight.

35. Father, in the name of Jesus, I stand by your strength against every element of Satan that will speak darkness into my life tonight.

36. In the name of Jesus, Father, while I sleep tonight, you will reveal the next chapter of my life to me.

37. Father, as I sleep tonight, every unresolved issue in my life will be resolved, in Jesus’ name.

38. Father, in the name of Jesus, the holy spirit will reveal the way to a life of grace and glory to me tonight in my sleep.

39. Father, while I sleep tonight, the powers of evil that have imprisoned my destiny will be defeated and I will be set free, in Jesus’ name.

40. Father, in the name of Jesus, may every night conflict in my life stop tonight as I sleep.

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