Prayer Points Against Evil Dreams : I want to encourage you to cancel, nullify and void satanic, demonic, and evil dreams each morning regardless if you dreamt anything the previous night. Make sure to also decree and declare that the enemy’s plan for your life will not stand nor will it come to pass:
Isaiah 7:7. Yet this is what the Sovereign says: ‘It will not take place, it will not happen,
Prayer Points Against Evil Dreams :
1. I command every problem afflicted upon me through dreams to be reversed now by the blood of Jesus Christ.
2. I command dreams of death, tragedy, spiritual wives and husbands to stop now in the name of Jesus Christ.
3. I command every sickness that came into my life through dreams to be terminated by the blood of Jesus Christ.
4. I command every satanic manipulation through dreams to come to an end in the name of Jesus Christ.
5. I command every doorstop that the enemy has placed on my good dreams to be put to an end in the name of Jesus Christ.
6. Almighty God repair or replace any part of my life or body organ that has been damaged through dreams.
7. Father let your covenant manifest in my dreams in the name of Jesus Christ.
8. I cancel, nullify, and void every destructive dream that I have ever had in the name of Jesus Christ.
9. I decree that my good dreams shall live and not die and command all of my bad dreams to die in Jesus name.
10. I command every magnet of evil dreams attached to any area of my life to be destroyed in Jesus name.
11. I reject every dream from the bottom of hell in Jesus name.
12. Almighty God sanctify my dream life and turn them into channels of blessings.
13. I command evil dreams emanating from any body of water to scatter by fire in the name of Jesus Christ.
14. I command evil dreams emanating from the evil powers of my father and mother’s house to scatter by fire in the name of Jesus Christ.
15. Finger of the Almighty God uproot whatever the enemy has sown into my life in Jesus name.
16. I command every dream that is slowing down my destiny and progress in life to die in the name of Jesus Christ.
17. I command every dream that is being used to introduce fear and confusion into my life to scatter by fire in the name of Jesus Christ.
18. I reject every dream of poverty, nakedness, shame and backwardness and command them to die in Jesus name.
19. I challenge my dreams with the fire of the Holy Ghost and claim victory over them.
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