Extraordinary Stations of the Cross (With Prayer Points) – Are you ready to pay the price for your deliverance and breakthrough by spending two hours at the foot of the cross? Do not take God for granted, great breakthroughs come through great prayers. What you sow is what you reap, if you sow quality time at the throne of mercy, you will reap supernatural experience and favours.
Our Fathers in faith and many great saints used this powerful prayer (The way of the cross) to overthrow wickedness, disarm tyrants and open store gates of heaven for abundant graces. It’s amazing to see families use this prayer to approach God and ask the wounded one for deliverance and testimonies
So drag those enemies to Golgotha, the highest court of justice. Take those sicknesses to the foot of the cross and His wounds would heal them Bring curses and problems and see them bow at the sight of the Precious Blood.
- This prayer is better done moving round
- Accompany it with mass booking and corporal works of mercy
- Let your family and those living with you join in the prayer
- Do not be scared with your dreams as you embark on this prayer
- Used this prayers as Nine days novena for divine intervention
- Do not just try to see if this will work. Pray this prayer with faith, humble yourself before the crucified one.
1st station
Jesus is Condemned to Death
V We adore you O Christ and praise you!
R Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world
He was given the worst form of torture, crowned with thorns, scourged while bound and spit upon. He was rejected by those he healed, families he consoled and a nation he came to save. He was now different from others like a mad man; yes a man madly in love. No more processions of sick people, no more the shouts of Hosanna. People only remembered how he hurt their feelings. No one cared to think, no one spoke against injustice.
This face that was now disfigured was the same face that was transfigured at Mount Tabor, that smiled at Children, that looked up to heaven and multiplied loaves of bread, He was the same Jesus they wanted to crown king. Now he had assumed his role as the Lamb of God. He was now clothed in blood like the high priest, all these were caused by sin. Imagine what sin has changed in your life, in your family and in your future? If only you will repent and plead for mercy, if only you will humble yourself and call on the saviour’s blood
Prayer Points
- Recall how you offended God and your neighbors
- Forgive those who offended you and decide for reconciliation
- Plead the precious blood to atone for your sins
- Son of David, have mercy on me (Repeat it aloud and as many times as possible)
- Holy Father! I have sinned against you, am not worthy to be called your son but show me mercy and accept me once more in Jesus name.
- Be merciful to me O Lord according to your constant love. According to your great mercy wipe away all my sins. Do not cast me out of your presence; do not take your Holy Spirit from me. Give me another chance, make me whole and holy in Jesus name
- Lamb of God! Let your mercy speak for me. Bath me with fresh mercy. Save me from condemnation Lord and cleanse me with hyssop in Jesus name
(Confess all your sins and decide that you would not return to them)
- Lord Jesus, forgive me for all injustice to people, neglect to my duties and lack of reverence to you. Forgive me of all sexual sins, lies, pride and hostility to people in Jesus name.
- O Lord, forgive me for bringing shame on your name, for acting in ignorance and continuing in the evils of my ancestors. Re-cloth me O Lord with diadem and power and consider me worthy of heavenly favour in Jesus name
- Free me from every yoke of evil and sin Rabbi; let your blood wash out all my transgression in Jesus name
- Thank you Lord for your mercies, and do not give up on me O Lord my God
At the end of each station, you may pray I love you Jesus my love above all things…, or Our father, Hail Mary and Glory be….
2nd Station
Jesus Takes the Cross
V We adore you O Christ and praise you
R Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world
Outside the city, to the northeast of Jerusalem, there is a little hill called Golgotha in Aramaic and Calvary in Latin. This was where Jesus took his cross to, a hill rocky path. This cross will later become the throne from which he reigns.
Surely he took up our sicknesses; he accepted the sorrows that would have been ours. Yet we considered him as one punished by God but he was pierced for our sin, beaten because of evils we committed. And by his wounds we are healed, we are made whole by the blows he suffered. Isaiah 53:4-9.
For El-Shaddai our burden bearer, there is no condition too difficult for him to change, no environment too difficult for him to operate in and no enemy too strong for him to overthrow. Your own case can be settled even now! For those who believe, all things are possible.
Prayer points
- Pray that your past will not hold your future captive
- Pray for healing from all forms of sicknesses
- Loving Father, I surrender to you my life, my relationships, my successes and failures. I surrender to you O Lord my emotions, fear, skills, sexuality and my will.
- Lord, I promise to stop blaming myself for my past mistakes and wrong decisions I made. I release all those who put me in this condition and all those who caused me terrible pains in life in Jesus name.
- Father, I do not want my past to hold my future captive. Therefore I let you into my secret chamber (Mention those secret things about you which you don’t want others to know about)
- Dear Lord, let the healing water of my baptism flow and heal me from all betrayals, hurt and emotional problems. Grant me inner healing at this hour in Jesus name.
- Heal me O Lord of all infections, inherited disease and sicknesses. Command your angels to stir the water of Bathsaida for my sake so that I can be healed in Jesus name.
- In the name of Jesus Christ I uproot every root of sickness planted in me by the enemies. Let every spirit of sickness in my body be cast out in the name of Jesus
- Jesus has carried my burdens away. Therefore I refuse to carry burdens of sickness. I free my body from every yoke of sickness. So you infirmities, I command you to leave my body now in Jesus name.
(Begin to breathe in and out)
- You are the Lord my healer; release your healing auction upon me now. (Repeat it many times).
- Let all moving object in my body stop. Let every constant sickness bow to the authority in your name. Let all sicknesses in my lineage be dried up in Jesus name. Amen.
- Thank you Lord for your mercies and do not give up on me O Lord my God
3rd station
Jesus Falls the First Time
V We adore you O Christ and praise you
R Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world
The crowd had swollen into a multitude and the soldiers could not contain the surging mobs who wished to catch glimpse of the ‘so-called King of the Jews’. To his left and right, Jesus saw the multitude moving around him like sheep without shepherd, he could call them by their names one by one. Among them were those he fed at the multiplication of the bread, those he taught at the lakeside and those he raised their relatives from death. The weight of the cross cut a tear on Jesus’ shoulder and he fell on the ground.
You and I know why the cross weighs so much on Jesus. He is carrying curses and consequences of sin. He became a curse so that we will become the blessing of Abraham. Jesus has authority over curses and demonic spells. Friends!, the curse breaker is in town. That Galilean who released the captives in Capernaum is willing to set you free even now.
Prayer points
- Pray for breaking of curses and spells
- Renounce all covenants, and ungodly ties with spirits/Living beings
- Heavenly father, I acknowledge your greatness, your majesty and your triumph over evil. Thank you for opening my eyes to curses that lie at the foundation of my life. I place myself under the cross of Jesus and cover myself with his precious blood.
- I reject Satan and all his works and his useless promises. Forgive me Lord and my relatives/ancestors for calling upon powers that set themselves up in opposition to Jesus Christ.
- I renounce all openness to the occult, charms, false worship, their contact objects, native doctors, idol worship and ancestral cult in the name of Jesus.
- In the name of Jesus I renounce every covenant, soul ties and spiritual marriages and all association with ancestral spirits, familiar spirits, territorial spirits and all negative powers.
- In the name of Jesus I release myself from any curse inherited, curses placed on me and cursed incurred because of my sins. In the name of Jesus I break the transmission of these curses through my ancestry forever in Jesus name.
- I renounce, break and loose myself free from all enchantments, charms, spells, bewitchments and witchcraft which have been placed upon me and my family.
- I release myself from all demonic controls, effects of incantations, satanic records and evil decrees against my life in the name of Jesus.
- Son of David, in your name I uproot all covenant trees and demonic seeds that entered my life through sex, dreams, body marks, ancestral name and activities of fake prophets in Jesus name.
- Thank you Lord for your mercies and do not give up on me O Lord my God!
4th station
Jesus Meets His Mother
V We adore you O Christ and praise you
R Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world
No sooner has Jesus risen from his first fall than he met his mother standing by the wayside. With immense love, Mary looked at Jesus and Jesus looked at his mother. Their eyes met and poured into each other deep sorrows. In the dark loneliness of the passion, Our Lady offered her son a comforting balm of tenderness, a yes to the divine will.
Come to me all of you who labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Shoulder my yoke and learn from me because I am gentle and meek of heart and you will find rest for your soul, for my yoke is easy and my burden light. Mtt 11: 28. Yokes come from ignorance, from laziness, as a test and from the enemies. Where do you think your own came from? The same God that went about doing good is waiting to hear you say ‘Lord do not pass me by’ As he breaks the yoke of unfruitfulness.
Prayer Points
- Use the precious blood to neutralize, the effects of devourer and forces of stagnation
- Issue decrees for growth and advancement in your life
- Pray that all seeds you sowed, all your efforts will yield fruits
- My Jesus, pardon me for any door my sins have opened to satanic wasters and destroyers. I want to reap the benefits of your death, please assist me O Lord in this important hour.
- In the name of Jesus I uproot every root of unfruitfulness, stagnation, barrenness, setbacks and failure in my life. I undo whatever you have done in my life and I command you to dry up.
- In the name of Jesus I cast out of my life spirits of instability, affliction, non-achievements, disappointments and agents of frustration. I overthrow all satanic strongmen attached to my life and success in Jesus name.
- I incapacitate all the forces of poor finishing, labouring in vain, yokes of infertility and dryness of life that are working against the seed I sowed and against my efforts. (Begin to take a deep breath)
- As I breathe out now, let all demonic loads circulating in any part of my body, blood and spirit come out in Jesus name.
- Let the mountains of problems before me be dismantled and let any force chasing away my helpers be paralyzed in Jesus name.
- I decree that every seed I sow must germinate, that birds of the air will not eat my seed, that all my effort should be watered from the above and that I shall never labour in vain in the name of Jesus.
- El-Gibbor, I shall not build for another to inhabit nor sow for another to reap. In your name Lord I shall multiply, I shall fill the earth and I shall subdue it in Jesus name.
- Loving Father, make a way for me where there is no way, let water flow in the deserts of my life. Let your favour speak for me, prosper the works of my hand, release my overdue blessing and grant me a phone call that will change my life in the name of Jesus.
- Thank you Lord for your mercies and do not give up on me O Lord my God
5th Station
Simon Helps Jesus to Carry His Cross
V We adore you O Christ and praise you
R Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world
Consider this: the same God who made the universe, who controls the sun, who raised the dead was now too weak to carry a piece of timber! His footsteps were becoming unsteady so the soldiers forced Simon to carry the cross behind our Lord. This help although small means a lot to Jesus because a smile, a kind word or a gesture of kindness is enough to attract divine visitation.
Like David, Simon stood when other people were running away. He entered where others were afraid to enter. Today clothed in heavenly amour, we are called into spiritual warfare. We are called to wage war against the forces of evil. Our weapon is the blood of the lamb, the name of Jesus and the cross of salvation.
Prayer points
- Pray against attacks that occur at night
- Pray against forces that manipulate destinies and poison people in dreams
- In the name of Jesus I bind all spirits of the air, water, ground and the underworld. I bind all forces of evil that attack at night, that manipulate people in dreams and that suck blood.
- In the name of Jesus I bind ancestral spirits and spirit idols that move in my vicinity at night. I bind all spirits in the form of masquerades, beasts and birds that pursue people at night.
- In the name of Jesus and by the blood of the lamb, I plunder and cast out every water spirit, witchcrafts and occult servants that feed me , have sex with me and follow me about in the dream.
- In the name of Jesus I bind you powers of the graveyard and other forces that make me see dead people in the dream. I break loose from any attachment with spirit of death and I cast out all territorial spirits from my compound in the name of Jesus.
- In your name Jesus I render ineffective all incantations, incenses offered to spirits and all evil meeting that hold at nights against my life. I render powerless all poison that entered my body through dream and all manipulations of spiritual husband/wife in Jesus name
- Jesus my stone of help, deliver me from attacks that come at night. Nullify O Lord! The effects of whatever I ate in dream and all sexual encounters. Save me from powers that press people and suck blood, and scatter all their plans to get me in dreams in the name of Jesus.
- Thank you Lord for your mercies and do not give up on me O Lord my God
6th station
Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus
V We adore you O Christ and praise you
R Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world
A woman, Veronica seeing Jesus so ill-used and bathed in sweat with blood dripping from his check pushed her away through the crowd and reverently wiped Jesus’ face with a white linen cloth. Our Lord left the image of his holy countenance on the three parts of the cloth.
Can you be brave enough to clean my bloody face? Where is your face? You may ask me and I will answer ‘everywhere: at home whenever eyes are fill up with tears, when tension rises in the streets, in prisons, in hospitals- wherever sufferings exist. My face is there and there I look for you to wipe away my blood and tears.
Have you seen brothers, that we have a saviour that cares, a saviour that bears our burden daily but why do we experience repeating failures! Why all these constant disappointments? Perhaps it is because we have not prayed as we ought to.
Prayer points
- Pray against causes of repeating failures and constant disappointments
- Pray down open door and divine visitation in all areas of your life.
- Thank you Lord, the source of all goodness for leading me into this very hour of change. I confront all the fears in me and with the word of faith I look unto you the Crucified for my transformation.
- Forgive me O Lord! For opening gates of repeated failure in my life. Forgive me for backsliding into sin, for prayerlessness and lack of faith.
- Jesus my Passover is still bleeding for my sake paying all the debt I and my ancestors owe in the spiritual world. Therefore, I free my life from every demonic demands and obligations; I nullify every satanic decision taken against my destiny in Jesus name.
- I withdraw all records, all negative confessions against my life spoken by me or by other people and I disorganize all forces that shatter my hopes in Jesus name.
- In the name of Jesus I reject shame and sorrows again and again. I reject repeating failures and disappointments. I hereby choose glory and acceptance. I choose favour and greatness in the name of Jesus.
- This is my hour of breakthrough, let me experience outstanding favour. Let my cry of help come to you O Lord. Pay attention to my cries for I am your child the son of your handmaid.
- You disorganized the chariots of Pharaoh; you turned around the fortunes of your people Israel. Remember your promises to my fathers in faith. Send your holy angels Lord to lead me to my desired destination in the name of Jesus.
- Jesus, you came that I might have life and all that comes with it in abundance. I humbly pray that all barriers to my breakthrough, all hindrances to my success and growth be broken in the name of Jesus.
- You stooped down to make David great, may your favour grant me access to the throne of grace. Remember me O Lord in your moment of visitation.
- Thank you Lord for your mercies and do not give up on me O Lord my God
7th Station
Jesus falls the second time
V We adore you O Christ and praise you
R Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world
Weakness of the body, agony of loneliness and pains of betrayal together with the shouts of the crowd and rough handling of the soldiers caused Jesus to fall the second time. Our Lord stumbled but his fall lifted us up. His staggering under the heavy cross gave us stability and restoration. To our falling again and again into temptations and problems Jesus says ‘Faint not my son, wake up and fight the battle of faith’
The enemy came to kill, steal and destroy but I came that you may have life and have it in full. John 10:10 Freedom is what Christ came to give us so no power has the right to hold us captive anymore. Sit up believers! Wake up those who are asleep because the battle is on! Let the supernatural in you boil. If you cannot fly, run. If you cannot run, walk or even crawl. Raise high the cup of salvation, call on the name of the Lord and see if the prison gates will not open.
Prayer points
- Pray and break the power of captivity over your life
- Claim your inheritance in Christ Jesus
- Plant the seeds you want in your life
- Thank you the author of life for coming to the earth to make us holy, healthy and happy. Thank you for giving us your children the mandate to liberate the captives and announce the time for divine visitation. Lk 4: 18
- Emmanuel, grant me at this hour the anointing and utterance which the enemies cannot resist. Prepare my arms for war Lord, strengthen my weak knee, open my lips and give me power to destroy the devices of the evil ones.
- I here and now disown and reject the sins of my ancestors that opened doors for demonic manipulation in my life. In the name of Jesus, I cancel all demonic workings that have been passed down to me from my ancestors. I renounce all satanic assignments that are directed towards me. Jesus has bought me with a price therefore I reject anyway in which Satan may claim ownership of me in Jesus name.
( Lay hand on yourself right now and make the following declaration)
- I set myself free from every form of demonic captivity and domination. I break any spiritual prison prepared by witches and evil powers to capture my life and progress in the name of Jesus
- In the name of Jesus I overthrow and break every spirit of limitation, spiritual barriers, invisible ropes, curses, evil spirits and every stronghold that stand against my advancement and breakthroughs in life. I decree your end and collapse in Jesus name.
- Every arrow of family idols fired into my life, every poison that entered my body and every demonic bullet that exist in my body in the name of Jesus. I neutralize your powers and render you useless
- Behold I have given you power to uproot and to plant Jer 1: 8 I stand and uproot every seed of poverty, sickness, liability, servitude and sin planted in my life in Jesus name.
- Whatever that is born of God overcomes the world. I destroy all forces fighting against my release and deliverance. I arrest all agents of the wicked one, charms. Spells and power of the graveyard that are working to keep me in detention. Let the fire of the Holy Spirit consummate your destruction in Jesus name.
- Jesus came to set the captives free. Therefore in his name I free all departments of my life from stagnation and captivity.
- Dispatch your angels O Lord at this hour to the camp of the enemies. As you did in the days of Peter, send your angels to break open every iron bars and prison gates that are holding my future in Jesus name.
- Thank you Lord for your mercies and do not give up on me O Lord my God
8th Station
Women of Jerusalem Weep for Jesus
V We adore you O Christ and praise you
R Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world
Some women on seeing the pitiable condition of this prophet broke into tears perhaps as they recalled those glorious days spent with Jesus when everyone exclaimed ‘He has done all things well’ Mk 7:37. But Our Lord did not need such a pity. He invited the women to weep for sin which was the cause of the problem ‘Weep not for me’ he said ‘But for yourself and your descendants. For if they do these things to the green wood, what shall be done to the dry? Lk 23:28
My son, are you quick to sin, remember you have not finish atoning for the ones you committed before. Do you not know that you loose your birthright anytime you commit sin? Why sell your future for a plate of porridge? Look at what immorality, injustice, lies and prayerlessness have done to your blessings? You struggle to get the food you eat. You serve the pagans in order to receive favour. You wait on God for days but no answers still you do not want to return to me!.
Prayer points
- Ask for mercy for all immorality and ask God to free you from the yoke of slavery
- Pray for double portion of God’s favour
- Reclaim all territory handed over to Satan by you and your ancestors
- God of mercy, forgive me for handing my option over to the devil through immorality, cheating people and lack of self control. I now realize my foolishness, please do not hide your face from me.
- My redeemer, save me from all diseases, infections, setbacks and persecution. Restore me as you did to our mother Sarah. Give me a song and testimony that will surprise my mates in Jesus name.
- In your name Jesus I break and loose myself from every soul-tie, spiritual bonding and demonic attachment which entered my life through sex.
- Any territory, authority, leadership and dominion handed over to the devil by me and my ancestors, I now reclaim them. I am summoning all these forces of evil to Calvary the court of justice and I ask the blood of Jesus to plead my case.
- All my blessings, destinies and successes that have found their way in the camp of the enemies as a result of my sins, laziness and ignorance in the name of Jesus I re-channel them back into my life.
- Open your heads O ancient gates! raise your hands all ancient doors for the King of Glory to come in. In your name O Lord I break all barriers to my expansion in Jesus name.
- Instead of shame you will receive the double portion. In place of disgrace you will be crowned with glory of the firstborns. Is 61:7. In your name Lord! Let all my blessings locked up in the spiritual be released in Jesus name.
- Answer me the way you did to Jabez who prayed 1 Chr 4: 10. ‘ O Lord bless me indeed, enlarge my coast, let your hand be with me and keep me from evil so that I will be free from pains’
- Arise O Lord and crush the forces that have taken over my inheritance. Raise your standard against them My Father and defend my cause for you alone are my husband.
9th Station
Jesus Falls the Third time
V We adore you O Christ and praise you
R Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world
With few steps to the top of Golgotha, Jesus could no longer stand on his two feet. The more he tried to move the more his strength failed him so finally he fell helplessly on the ground and his cross banged on his head. Nobody came to his rescue, nobody felt concerned. It was the will of the Lord to bruise him. He has to be put to grief when he makes himself an offering for sin. Isaiah 53: 10
My children, although my body is too weak to move, my will is mine and willing to continue. One thing is certain, your body may be broken but no force on earth or hell can take away your will, your will is yours.
We are coming close to the hour angels dread. The Son of man was getting ready for the holocaust; a sacrifice of his will and his life for us. Even the devil was watching to see how it will all end ‘ So God can die for the sake of mere men! It’s a mystery. For God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever believed shall not die but have eternal life. Jh 3:15
Prayer Points
- Ask God for financial blessing
- Pray for increase in your income and for more customers
- Ask God to take away unnecessary expenditure and free you from debt
- Thank you Righteous King for accepting to fall so that I can be lifted, to be humanized so that I can be divinized, to be poor so that I can be rich.
- Now let us approach the throne of grace with confidence and ask for grace when we are in needs Heb 4: 16. As you instructed Lord I am asking for financial breakthrough and market growth. Prosper me financially this month in the name of Jesus.
- I am a giver and I am kind like Dorcas. Open for me the store gates of heaven so that I will have enough. Send your angels to bring customers and money into my life and business this week in Jesus name.
- I cast out of my life and business spirits of laziness, delays in getting results, devourer and spirit of always waiting. I break your hold over my business by the blood of the lamb and I set my finances free in Jesus name.
- Let every force operating in my location, forces that drive away customers and all anti-breakthrough spirits be paralyzed in Jesus name.
- In your name Jesus I refuse to wear garment of debt. In your mercy make me a financial pillar in your house. Cause my debtors to pay me. Let all unsold items be sold. Let all unapproved contracts be approved. Send helpers from east and west to assist me. Grant me the same favour you showed to Esther and Modecai in Jesus name..
- Satan I command you to loose my finances in Jesus name. Let there be increased income and decreased expenditure. I block all transfer of my wealth in evil meetings and neutralize the power of evil money that entered my business. In the name of Jesus I neutralize the effects of evil trees and all wicked plans of my competitors.
- He prepared a table before me in the presence of my enemies. He anointed me with oil and my cup is overflowing. Ps 23:5. Holy Yahweh, take me to another financial level. Provide for my needs as you did to the widow of Zerephat. Let my pot never run dry in Jesus name.
- Thank you Lord for your mercies and do not give up on me O Lord my God
10th Station
Jesus is Stripped of His Garment
V We adore you O Christ and praise you
R Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world
When Jesus reached the top of Calvary, the soldiers striped him of all his garment. His inner garment adhered to his torn flesh and the soldiers dragged them off so roughly that the skin came out with them. Despoiled, stripped and left in absolute poverty, our Lord was left with nothing except the wood of the cross.
Behold the poorest king that ever lived. Before his own creatures, he stands naked. Even his cross, his death-bed was not his own. Possessing nothing, he owns everything. You can learn important lesson from the crucified one, you can learn contentment and humility.
This is the word of the Amen. I know your work, that you are neither cold nor hot…. You said I am alright but you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiable, blind and naked. I advice you to come to me and buy gold so that you will be rich, white clothes to wear so that you can cover your shameful nakedness and ointment to put in your eyes so that you can see. To him who overcomes, I will give the right to sit with me on the throne just as I overcame and sat with my father on his throne. Rev 3: 14-21
Prayer Points
- Pray for restoration of all lost glory and blessings
- Pray for new opportunities, contact, ideas and new environment
- Adoration to you Emmanuel who bears my burdens day and night. All praise to you King of all ages for raising my horn
- May those who hope in you not be disappointed because of my condition. In your mercy Lord, make me a symbol of promotion.
- Do not let my situation escape the anointing of crucifixion; remember me when you are going about doing good. Look at my tears and come to my rescue lest men will ask me ‘where is your God”
- Send your angels my God to stir the water again for my sake. Wash me thoroughly in the pool of Silom and free me from the yoke of afflictions
- You are the resurrection and life. Loose me and let me go. Let the oil locate me. Free me from the cord of death and crown me with oil of gladness.
- Bless me the way you did to Daniel whom you blessed with intelligence, wealth, power and deep relationship with you. Make me your battle axe O Lord so that I can be used to set my family free.
- May all who desert me begin to return one after the other with apologies. Let all seeds of kindness I sowed yield a hundred fold. As you did in Cana, provide a better wine for me in Jesus name.
- Lord, you used Cyrus a stranger to restore the Israelites. Please use someone I do not know to locate me. Lead me to a still water O Lord, Give me testimonies which my enemies cannot deny.
- Your steadfast love O Lord never ceases, your mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning and great is your faithfulness Lam 3:22. Multiply my bread my father and make me worthy to serve in the king’s court.
- Restore me O Lord as you did in the water courses and in the Negeb. May those who sow in tears reap in joy. Restore my lost years Father and all that caterpillars have eaten in Jesus name.
- Let goodness and kindness follow me, let men and women compete for my attention. Let my investments attract great returns. May I receive the arrears of all blessings and rewards which I lost to spirit of evil repayment in Jesus name.
- Thank you Lord for your mercies and do not give up on me O Lord my God
11th Station
Jesus is Nailed to the Cross
V We adore you O Christ and praise you
R Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world
Now they are crucifying our Lord and with him two thieves, one on the left and the other on the right. It was love that brought Jesus to Calvary and on the cross, all his gestures and words were of love, love both strong and calm. With a gesture befitting an eternal high priest, he opened his arms to the whole human race.
My executioners pressed the nail into my hand until it stabbed my flesh. Then a heavy hammer blow smashed and pain exploded like a bomb of fire in my brain. Then they seized my other hand and my legs. And each time, agony exploded- All these because of you!
Behold, I lay a stone in Zion, a chosen and precious cornerstone and anyone who trusts in him shall not be put to shame 1Pt 2:6 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing but to us who believe, it’s the wisdom and power of God. From the cross flows victory, authority, restoration and grace. For the law came through Moses but grace through Christ the Crucified.
Prayer Points
- Pray that God will provide solution to all your problems
- Make specific requests
- To a man who believe, all things are possible. I need a change to the next level. I believe O Lord, help my unbelief.
- I uproot all seeds of failures and impossibilities planted in my life as a baby. I nullify every incantation issued against my progress. Let every evil hand in my foundation pointing against my destiny wither and die in Jesus name.
- You Lord Jesus are able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that I ask or imagine. Eph 3:20. In your name O Lord I ask for victory in all areas of my life. Lead me to a greener pasture, expose me to tangible blessing and favour the works of my hand in the name of Jesus.
- Remember Lord how I have served you faithfully and wipe away my tears. Let my points of ridicule be converted to sources of miracles in the name of Jesus.
Make your request here (Ask God for tangible favour)
- Every abandoned project in my life, receive the breath of life in Jesus name. The expectations of the Righteous cannot be cut off. I boldly declare that my vision and plans in life will prosper in Jesus name.
- Let the angels of the Living God roll away every stone of hindrance to the manifestation of my breakthrough in Jesus name.
- Lord Jesus. You hold the key of David, what you open, no one shuts. What you shut, no one opens. Rev 3:7. In your name Lord, I open all closed door in my marriage, health, finances, education and spiritual life. Let them remain open every day in the name of Jesus.
- Awesome God, lift me out of pit of despair, set me on a rock and lead me to mountain top of victory in Jesus name.
- El-Shaddai, make a way for me in the deserts of my life. Let water flow in the dry areas of my life. Grant me open heaven and settle all unfinished cases in my life in the name of Jesus.
- Thank you Lord for your mercies and do not give up on me O Lord my God
12th Station
Jesus Dies on the Cross
V We adore you O Christ and praise you
R Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world
At three o’clock, there was darkness all over the place. Jesus cried out ‘Eli Eli, Lama Sabacthani’ Then to fulfill the scriptures, he said ‘I am thirsty’ A soldier soaked a sponge in vinegar and put it to his mouth. Jesus sipped it and exclaimed ‘It is finished’ There was earthquake, graves opened and the dead came back to life. The veil in the temple was torn from up to down. A centurion seeing all these exclaimed ‘Truly, this man is the Son of God’. Jesus finally said ‘Father into your hand I commend my spirit’ he closed his eyes and died.
‘It is Finished’, the ugly situation is ended. The reign of the devil in your life has expired. For he forgave all our sins and cancelled all written demands and accusations against us. He took them away, nailing them to the cross. And on the cross, he disarmed all powers and principalities. He made a public disgrace of them by taking them as captives in his victory procession Col 2:14. We are now born into new life. We are now conquerors in Christ. Now we can call God ‘Abba Father’
Prayer point:
Appropriate the benefits of his death to all your situations
(Stand up, walk around and make the following declaration)
I am redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus. I eat at the table of the Lord and my name is written in the book of life. Therefore I decree that
- Every yoke of sin, fear and prayerlessness in my life be broken in Jesus name
- Every yoke of barrenness, rejection and embarrassment in my life be broken in Jesus name
- Every yoke of relationship failure, business failure and sickness be broken in Jesus name
- Every yoke of mental disorder, death, accident and marriage-related problems be broken in the name of Jesus
- Every yoke of serving others without rewards, obstacles in time of miracles and stagnation in my life be broken in the name of Jesus
Begin to pray in tongues/Pray aloud, Exercise your authority, Also sing songs of Victory
Litany of Deliverance
Jesus the Savior of the world Deliver me from Satan’s power
Jesus the Son of the Living God ,,
Jesus the ruler of angelic powers ,,
Jesus the mediator of the new covenant ,,
Jesus the vanquisher of demons ,,
Jesus the Lion of the tribe of Judah ,,
Jesus the Lamb of God ,,
Jesus the Son of David ,,
Jesus the anointed messiah ,,
Jesus the hope of prisoners ,,
Jesus the image of the invisible God ,,
Jesus the conqueror of death ,,
From every yoke of slavery Set me free
From the sins of my forefathers ,,
From every spiritual label and marks ,,
From ancestral and familiar spirits ,,
From the forces of delayed blessing ,,
From the powers of spirit husband/wife ,,
From the manipulations of evil spirits ,,
From the attacks of marine spirits ,,
From the influence of charms and spells ,,
From any demonic dedication ,,
From the attacks of household enemies and witchcraft ,,
From all curses and sin ,,
From eating and drinking in the dream ,,
To undo whatever the enemy has done Send your angels Emmanuel
To scatter my enemies ,,
To terminate all demonic assignments ,,
To cast the devil into the abyss ,,
To finish the work you started ,,
To open the gates of captivity ,,
When they discuss me in their evil meetings Arise O Lord and defend me
When they invoke me to appear in their mirrors ,,
When evil men report me to shrines ,,
When am asleep and when am weak in prayers ,,
When the ancient serpent tries to deceive me ,,
When the waters of evil tries to swallow me ,,
When the old dragon roars at me ,,
When my prayers are hijacked in the spiritual world ,,
When my blessings are blocked from manifesting ,,
When demonic agents report me to their kingdoms ,,
When you are going about doing good Remember me O Lord my God
When you are restoring the glory of your people ,,
When you are opening the prison gates ,,
When your angels are exulting you ,,
When you are speaking to the dry bones ,,
When you are making all things new ,,
When you are interceding at the right hand of the father ,,
When you are coming again in glory ,,
13th Station
Jesus is Taken Down from the Cross
V We adore you O Christ and praise you
R Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world
Mary stood by the cross full of grief and John was beside her. But it was getting late and the Jews pressed for our Lord to be removed from there. Having obtained the permission required by Roman law for the burial of a condemned prisoner, Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus brought down the body of Jesus and placed him in the arms of his mother.
These men were not known publicly as disciples of Jesus. They were not present at the great miracle and were not present on his triumphant entry. But now, when things have turned bad, when others have fled, they were not afraid to stand up for the Lord. They were not ashamed of the gospel. They have encountered the glory of the inner sanctuary.
Prayer Points
- Pray for the anointing of God
- Pray for spiritual growth and for gifts of the Holy Spirit
- Lord I want to see your glory. I want to encounter you in a way I have never before. Lead me into a deeper relationship with you in Jesus name.
- Increase my faith O Lord; I want to be spiritually mature this year. Grant me spiritual insight and anointing in Jesus name.
- I want to break camp and advance. I want to leave the land where I am tolerated to where I will be celebrated. Launch me to a greater height in my destiny in Jesus name
- I am waiting on you O Lord, make me a soul winner, and make me a pillar in your house. I want to know your purpose for my life
- Those that wait for the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. Give me understanding of your timing, let me not be in hurry always but to wait for the appointed time in Jesus name
- Grant me fresh oil for prayer. I am growing tired of lifting my hands in prayer. Send your spirit once again to revive me. Quicken up the desires of my inner man
- Baptize me with Holy Ghost and fire. Set me ablaze in the spirit, give me grace O Lord to live in the supernatural.
- Let your prophecies on my life manifest. Empower me with the auction from on high. Let me be a light to the pagans and glory to your people Israel
- Let the resurrection power transform me. Pour out your spirit upon my flesh. I want to prophecy, I want to see visions and dream dreams. Let your power flow through me in the name of Jesus.
- Thank you Lord for your mercies and do not give up on me O Lord my God
14th Station
Jesus is laid in the tomb
V We adore you O Christ and praise you
R Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world
Very near the place of crucifixion, in an orchard, Joseph of Arimathea had a new tomb cut out of the rock. Since it was the eve of the solemn Passover of the Jews, Jesus was buried there. Jesus came into the world with nothing and he left the world with nothing. Even his tomb was borrowed. He left us his blood, water, clothes, mother and his spirit.
Now it is all over, he has made all things new. No one can condemn us anymore, his death settled it all. His name is now lifted up above all other names. In his name, forgiveness and liberation shall be preached for there is no other name by which we can be saved except in the name Jesus. His death is our victory, his resurrection is our hope. We can now live in newness as sin, death and devil have been striped of their powers.
Prayer Points
- Thank God for his blessings and favour
- Thank him for prayers he has answered
- Re-dedicate your life and family to him
- Read Psalm 18
Begin to sing songs of praises and worship
Greatest devotion of our time for solutions to marital and family problems
This devotion, attributed to Pope Francis has recorded innumerable miracles and testimonies in recent times. Apart from attracting the angel of the book of Tobit, it has proved to be very potent at solving problems which has defied solutions. Ask the great Lady through this prayer to restore reproductive abilities, deal with addictions, solve cases of marital disappointments, soften the heart of dear ones and healing. She understands the problems and difficulties of a family. She has untied many knots in Argentina, Rome, France and now it is your turn. With sincere hearts, let pray “ Dear Lady, I raise to you the ribbons of marriage and family; untie all the knots and make them smooth”
Prayers to our Lady the Untier of Knots
Virgin Mary mother of fair love. Mother who has never abandoned a child who cries for help. Mother whose hands work without ceasing for her children so beloved, because they are impelled by Divine love and by infinite mercy that issue from your heart. Turn to me your gaze of compassion. Look at the many knots of my life. You know my desperation and my pain. You know how these knots paralyze me, Mary. Mother charged by God with untying the knots of the lives of your children, I place the ribbon of my life in your hands. In your hands there is no knot that may not be untied. Mighty mother, with your grace and power of intercession, with your son Jesus, my savior receive today this knot (Name different life issues you need solutions to).
For the glory of God, I ask you to untie it and untie it always. I hope in you. You are the only consoler that God has given me. You are the strength of my precarious powers and richness of my miseries, the liberation of all that prevent me from being with Christ. Accept my plea, preserve me, protect me, be my refuge. Mary untier of knots, Pray for me.
Mary, new Eve, mother of Christ and the mother of the church. You who crush the head of the ancient serpent. You who at the proclamation of the angel welcomed in your womb the savior.You who in Bethlehem gave birth to the creator. You who preserved in your heart that which you could not understand. You who in Cana in Galilee asked for us the wine of joy. You who in silence adored Christ on the cross. You who received the Holy Spirit in the Upper Room, untie the knots of our human misery. Untie the knots of our sins, of our pride, arrogance, greed, indulgence, envy and sloth.
Teach us to love your son as you loved him. Intercede for us who are sinners now and at the hour of our death Amen.
Prayer of Cardinal Bergoglio to Mary the Untier of Knots
Holy Mary, full of the presence of God. During the days of your earthly life you accepted in all humility the will of the Father and the evil one was never able to ensnare you with his confusions. Already together with your son you interceded for our difficulties and with all simplicity and patience you gave us the example of how to disentangle the tangle of our lives. And remaining always as our Mother you arranged and revealed to us the bonds that unite us with the Lord. Holy Mary, mother of God and our Mother you who with a maternal heart untie the knots that constrict our lives. We ask you to receive into your hands (Name some problems you wish to obtain relief from)and free us from the bonds and confusions with which our enemy torments us. By your grace, by your intercession, and with your example, free us from all evil Our Lady and untie the knots that prevent us from being united with God so that free from all confusion and error, we may encounter him in all things, rest our hearts in Him and serve him always in our brothers. Amen
Dr. Kc Onyima is a university lecturer and a lay preacher. He is involved in writing, teaching and prayer ministry. You can share your experiences, prayer points and questions/ testimonies with him on (234)08067798206.
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