10 Best Catholic Prayer For Aborted Babies

10 Best Catholic Prayer For Aborted Babies : Abortion (or termination) is the medical process of terminating a pregnancy so that no child is born. Depending on how many weeks you’ve been pregnant, the pregnancy can be terminated by medication or surgical treatment. Prayer for Aborted Children (SJNCC)

A miscarriage, in which the pregnancy ends without medical intervention, is not the same as an abortion (although medical treatment may be needed after a miscarriage).

Catholic Prayer For Aborted Babies
Catholic Prayer For Aborted Babies

A woman may opt to undergo an abortion for a variety of reasons. Abortion is a very personal decision that, in many situations, is quite difficult to make.

For example, the pregnancy may be unanticipated, and the woman’s personal circumstances may make raising a child difficult or impossible. Financial issues, being in an abusive relationship, when abuse is involved, not being the perfect time, or the mother may not want to have a kid are all possible causes.

Some women may learn that their baby is not developing normally or that continuing with the pregnancy may endanger their own health.

Whatever the reason a woman decides to terminate a pregnancy, it is her decision.

Check 10 Best Catholic Prayer For Aborted Babies :

Heavenly Father, Thou hast given us the gift of freedom to love and obey Thy precepts.

Some parents chose to misuse their freedom by ruining the gift of life that Thou hast bestowed upon their children.

Please forgive those who endanger human life by terminating the lives of their unborn children.
If it be Thy will, give these unborn children the opportunity to enjoy Thee for all eternity.

Help me to be one in solidarity with Thy young ones by remembering Thy Son’s words, “whatever you did for one of these least brothers of Mine, you did for Me.” (Mt. 25:40)
Allow me today, Father, to spiritually adopt an unborn child and to offer my prayers, deeds, pleasures, and sorrows for that child, so that that child may be born and live for Thy greater honor and glory.

In Jesus’ name, we pray, in conjunction with the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen.

Best Catholic Prayer For Aborted Babies :

Heavenly Father, I hope that each child whose beautiful life was cut short while in their mother’s womb, in violation of Your perfect design, is with You in heaven.

I hope they realize they would have had amazing and gorgeous children. I beseech You to take these youngsters into Your arms and console them. I ask for forgiveness for their parents and those who counseled, provided services, or failed to do enough to prevent their abortion. I pray that these youngsters stay close to one other and to You.

Each of these girls and boys was carrying out their vital duty of developing within the warmth and comfort of their mother’s womb. Each would have been born with their own personality, uniqueness, hopes, and goals. None of them will ever know the joys of development, companionship, success, and love on Earth. We are doubly and triply impoverished by their absence because none of them will have children or grandkids.

I wish that these girls and boys realize how desired, adored, and precious they would have been for us, had they had the chance to touch us with their beauty and purity and become a member of one of our families. I hope that they will one day be reunited in love with their parents and siblings.

I pray that you use the deaths of these children as a spark for countless graces, by encouraging their parents and others to work for life.

I ask that You pardon us all for not recognizing and loving Your creation’s offspring enough, allowing the knowing termination of their innocent lives.

I also hope that we continue to learn and grow in compassion, so that our choices are always life-affirming.

Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

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