40 Best Breakthrough Prayer Points – En-enlarge thy tent, and let them extend forth the curtains of thy dwellings: spare not, lengthen thy ropes, and strengthen thy stakes; For thou shalt break out on the right hand and on the left, and thy descendants shall possess the Gentiles and occupy the desolate towns.
Looking for a break in business, work, finance, or any other aspect of your life? You’ve come to the proper place for your heart’s desire. In the tremendous name of Jesus Christ, may your desired breakthrough happen quickly as you pray these 40 breakthrough prayer points.

Without a doubt, it might be challenging to obtain a promotion, progress, or breakthrough in a specific area of one’s life.
Remember that our Lord, Jesus Christ, has promised us victory through Him! Victory over sin, ancestral powers, poverty, stagnation, demonic strongholds, delay, and everything else that has stymied your progress in the past. Isaiah 41:15 (1 John 5:4)
In Isaiah 54:3, He promises that we will burst out on the right and on the left, implying that we will experience an all-around breakthrough.
This is why we are so confident that as you believe in your heart that God is capable of granting you breakthrough in those areas where you have been experiencing delays and pray these 40 breakthrough prayers, all your requests will be granted quickly, and you will indeed experience breakthrough in all areas in Jesus mighty name.
Whatever the source of your delay and stagnation, whether ancestral powers, demonic influences, bad covenants and laws, curses, etc., the Lord will execute His good work in your life, offer you relief, and lead you to experience breakthrough all around in Jesus’ great name.
However, as you wait for God’s great breakthrough, make sure you do your part, which is preparation for the breakthrough. In whatever field or aspect of life you are expecting a breakthrough, make sure you are consistent, determined to succeed, and of great character, so that when your breakthrough comes, you are not unprepared, unrefined, or unfit.
40 Best Breakthrough Prayer Points :
1. Lord, I praise you for your ability to do all things via your might and strength.
2. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for being faithful in all your ways; blessed be your name, oh Lord.
3. Father, I thank you for your everlasting kindness and grace in my life and in the lives of my family; to you be all praise and honor in the magnificent name of Jesus Christ.
4. Lord, I thank you for your desire for me to succeed in every field; praised be your name in the magnificent name of Jesus Christ.
5. I beg your pardon. Lord Let your mercy speak for me in the powerful name of Jesus Christ, for I have labored against your plan for my life in every manner.
6. Oh Lord, I beseech you to show me grace in all instances where I have fallen short of your plan for my life, in Jesus’ powerful name.
7. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I declare that I will break out on all grounds.
8. In the magnificent name of Jesus Christ, no more delay, no more stagnation for me.
9. In the great name of Jesus Christ, I demand every impediment to my breakthrough to move out of the way.
10. In the great name of Jesus Christ, I compel every demonic entity preventing my breakthrough to flee by fire.
11. In the great name of Jesus Christ, I decree that my breakthrough will happen quickly in this season.
12. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I command that the skies open above my career and wealth.
13. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I pronounce that I will leave my current level for a higher one in my business.
14. I refuse to continue laboring under the control of Satan, and I rise up today in the tremendous name of Jesus Christ.
15. In the great name of Jesus Christ, I order that my global fame occur quickly.
16. Those I need to produce a worldwide phenomenon will find me quickly in the tremendous name of Jesus Christ.
17. Breakthroughs and prayer points that are larger than my age In the great name of Jesus Christ, I demand them to occur in my life right now.
18. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I will no longer labor with lowly men, but will be seated with kings and queens.
19. In the great name of Jesus Christ, I pronounce that I will be renowned for quality and strength in my work path.
20. I refuse to stay on this normal level, and I decree that my season change immediately in the great name of Jesus Christ.
21. In the magnificent name of Jesus Christ, I reject any ungodly advice to seek shortcuts to breakthrough.
22. In the great name of Jesus Christ, I begin to walk in the fear of God throughout the days of my life.
23. I pronounce that the lines are dropping for me in pleasant places this season, and that I will certainly break through in the powerful name of Jesus.
24. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I reject the lies of the devil that tell me I will continue on the same level.
25. In the majestic name of Jesus Christ, I obtain sound guidance in all that I do.
26. I refuse to be ashamed of my job and finances, and I am breaking out in the powerful name of Jesus Christ.
27. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I receive grace to strive wisely toward my breakthrough.
28. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I receive grace to be hardworking and vigilant so that I do not miss my season.
29. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, the devil shall no longer divert my benefits.
30. Father, may everyone God has chosen to move me to the next level find me today in the tremendous name of Jesus Christ.
31. In the magnificent name of Jesus Christ, I will not miss my destiny Helpers.
32. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I will not miss my appointed moment to burst through.
33. I labor every day to prepare for my breakthrough, and when it arrives, I will be careful to do the right thing in the magnificent name of Jesus Christ.
34. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I am pushing beyond limitations this season.
35. I render useless over my life every barrier that prevented my a Parent from bursting through in the tremendous name of Jesus Christ.
36. In Jesus’ great name, no evil scheme for me in my breakthrough season shall stand, nor shall it come to pass.
37. In the magnificent name of Jesus Christ, I receive grace to remain humble when experiencing my breakthrough.
38. I am pleased, hopeful, and at peace since it is my breakthrough season. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
39. In the name of Jesus, may your will be done in my life.
40. Thank you, Jesus, for hearing our prayers.
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