Act of Hope from the Small Roman Missal

Act of Hope from the Small Roman Missal

Act of Hope from the Small Roman Missal

Since Thou vouchsafest to come and dwell within me, O my Redeemer! What may I not expect from Thy bounty! I therefore present myself before Thee with that lively confidence which Thine infinite goodness inspires. Thou not only knowest all my wants, but Thou art also willing and able to relieve them. Thou hast not only invited me, but also promised me Thy gracious assistance: “Come to Me all ye that labour and are burdened, and I will refresh you.” Behold, then, O Lord, I accept of Thy gracious invitation; lay before Thee all my wants, my misery, and my blindness, and confidently hope, without the fear of being disappointed, that Thou wilt enable me to persevere, unto the end of my life, in Thy service. “In Thee, O Lord, have I hoped; I shall not be confounded forever.”

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