40 Prayer Points For New Believers and Born again

40 Prayer Points For New Believers and Born again – The devil, the father of lies and wickedness, is always waging war and rising his ugly head against a new believer, therefore one of the ways the adversary fights a new believer is by imposing bad yokes on them, one of which is the yoke of sin.

The devil understands that if he lays the load of sin on a new believer, that Christian will repeatedly slip back into sin, even though he has confessed Jesus as His personal Lord and Saviour. This clearly demonstrates why, as new believers and as rooted Christians, we must always recite this prayer.

Prayer Points For New Believers and Born again
Prayer Points For New Believers and Born again

As new believers, we should rejoice because, despite the devil’s rantings, we have victory in Christ Jesus.

John 16:33 “I’ve told you everything so you may have comfort in me.” You will face many challenges and tribulations on Earth. But don’t worry; I’ve defeated the world.”

40 Powerful Prayer Points To Uproot Evil Implantation

The aforementioned Bible Scriptures plainly express our triumph over Satan, regardless of whether we are new believers or planted Christians in Christ.

40 Prayer Points For New Believers and Born again :

1. In Jesus’ name, I thank you for your kindness and mercy toward me and my family.

2. In Jesus’ name, I thank you for your protection and direction over me and my home.

3. In Jesus’ name, I thank you for your provision in my life, business, work, family, marriage, and ministry.

4. In Jesus’ name, I thank you for your forgiveness, kindness, and goodness in my life, family, marriage, and ministry.

5. In Jesus’ name, I thank you for your favor, blessings, and strong hand in my life.

6. In Jesus’ name, my Father, arise and enable me to remain steadfast in you.

7. Oh Lord, with your might, release me from the load of sin and refresh me in Jesus’ name.

8. Oh Lord, in Jesus’ name, I lay down all burdens imposed on me by the devil at the foot of the cross.

9. Oh Lord, I declare my triumph in Christ Jesus and release myself from all previous sins that have bound me in Jesus’ name.

10. In Jesus’ name, Father, release your fire and devour the yokes put on me.

11. Holy Spirit, in Jesus’ name, help me to break free from every wicked foundation of my former life that has bound me and my destiny.

12. In Jesus’ name, disperse by fire any evil scheme to impose any load or yoke on my life, destiny, family, work, academics, marriage, and ministry.

13. God, in Jesus’ name, devour whatever burden of sin and delay stands in the way of my destiny success.

14. In Jesus’ name, Father, please not allow me to come into touch with anyone who would bring me back to my previous life.

15. In Jesus’ name, burn up and devour every force that sponsors the operations of bad yokes in my life.

16. From this day forward, my Father, I declare you to be my Lord and Savior. In Jesus’ name, take control of my life and let your redemption work for me.

17. In the name of Jesus, I confess my sins and submit my life to you.

18. Oh Lord, in Jesus’ name, I command that my trust in Christ Jesus be strengthened.

19. Oh Lord, take over all of my actions and cleanse my life of all wicked acts in Jesus’ name.

20. In Jesus’ name, redirect every destiny waster and sucker away from my life and destiny, family, household, company, job, and ministry.

21. In Jesus’ name, I cancel every wicked scheme of the adversary to return my life, family, marriage, business, job, academics, and ministry to a life of sin.

22. In the name of Jesus, Father, open my eyes and allow me to see and receive your redemption.

23. In Jesus’ name, Father, may my life, family, marriage, business, career, and ministry reflect your glory.

24. Oh Lord, in Jesus’ name, devour by your fire any evil spirits that are promoting retrogression into my life.

25. In Jesus’ name, Father, complete everything affecting me and my home via your strength.

26. My Father, just as you changed Jabez’s tale, arise today and alter my life and story for the better in Jesus’ name.

27. Oh Lord, in Jesus’ name, free me from the shackles of my previous immoral habits.

28. Oh Lord, extend your healing hand to me, remove every disease from my life, and grant me your full healing in Jesus’ name.

29. In Jesus’ name, burn up any yokes of sin that are producing setbacks in my life, destiny, career, academics, family, marriage, and ministry.

30. In Jesus’ name, Father, demolish every altar of sin in my life, job, academics, family, marriage, company, and ministry.

31. Oh Lord, in Jesus’ name, save me from every demonic involvement in my life.

32. In Jesus’ name, God, save me from any sin that seeks to take my life prematurely.

33. Oh Lord, grant me the grace to believe and place my whole confidence in you in Jesus’ name.

34. In the name of Jesus, my Father, boost my confidence in you.

35. In Jesus’ name, I receive the power of your Holy Spirit to stand steadfast in you.

36. In Jesus’ name, my Father, since I have submitted my life to you, shatter the evil works that are being placed on my life.

37. God, in Jesus’ name, I render the power of the Gate of Hell ineffective against me.

38. In Jesus’ name, Father, destroy every demonic headquarters that promotes spiritual sloth in my life, destiny, career, academics, business, family, marriage, and ministry.

39. In Jesus’ name, I break every agreement with all demonic spirits that have been established on my life.

40. In Jesus’ name, Father, since I have dedicated my life to you, let my destiny, star, and glory flash out.

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