40 Prayer Points For My Present Situation

40 Prayer Points For My Present Situation – What is your current situation? Are you going to lose your house or other property, is your marriage collapsing, or are you about to give up on life? Hold on, don’t make a decision just yet; recite these 40 prayers for my current predicament.

True, we face various temptations and events in life that put our character and faith in God to the test; they may be life threatening (sickness, disease, kidnapping of a loved one) or not, but the most important thing to remember when going through any difficulty is that God is capable of turning situations around for you (Job 1).

Prayer Points For My Present Situation
Prayer Points For My Present Situation

He is the same God who helped Job and restored all he had lost (Job 42) He accompanied Daniel in the lion’s lair (Daniel 6:1-16), and He elevated Esther to the throne without her asking (Esther 2,3) Despite the threats to his life, he made David King (2 Samuel 5) He is the same God that existed yesterday, today, and forever.

Light A Candle Prayer Kreupasanam Malayalam (Line , Request)

So, He is ever present with you in your predicament, you may not see Him or feel Him, but as you pray these 40 prayers, may He show up for you mightily to level every mountain, shame your adversaries, restore all your losses, make ways for you where there appears to be no way, and renew your strength in Jesus mighty name.

However, even after the Lord fights your battles, you must not be bitter against anyone. Remember, David had the opportunity to kill Saul, but he never did; instead, he asked God to judge him by Himself (1 Samuel 24:15-16), and Joseph, as the second in command, had the power to punish his brothers for the way they treated him in the past (Genesis 45:1-20), but he never did. As previously said, David chose to leave vengeance in the hands of God (Romans 12:19), whereas Joseph took good care of his brothers. Bitterness is a component that pulls Gad away from your circumstance, therefore while you pray, make sure to remove any bitterness and wrath from your heart (Ephesians 4:31), so that God can show up in your current situation.

May the Lord arise to fight your battles and offer you peace and guidance in your current position as you release individuals from your heart. Let us now go on to the 40 prayers for my current predicament.

List Of Prayer Points For My Present Situation:

1. Daddy I thank you for your kindness and constancy toward my life and family.

2. Thank you, Father, for everything you accomplish in my life; all glory to you, Lord.

3. The father I thank you because you are capable of doing anything, Lord, blessed be your name.

4. Father, I thank you for being aware of what I am going through right now; to you be all praise in Jesus name.

5. The father I thank you for what you are about to do in my life and in the lives of my family; all glory to you, Lord.

6. Thank you, Lord, even for all I’m going through, for you have the power to turn my circumstance around in an instant, blessed be your holy name.

7. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, Father, arise and combat every force of hell that is behind my current position.

8. In the magnificent name of Jesus Christ, save me by your might, and cure me by your strength.

9. Please, Lord, keep my marriage from crumbling.

10. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, please deliver me from this dishonor and shame.

11. In the magnificent name of Jesus Christ, please save me from powers greater than myself.

12. In Jesus’ name, save me from the evil forces of wicked persons who have encircled me.

13. Deliver me from the creators of misery who have set up camp in my house, Lord.

14. Father, please deliver me from those who have declared that my marriage would never be peaceful.

15. Lord, please deliver me from this problem of scarcity and change my scarcity into surplus through your kindness in Jesus’ name.

16. Lord, please save me from those who despise me without reason.

17. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, deliver me from the evil words of the wicked, and deliver my soul from their falsehoods.

18. In Jesus’ powerful name, vindicate me, Lord, and show them that I am innocent of the sin they accuse me of.

19. Lord, please save me from the evil cabals in my job path, and allow their intentions to hold me in one place in life be smashed by fire in Jesus’ name.

20. Lord, save me from the wicked bad terrible thoughts, and enable me Lord to get out of this circumstance unscathed in Jesus’ mighty name.

21. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, Father, please release me from every trap that has been placed for my feet.

22. The adversary has pledged in every manner that I will not recover from my illness; I pronounce that their plans will fail in Jesus’ name.

23. Oh Lord, please free me from myself and keep me from destroying myself in the powerful name of Jesus Christ.

24. Oh Lord, help me to resist distractions so that I might serve your will all the days of my life in the powerful name of Jesus Christ.

25. Father, please rescue me from this overwhelming urge to sin, and assist me in overcoming this temptation now and always in the great name of Jesus Christ.

26. Lord, deliver me from the clutches of barrenness; in your kindness, please give me with my own offspring in the majestic name of Jesus Christ.

27. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, Father, please enable me to accomplish your will all the days of my life; I do not want to stay in mistake and sin.

28. Lord, arise for me in the face of my adversaries, and aid me so that they do not overwhelm me in Jesus’ powerful name.

29. In the magnificent name of Jesus Christ, Lord, please show me your tremendous grace and assist me to remain beneath the shelter of your wings.

30. Oh Lord, please deliver me from this financial quagmire; give aid to me, Lord, in Jesus’ powerful name.

31. Oh Lord, in the magnificent name of Jesus Christ, please provide a way for me where there appears to be no way.

32. Father, please deliver me from unknown foes in the great name of Jesus Christ.

33. Father, arise and save me from the forces of evil that have vowed to make me cry in this season.

34. Oh Lord, assist me to do your will all the days of my life in Jesus’ tremendous name.

35. Father, in the powerful name of Jesus Christ, rescue me from every family adversary who is working against my finances.

36. Oh Lord, in the majestic name of Jesus Christ, show me a way out of my current situation.

37. Father, arise and deliver me from all my foes in the powerful name of Jesus Christ.

38. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, grant my children success on all sides.

39. Lord, pour out your mercies on me, so I may enjoy your grace and favor all the days of my life, in Jesus’ name.

40. Thank you, Jesus, for hearing my prayers and answering them.

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