Romantic Texts Messages :
1. It’s OK to love and lose, but it’s fantastic to lose and love. I lost my heart and fell in love with you!
2. If I wrote your name in the sky, clouds would block it. If I wrote your name in the sand, waves would wash it. If I wrote your name in paper, worms would eat it. So, I wrote your name in my heart, where nothing can change it.

3. Owner’s pride, neighbours envy – that’s what love is.
4. Love is a partnership – where you get all the gains, and I get all the losses. Why else should I have to lose my heart for you to gain it?
5. I think of you, I worry about you. I don’t know what I would do without you.
6. Did you hurt me? Never! Do I love you? Forever!
7. You are too good to be true, too real to be a dream, too wonderful to be lost. No wonder, there’s no one for me but you.
8. Honey is sweet, so are you.
9. When it’s time to say goodbye, I think I’ll just shrivel up and die.
10. If you must leave, close the door behind you, and leave the key behind oh, and leave my heart on the windowsill for the birds to feed on.
11. Alone when I was born. Alone, when I’m to die. But if I get to spend all the time in between with you, it would be worth my while.
12. Touch me lots, Kiss me lots. If you love me, don’t leave me in knots.
13. Good night, sleep tight. Dream of me while I hold you tight.
14. Ever heard of MISSION IMPOSSIBLE – that’s what I’d be on if I had to forget you.
15. I love you more than I can say. Enough to tell that I love you more every day.
16. I envy your tears they are born in your eyes, slide on your cheeks and kiss your lips, to fall to your heart.
17. You are as yummy as a strawberry pie.
18. If you want to go, I’ll let you leave. I’ll wait right here till you come back to me.
19. I feel hot when I think of you. So, I’m going to get me some ice cream.
20. Pink and luscious, juicy and sweet I can’t stop wanting you just like cherry and cream!
21. You are heady as wine, classy as champagne. I thank God You are mine, come rain or shine.
22. When wanting is so bad that it hurts inside, when love is so hot it burns inside I think of you and want you by my side.
23. Let’s get together tonight, drink wine and sit by the fire. Tomorrow may come too late or we just may not care.
24. Take care of yourself for me. Since I live in your heart, you’ll be taking care of me.
25. Save a smile for me, don’t lose them all at the office.
26. Somewhere, someone is thinking of you. So, don’t be sad, I’m waiting for you.
27. All through my math class, I was thinking of you. But I still couldn’t calculate how much I love you
28. When God created the world in six days, why did He take so long to create someone as sexy as you?
29. Angels in heaven, dreams in sleep, water in streams and you in my heart.
30. If you doubt my love for you, give me a shout. I’ll come over and work things out.
31. You without me are like the birds without trees and earth without the streams.
32. I still look at your picture and think You are the sexiest woman alive. Although’ at 82, that’s something of a lie.
33. Read this message and forget this text. Turn off your Cell, but don’t forget the sender.
34. When God created you, He knew something was missing. So He created me, and now everything is right.
35. To see you hurt or to see you cry, it hurts so bad, I could die.
36. White and yellow, orange and red. If you’ll be my pillow, I’ll take you to bed.
37. I’d go through hell and I’d go through fire, but I can’t go through life without your smile.
38. When it hurts, think of me. If it rains, think of me. when will you stop thinking and come get me?
39. Our love is one long sweet dream. Let’s sleep on till we die.
40. They say love is a disease. If so, I like being ill.
41. Bundles of joy, oodles of fun. You are all the things I love, rolled into one.
42. Cute as a kitten, sweet as a rose. No wonder I’m smitten, now there’s no getting better.
43. Open your heart for me. Shut it quick, before someone else steps in.
44. If you feel like crying, give me a ring. I’ll do all that I can to make your heart sing.
45. Why the long face, why the teary eyes? I promise I’ll get you a triple milkshake with ice.
46. Smile and the world smiles with you. Cry and I’ll cry with you.
47. There’s nothing on my mind but you, there’s no one in my heart but you.
48. You must be dead tired every morning, because at night You are always in my dreams.
49. I’ve met many girls, some good, some cute, some funny, some sweet. But not one of them has caught my eye. I sometimes wonder what it is in you that I just can’t let go.
50. True heaven is life at its best, with your arms around me and my head on your chest.
51. So long, my love. Let’s wait until we meet again, some other place, some other time.
52. Through good times and the bad, I’ll always be the friend you wish you had.
53. I’m not one for promises; I’m not one for words. But I’m nothing without you, as empty as a tree without birds.
54. You don’t have to like me. Just adore me and everything will be nice.
55. I send you my heart in this little message. Guard it well and keep it safe.
56. I see so many stars at night, but none are as sweet and dazzling as your eyes by candlelight.
57. You are all I want. Come to me and make my life.
58. I love you more than I can say. you can see it all when you look at my face.
59. When I saw you for the first time, I felt my safe little world shake. Now, I know why – love comes with a lot of ache.
60. I am up for anything you want to do, because I’m lost in love with you.
61. To night is the night for me and you, the night to discover if we’re meant to be.
62. You are the one I adore, I’d give you my life and anything more.
63. Your smile is so gentle, your face so sweet, when I’m with you, my heart skips a beat.
64. When it gets to be forever, and for all that time we’re together, I’d still be longing for you.
65. Till the end of my days, till God takes my breath away, I will continue to say, I’m yours for always.
66. When you feel that no one is there and that love is very rare, remember me and know that I care.
67. If you feel down, or your dreams come shattering, look up and be happy. Your smile is all that matters to me.
68. Whether you make mistakes or your pretty head is filled with grey, I cannot seem to stay away.
69. My life is no longer a song of blue, because I’ve found my love in you.
70. I’m grateful you came into my life. Let’s make it forever – be my wife.
71. I’ve looked for love in all the wrong places. The one place I forgot to look was your heart.
72. Stand by me hold me close, I sometimes feel alone and sometimes lost. You are my anchor, You are all there is.
73. You gave me your heart, I gave you mine. Let’s stay this way till the end of time.
74. Your smile brightens my day and your words blow me away.
75. When you take me in your arms for a kiss, you pull my soul out through my lips.
76. In your eyes I see my life, in your arms my destiny.
77. Let me name a star after you. Let me fetch the moon down to earth. For in love we can aim to do, even that which seems too much.
78. You want to know what love can do? It can make a sane man go mad. Why else would I stand here waiting, while you shop for the perfect pudding?
79. Hair like silk, lips so tender, just one kiss and I surrender.
80. From now till forever we’ll always be together.
81. Text me when you need me, text me when your down, text me when you feel like, but don’t text me at midnight!
82. You are – the smile on my face, the twinkle in my eye, the song in my heart, and the love of my life.
83. It’s nice to feel your fingers laced through mine. Let’s walk through the shadows and catch up on lost time.
84. You are my pillar, the wind beneath my wings. You are the only 1 to hold me when everything else leaves me.
85. You are the one I need, the only 1 for me. Your voice makes me weak, your love keeps me alive.
86. One more year goes by, with you by my side. There’s much I’ve got from life, but none as precious as you.
87. Do me a favours, send me your picture. I’m playing poker and I’ve lost my joker.
88. you laugh, I laugh, you cry, I cry, you make food, I die.
89. Love is the game, and we are the players.
90. If you love me tell me so, or else someone might beat you to it.
91. There’s no rhyme or reason to love – it just happens one fine day to the best of us.
92. Your job is to love, mine is to find the reason – why do you love me so?
93. When things go wrong, when tears come strong, come lean on me, I’ll be strong.
94. If I could, I’d put it up with a neon sign – how I love you and how you’re mine.
95. What did I gain when I fell for you? Love and joy and tears too.
96. No candle without a flame, no love songs without a moon. Trust me when I say I’ve no life without you.
97. Fragrance in flowers, sweetness in cakes. Beauty in your eyes, and the smile on your face. I knew when I fell in love, it was no mistake.
98. Ye Gods up there so full of grace, bless my love and his sexy face.
99. In this world we meet so many pasts, but each leaves a memory so breaks our little heart.
100. I could travel to the end of the world and then come back, plumb the depths of the sea and then rise up, if I can just find my way back to your love.
101. The love I hold inside, I give you through my eyes. Some things don’t need to be said, they’re felt when they are there.
102. Now that we’re together, everything’ s going to be OK. I can buy and you can pay.
103. Got up late for work and nearly missed my bus. Came running to my chair, fell down and mightily cussed. I knew we had an electric night, but didn’t expect the after-effects.
104. Loving is infectious, you catch it like the flu. you started loving me and I fell in love with you.
105. Do you take me to be your lawful mate? To text me all that’s running through your heart, till low battery does throw us apart ?
106. Love is like a mobile phone you keep it close to your heart and You are lost without it.
107. Love is the way I do the laundry while you change nappies.
108. Happy New Year, have a rocking Easter, Good luck on Valentine’s, happy birthday, spooky Halloween and Merry Xmas. Now don’t expect another SMS for the next 12 months.
109. Read this text and you love me, delete it and you desire me, reply to it and you miss me – so what’s it going to be?
110. God made bread to be with cheese. God made you to be with me. How do I know? I asked Him myself!
111. I saw something in the window shop something stunning, pricey and beautiful. I thought I’d get it 4 you, and then I saw it was my own reflection!
112. Beautiful eyes, wonderful smile, the perfect walk and sweetest talk …enough about me, so how are you?
113. You are so sweet you drive me insane. My heart is in agony and I’m in pain.
114. Blown kisses are wasted. Kisses aren’t kisses till they are tasted.
115. Some say that kisses are hated because they spread germs. But you can kiss me baby, because I’m inoculated.
116. A peach is a peach and a plum is a plum You are you and I love you for that.
117. I am the strawberry & You are the cream. Let me lie in your bosom so you can melt around me.
118. Handle me gently, keep me with care. Where I’d like to be is always in your heart.
119. Just thought I’d let you know that every time I look at you, after all the time that’s gone by, I still see the beauty that tied me to you.
120. The moment I see you, my breath cuts short, I feel the blood in my face – I think this must be love.
121. Just 1 kiss and I feel so strong. With your lips on my lips I know I belong.
122. Forever and ever, you and me, With each others’ love happy and free.
123. Like circles in the sand that go round and round, everlasting love is what we’ve found
124. Which is more important to me – you or my life? Well, my life obviously, because You are my life!
125. Let friendship take its course. you lead and I’ll follow.
126. A friendship is sweet when it’s new, and sweeter yet when it’s true.
127. Like old wine that gets better with age, my love for you climbs higher every day.
128. Love is honest, love is true. I know because I found that love in you.
129. Chocolates are sweet, teddy bears so huggable and stars are so bright. Did they make you of chocolates, teddy bears and stars?
130. The dreams in my eyes can become reality if You are the one to walk beside me.
131. A special friend is a rare breed and it’s real hard to find one indeed. Perfect friends are so very few, I’m lucky that I found you.
132. It took me just 1 minute to know you, 2 hours to appreciate you, 3 days to love you, and an entire lifetime to forget you.
133. If you don’t get a seat, don’t worry. Come sit in my heart. That way, you never have to leave.
134. This morning God asked me, “What’s your wish for today?” I thought and thought, then asked Him to please protect the one reading this message.
135. Time may lead me to destruction and faith may break me to pieces, but I’m glad that somewhere in this journey I could share your kisses.
136. A memory so special that it could never die – 2 friends so close that we could never say goodbye.
137. Life has given me many gifts some big, some small. But You are the gift that God gave me, the most precious of them all.
138. You held my hand throughout the night. I think you must have used super glue, because now I just can’t let go.
139. When you are in trouble and you need a hand, remember my number because I’m your friend.
140. A friend is always welcome, at dawn or late at night. Time is of no significance when it comes to you, my dear wife.
141. Life is not easy, it never will be. That’s why we have friends who will never leave.
142. My love is so deeply rooted it can never be uprooted.
143. A friend is someone who remembers the song your own heart has forgotten.
144. A true friend is one who reaches out for your hand and touches your heart.
145. You meet a friend by chance, you become friends by choice, you remain friends by decision, and everlasting friendship is a promise.
146. The sun sets to plunge the world in darkness. The moon rises to give a glimmer of hope. Friends are like the moon, they guide you when there’s nothing else to hope for.
147. When I’m walking in front of you, I’ll lead you, when I walk beside you, I’ll be there for you, when I’m behind you, I’m looking up to you, when I’m without you, I’m missing you.
148. When you breathe, I take in life. In your eyes, I live. So, my love, never cry or I will drown.
149. When the days’ work is done and we share the last few moments together, I know it was worth all the trouble just for these moments that last forever.
150. You have become an addiction. No wonder I experience withdrawal symptoms when I’m not with you.
151. There’s a gift that gold cannot buy, a gem that’s so precious and rare and that’s the way my heart feels every time I see you.
152. Wonderful friends like You are truly rare and few.
153. We never know where time will take us. If we drift and slowly part, remember You’ll always be in my heart.
154. Even after you leave, you will live on forever and ever within my silent heart.
155. A look, a touch that’s all there is between the closest of friends that’s all there needs to be when I’m with you.
156. Like the silent rain that falls throughout the night to quench the parching earth, I didn’t know how much you loved me till you filled my empty soul.
157. When I started dreaming of you instead of pizzas and hotdogs, I knew it was time to look for something new to eat.
158. Many people walk in and out of my life. you, my love, are also free to leave. But you leave your footprints etched in my heart.
159. Yesterday remains in our memories, tomorrow waits in our hopes. Today shines bright and new because of the friends who stand beside us.
160. Our love is so precious, costly and rare. We may be apart but the feelings are all still there.
161. The test of friendship is not longevity. It’s when you leave and I spend a week’s salary talking to you on my phone.
162. True friends are like diamonds, so precious and rare. False friends are like dead leaves, they are scattered everywhere.
163. When I left this morning, you were fast asleep. I looked at your face for a moment and thanked God for my destiny.
164. When you speak my name, it is different. I know my name is safe in your mouth.
165. Your love for me shines through your smile, peeks through your eyes and whispers in the quiet beat of your heart.
166. Love is when you smile through your tears just to let someone know you are OK
167. Love is what makes you smile every time you see him, though it’s the same old face every time.
168. If ever I need a place to hide and spend my life, it will be your heart, because I’d feel safest there.
169. Choose me so you don’t regret, it’s a good deal – in fact, the best you can get!
170. If there are times you make me cry looking for a reason why, there are also times you make me fly and reach the limits of the sky.
171. You ask me what I like about you. I think it’s your eyes, no you’re little pesky mouth or may be your impossible lips ..well, what can I say? I think I love everything about you.
172. Your eyes are looking tired and your lashes are hugging each other tight, go to the land of sweet dreams and meet me there tonight.
173. You say you are ill I have a prescription: one pill of love, a few spoons of hugs and a capsule of kisses that should do.
174. Love is the passion inside that you can’t hide, and the smile outside that never dies.
175. Slowly the leaves of memory fall, I’ll pick them up and gather them all, because today, tomorrow and all my life through, it’s wonderful having someone like you.
176. What if there was no love to share, there were no one to care? Life would then be so bare.
177. The seas for you, the waves for me; the sky for you and the stars for me. Everything’ s for you, and you are for me.
178. If the world stopped turning and the sun stopped burning, I’d still be enjoying my time here, because I was loved by you.
179. I know deep within my heart that sometimes things fall apart and that it’s always hard to part, but I still can’t let you goof you are my dear heart.
180. If the world is full of miseries, it’d still be worth going through, because somewhere in some corner, there’d still be someone like you.
181. If words can’t make you feel better, let me hug you with my arms, listen to you with my ears and worship you with my eyes.
182. If I am the heart, you are the beat within me, pumping the blood into my veins and filling me with heat.
183. Every time I tried to tell you what’s inside, words were hard to find – all I can say is your one of a kind.
184. Every time I miss you, a shooting star falls. So, if one day there are no more stars in the sky, its because you made me miss you too much.
185. Love is gentle, love is kind, love endures, and love is everlasting.
186. The fragrance of a rose reminds me of thee, of sweet hugs and passion and a love that’s forever sweet.
187. Sweet as sugar, soft as butter, I’d melt in your arms if you hold me any tighter.
188. Friendship is like chinaware, so costly and so rare. Once broken it can be mended, but a crack is always there.
189. River to the ocean, beams to the moon, birds to the tree and you to me.
190. If ever you feel down and wonder where love is, remember someone cares, someone preys and someone looks up at the stars and sighs for you.
191. On a silent night when the stars are few, I sit here thinking of you, a lonely tear and a little sigh, o, how I wish I were with you.
192. A square has 4 ends, a triangle has 3 ends, a line has 2 ends and my life has 1 end – to keep you in my heart forever.
193. Well, it’s quite an honour, but it just happens to be true, the best friend I ever had happens to be someone like you.
194. Giggles & laughs, smiles & tears, life has many of these, but just one true love.
195. I’d send you all my love in a letter, sealed with a kiss. But since a letter would take forever, I thought I’d send you my love like this.
196. Are we friends or are we not. Sometimes I feel so, sometimes I do not. Whatever you are, part with you, I will not.
197. Life is sometimes hard, sometimes fun. There is darkness at times till the morning brings the sun. When you’re down, give me a call, I’ll drop by.
198. Till dreams turn to reality and desires fulfilled by destiny, let’s stay together, forever you and me.
199. They say that friends are angels from above, sent by God to share their love. Well, I always knew there was something ‘divine’ about me.
200. Don’t look for beauty and don’t look for skin, look for a heart that loves you from within
201. I wanted to send you something sexy, priceless and cute. But the postman caught me doing it and told me to get out of the post box.
202. There’s only 2 times when I miss you that’s day & night when you’re not around.
203. Your clothes may look good; they may have the latest style. But you aren’t cool dude, till your wearing a smile.
204. I’ll go to the ends of the world to prove my love for you …so long as you promise to let me go alone!
205. Don’t be sad and don’t be blue, Einstein was ugly too!
206. The only way to find love is to get lost in it.
207. There is no sweeter ecstasy than the yearning of your heart.
208. The bond of 2 hearts can never be broken. If it’s true love, it will never be shaken.
209. We are 2 hearts living in just one soul, staying together forever and more.
210. In love we find 2 hearts bound by a delicate twine, yet strong enough to win any test of time.
211. I’m on the top of the world ever since you told me that I’m your girl.
212. Now that I’ve found my way to your heart, I can’t find my way back home.
213. No longer I, but we.
214. You came to me to light my life, me the lady and you my wonderful knight. So now, get off your high horse and start cutting veggies with a knife!
215. I came here as a guest, I liked the accommodation, and now I’m here to stay. So, how much does a room in your heart cost?
216. I might seem to be a world away, but remember I love you, and I’m just a phone call away.
217. Eternity can come and go, but I’ll still be waiting here for you.
218. The words you say, it’s like a dream come true. 2 loving hearts to share 1 love that is so true.
219. Love is a lingering kiss, entwined hands, a shy hello and a soft caress in the dark.
220. My bed refused to sleep with me last night; it said it wanted you.
221. I love you too much for my own good, I know, but I just can’t seem to stop.
222. Love is when you calls me late at night to tell me that you have reached safely…and I actually feel happy you called.
223. I searched high and low, I ran to and fro; in the end when love came, I saw it in you when I opened the door.
224. Behind every successful woman, there is a loving man. Thank you.
225. Your love gives me the strength to fly, to spread my wings and kiss the sky.
226. If love has left you forlorn and you are looking for a friend, I’d like to come by and give you a helping hand.
227. One woman for one man, one love to hold hands, one life to live and one chance to make it all happen.
228. A touch so pure, a smile so true, nothing can beat my love for you.
229. You took my hand and grasped my heart. you kissed my lips and stole my soul.
230. Today, tomorrow and forever love is a drug that gives me power.
231. I miss you more than I can say; I’ll miss you just as much tomorrow and I miss you more and more each day.
232. When I’m scared hold me tight, when I go wrong, please make it right. Our love is like a flame, let it grow bright.
233. Can’t you hear my heart whispering its love for you the words are so loud in my ears, everyone knows about it but you.
234. Mangoes are tasty when they are ripe, love becomes passion just after a fight.
235. Forget me not, forget me never, and always remember we are simply great together.
236. I love you and you love me, it’s so simple just like ABC.
237. I’m sending you an SMS to ease your stress, to bring back that smile and to tell you I’m waiting for your sweet caress.
238. If tomorrow I have to leave, not knowing when we’ll meet, will you still stay here and wait just for me?
239. What would I have to do to get you to notice me too?
240. I’d shout my love with a neon sign and paint your name across the sky all you have to do is be mine.
241. I will fly if you hold me too light and I will cry if you hold me too tight.
242. Love is careless and love is a flirt, love is restless and has people to hurt.
243. People told me love is true, didn’t believe them till I found you.
244. Between the years and between the ages, it’s inevitable but true. Seasons may change and people may go, but I will always belong to you.
245. When I fall in love, it has to be forever. Love is costly you see, I can’t afford another.
246. If we have to part and go separate ways, you will stay in my heart till my dying days.
247. I may not seem like I am here, that’s coz without your love I’m not complete.
248. My love for you is as tried and true as the sky is blue and the misty dew.
249. You ‘fall’ in love ‘coz no one with sense would walk into it.
250. You’re like cool balm on my fevered brow, like sweet water on my parched soul.
251. I can’t resist you, can’t live without you. I can do without anything but you.
252. If you thought that love was funny, and it’d never cost any money, let me tell you honey, please don’t fall in love with me.
253. After you read this text, you will be mine. I’ve sent it loaded you see with love potion number 9.
254. I’m an extreme romantic, so my love flows from coast to coast touching the Pacific and the Atlantic.
255. Trickling down and falling round, all around you on the ground is a love so precious it can’t be found anywhere else but in my heart.
256. My love is beautiful, my love is nice, and my love is sugar, cream and spice.
257. When I see you my heart goes frantic my feelings are all in a tizzy I’m a total mess.
258. Make my pain go away and fill my empty heart, heal all my wounds and promise we’ll never be apart.
259. Once you climb into my heart, you may never leave and you may never grieve.
260. If you’re ready for the ride, hold on tight. I’m going to take you on a joyride of a lifetime.
261. I send this text with all my love. When you switches off the phone, the text will disappear but my love will remain.
262. I can’t wait to get you in my arms and tell you all my thoughts, share everything with you and take you into my heart.
263. Without your love, I feel all alone; like it’s been a million years since I’ve come home.
264. In your simple smile, in your heavenly voice, in your sweet perfume, I found the perfect world.
265. The way you make me feel, you make my world go round. I could go on and on about the way you make me feel.
266. You say it’s time to move on, and I shall say goodbye. But think twice before you leave, coz a heart like this is not easy to find.
267. Three little treasures you give to me one is a kiss, one a hug and one little heart to keep my love.
268. Love has the power to make everything alright, to turn tears into smile and to give meaning to life.
269. I am so in love I feel free, no longer alone.
270. I promise to love you no matter what you do, just promise me you will love me too.
271. Be my friend until the very end. After I die, find yourself another friend.
272. Love is when you hear my footsteps in the dark and opens the door for me before I knock.
273. I’ll always love you, to the end of my days, and then again from beyond my grave.
274. Seasons will change it’s true. Times will pass, that’s also true. But things that don’t change are so few and that’s my love for you.
275. I love to be with you to hold your hands, to see you smile. That’s what makes life worthwhile.
276. On this day I promise you my heart will ever be true and it beats only for you.
277. All day long I think of you. Even when I try not to, I can’t stop thinking of you.
278. When I slipped beneath my blanket, it was so warm and so soft; I could feel the pure bliss and the velvet of your kiss.
279. There’s a sea of distance between us, my love, and I wish it weren’t true, coz all day long I yearn to be with you.
280. When I look at the moon and the way it lights up the sky, I think of you and see the way you brought light to my life.
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